November 16, 2024
Date (Month/Day/Year), Event, Locations, e-mail for more info.
See also Cipher Calls for Papers file for
details on many of these listings.
Also worth a look is
the IACR site, and several others
About submitting items to the Cipher calendar and CFP list, and
information about email delivery failures.
An asterisk [*] points from the submission date entry to the conference
date entry.
The following notations indicate limitations on the distribution of
the event proceedings. The note is based on
the editor's reading of the event announcement. Contact the event
chairs if you have questions.
NP = No proceedings
AO = Proceedings are distributed to attendees only
BP = Only "best papers" will be published
? = Publication status uncertain
No notation means that the proceedings will be
published for distribution outside the conference.
- 11/ 5/24-11/ 8/24: DASC, Boracay Island, Malay, Philippines; Conf Web page
- 11/ 5/24: AI-SEC-, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Conf Web page; Submissions are due; [*]
- 11/15/24: Nullcon, Goa, India; Conf Web page; Submissions are due; [*]
- 11/20/24-11/22/24: NSS-SocialSec, Abu Dhabi, UAE; Conf Web page
- 11/26/24-11/28/24: CRiSIS, Provence, France; Conf Web page
- 12/ 1/24: SPT-IoT, Washington, DC; ; Submissions are due; info:; [*]
- 12/ 3/24: CSF, Santa Cruz, CA; Conf Web page; Submissions are due; [*]
- 12/ 9/24-12/11/24: FPS, Montreal, Canada; Conf Web page
- 12/ 9/24: HOST, San Jose, CA; Conf Web page; Abstracts are due (winter deadline); info:; [*]
- 12/11/24-12/13/24: CSCI-RTCW, Las Vegas, NV; info:; Conf Web page
- 12/16/24-12/20/24: ICISS, Jaipur, India; Conf Web page
- 12/20/24: IFIP-SEC, Hotel City, Maribor, Slovenia; Conf Web page; Submissions are due; [*]
- 12/29/24-12/31/24: UbiSec, Changsha, China; Conf Web page
- 1/14/25- 1/16/25: ICBNT, West Bengal India; info:; Conf Web page
- 2/10/25: CSR, Chania, Crete, Greece; Conf Web page; Submissions are due; info:; [*]
- 3/ 1/25- 3/ 2/25: Nullcon, Goa, India; Conf Web page
- 3/17/25- 3/21/25: SPT-IoT, Washington, DC; info:;
- 4/ 9/25- 4/11/25: AI-SEC-, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Conf Web page
- 4/ 9/25- 4/11/25: SaTML, Copenhagen, Denmark; info:; Conf Web page
- 5/ 5/25- 5/ 8/25: HOST, San Jose, CA; info:; Conf Web page
- 5/12/25- 5/15/25: SnP, San Francisco, CA; Conf Web page
- 5/12/25- 5/15/25: S&P, San Francisco, CA; Conf Web page
- 5/21/25- 5/23/25: IFIP-SEC, Hotel City, Maribor, Slovenia; Conf Web page
- 6/16/25- 6/20/25: CSF, Santa Cruz, CA; Conf Web page
- 6/30/25- 7/ 4/25: EuroS&P, Venice, Italy; Conf Web page
- 8/ 4/25- 8/ 6/25: CSR, Chania, Crete, Greece; info:; Conf Web page
- 5GNS = 5G Networks Security
- ABAC = Attribute Based Access Control
- ACC = Autonomic Cloud Cybersecurity
- ACISP = Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy<
- ACM-MM = ACM International Multimedia Conference
- ACM-MOBILE = ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review
- ACM-MONET = Special Issue of the Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Applications
- ACM-TSEM-SEC = ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Special issue on Software Engineering and Security
- ACM-TUR-C = ACM TUR-C 2017 (Security and Privacy Track)
- ACNS = Applied Cryptography and Network Security
- ACSAC = Computer Security Applications Conference
- ACSF = Advances in Computer Security and Forensics
- ACT-MMS-Track = Advanced and Trusted Computing; Trust Models, Management and Standards (Track)
- ADAlgs = Summer Course in Advanced Distributed Algorithms
- ADCOM = Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications
- ADMiS = Adapting Data Mining for Security
- AES = Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Conference
- AGENTS-EMCSR = From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation
- AICyberSecTrack = AI and Cyber Security Special Track at The 27th International FLAIRS Conference
- AINA = International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
- AIoTS = Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security
- AIPA = Advanced Information Processing and Analysis
- AISC = The Australasian Information Security Conference
- AISec = Artificial Intelligence and Security
- AISW = Australasian Information Security Workshop On Digital Rights Management
- AISW-Pet = Australasian Information Security Workshop, (Privacy Enhancing Technologies)
- ALICS = Applications of Logic in Computer Security
- AMESP = Appropriate Methodology for Empirical Studies of Privacy
- AMOC = Asian International Mobile Computing Conference
- AMS = Active Middleware Services
- APE = Advances in Policy Enforcement
- APF = Annual Privacy Forum APF , Frankfurt, Germany
- APPS = Adaptive and Personalized Privacy and Security
- APS-CPS = Automation Protocols Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
- APTC = Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference
- APWG = Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) eCrime Researchers Summit
- ARES = Availability, Reliability and Security ARES 2024, Vienna, Austria
- ARSPA = Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis
- ARSPA-WITS = Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security
- ASA = Analysis of Security APIs
- ASA-MA = Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications; Symposium on Mobile Agents
- ASAPIs = Analysis of Security APIs
- ASHES = Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security
- ASIACCS = Information, Computer and Communications Security
- ASIACCS-Cloud = Security in Cloud Computing
- ASIACRYPT = ASIACRYPT, Advances in Cryptology
- AsiaJCIS = Asia Joint Conference on Information Security
- ASIAN = Asian Computing Science Conference, Focusing on Computer and Network Security
- AsianHOST = Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust Symposium
- AsiaPKC = Public-Key Cryptography Workshop, in conjunction with 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
- ASSD = Agile Development of Secure Software
- ASWN = IEEE Workshop On Applications And Services In Wireless Networks
- ASYNC = Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
- AT = Workshop on Agent Technologies
- ATC = Advanced and Trusted Computing
- ATMA = Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures
- AusCERT = Asia Pacific Information Technology Security Conference
- AUTONOMICS = Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems
- AutoSec = Automotive and Autonomous Vehicle Security
- AVoCS = Automated Verification of Critical Systems
- BADGERS = Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security
- BCSN = Bio-inspired Cyber Security & Networking
- BDBIS = Baltic Workshop on DB and IS
- BDSP = Big Data Security and Privacy
- BigSec = BigSecurity Workshop of IEEE INFOCOM
- BIOSEC = Biometric Security
- BioStar = Workshop on Bio-inspired Security, Trust, Assurance and Resilience
- BITCOIN = Bitcoin Research
- BITE = Business Information Technology Ethics
- Book-ACCSD = Chapters for book on Applied Cryptography for Cyber Security and Defense: Information Encryption and Cyphering
- Book-DCFS = A book on Digital Crime and Forensic Science in Cyberspace
- Book-SnPFogEdge = Security & Privacy Issues in Fog/Edge Computing
- BTIA = Building Trust in the Iinformation Age, Summer School in Computer Security and Privacy
- CACS = Conference on Computer Audit, Control and Security
- CAI = Cyberspace Security and Artificial Intelligence
- CaLC = Cryptography and Lattices Conference
- CANS = Cryptology and Network Security CANS 2024, Cambridge, UK
- CARDIS = Smart Card Research and Advanced Application
- CASPer = Crowd Assisted Sensing Pervasive Systems and Communications
- CCCpyrt = Colleges, Code and Copyright
- CCJ = Computer Communications Journal special issue on network security
- CCS = Computer and Communication Security
- CCS-Workshops = Workshops for ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
- CCSS = Annual Canadian Computer Security Symposium (see CITSS)
- CCSW = Cloud Computing Security at CCS
- CCW = Computer Communications Workshop
- CD-ARES = Cross Domain Conference and Workshop
- CEAS = Conference on Email and Anti-Spam
- CEC special session = Congress on Evolutionary Computation Special Session on Evolutionary Computation in Cryptology and Computer Security
- CEMNs = Issues in Computing over Emerging Mobile Networks
- CETA = NIST Workshop on Cryptography for Emerging Technologies and Applications
- CFP = Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
- Ch2Cl = Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum
- CheckMATE = Research on offensive and defensive techniques in the context of Man At The End (MATE) attacks CheckMATE 2024, Salt Lake City, UT
- CHES = Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
- CIIW = Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures
- CIKM = International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- CISC = Cryptography and Software Security
- CISMOD = International Conf. on Information Systems and Management of Data
- CISRC = Cyber and Information Security Research Conference
- CITSS = Canadian Information Technology Security Sympsoium
- CLAT = Computer-aided Law and Advanced Technologies track of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- CLC = Workshop on Codes and Lattices in Cryptography
- CLHS = Changing Landscapes in HPC Security
- CloudSec = Security in Cloud Computing
- CloudSecAudit = Cloud Security Auditing Workshop
- CloudSecGov = Special Session on Security Governance and SLAs in Cloud Computing
- CloudSF = Cloud Security and Forensics
- CloudS&P = Cloud Security and Privacy
- CloudSPD = Cloud Security and Data Privacy by Design
- ClusterSec = Workshop on Cluster Security
- CMS = Communications and Multimedia Security
- CNS = Communications and Network Security CNS 2024, Taipei, Taiwan
- C&TC = Secure Virtual Infrastructures, Cloud and Trusted Computing
- CNSSPA = Security and Privacy in Digital Advertising
- CODASPY = Data and Application Security and Privacy CODASPY 2024, Porto, Portugal
- CODASPY = Data and Application Security and Privacy
- CoALa = Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages
- CODEBREAKERS = The New Codebreakers
- CollSec = Collaborative Methods for Security and Privacy
- COMAD = International Conference on Management of Data
- COMPASS = Conference on Computer Assurance (defunct)
- CompMag = Computer Magazine special issue, High-speed Internet Security
- COMPSAC = Int'l. Computer Software and Applications Conference
- CONTEMPCRYPT=Contemporary Methods in Cryptography
- CoopIS = IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
- CORBA SW = Workshop on Building and Using CORBASEC ORBS
- CPAC = Cryptography - Policy and Algorithms Conference
- COSADE = Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design
- CPSIoTSec = Joint Workshop on CPS&IoT Security and Privacy
- CPSS = Cyber-Physical System Security
- CPS-Sec = Cyber-Physical Systems Security
- CPS-SPC = Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy Workshop
- CPSRT = Cloud Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust
- CPSS = Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop
- CQRE = [Secure] Exhibition and Congress
- CREDS = Cyber-security Research Ethics Dialog & Strategy
- CRiSIS = Risks and Security of Internet and Systems CRiSIS 2024, Provence, France
- CRITIS = Critical Information Infrastructures Security
- CrossFyre = Cryptography, Robustness, and Provably Secure Schemes for Female Young Researchers
- CRYPTO = Crypto
- CS2 = Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems
- CSAW = Cloud Security Auditing
- CSCI-RTCW = Cyber Warfare, Cyber Defense, & Cyber Security CSCI-RTCW 2024, Las Vegas, NV
- CSCLOUD = Cyber Security and Cloud Computing
- CSCML = Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning
- CSET = Cyber Security Experimentation and Test CSET 2024, Philadelphia, PA
- CSF = Computer Security Foundations Symposium CSF 2025, Santa Cruz, CA
- CSF-Wk = Computer Security Foundations Symposium Workshops
- CSFS = Computer Security Foundations Symposum (see CSF)
- CSFW = Computer Security Foundations Workshop is now the CSF Symposium
- CSI = Computer Security Institute Conference
- CSIIRW = Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop
- CSP-Summer = Building Trust in the Information Age, Summer School in Computer Security and Privacy
- CSR = Cyber Security and Resilience CSR 2025, Chania, Crete, Greece
- CSS = Cyber Security Symposium
- CSS = Cyberspace Safety and Security
- CSSS = Cyber Security for Sustainable Society
- CyberICPS = Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems
- C&TC = Secure Virtual Infrastructures, Cloud and Trusted Computing
- CT-RSA = RSA Conference Cryptographers' Track
- CTC = Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop
- CUING = Criminal Use of Information Hiding
- CVDSWS = Invitational Workshop on Computer Vulnerability Data Sharing
- CW = Cyber Worlds: Theory and Practice
- CWCP = Cambridge Workshop on Cryptographic Protocols
- CWECS = Cloud, Wireless and e-Commerce Security
- CWEGSR = Ethical Guidelines for Security Research
- CYBER-FRAUD = Cyber-Fraud
- CyberICS = Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems
- CYBERLAWS = Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society
- CyberSec = Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic
- CyberSecnTrustSoft = Cyber Security and Trustworthy Software
- CyICPS = Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems
- CYSARM = Cyber-Security Arms Race
- CySecResil = Cyber Security and Resilience in the Internet of Things
- D-SPAN = Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks
- DAMMCC = International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing & Communications
- DAPD-SEC = Distributed and Parallel Databases: Special Journal Issue on Security
- DAPRO = Data Protection in Mobile and Pervasive Computing
- DART = Databases: Active & Real-Time
- DASC = Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing DASC 2024, Boracay Island, Malay, Philippines
- DASec = Big Data Analytics for Security
- DASFAA = Database Systems For Advanced Applications
- DATANET = Datanet Security, Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Wide Area Network Security
- DATE = Design Automation and Test in Europe
- DAWAM = Dependability Aspects on Data WArehousing and Mining applications
- DBSec = Data and Applications Security and Privacy
- DBSec = IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy
- DCCA = Dependable Computing for Critical Applications
- DCCS = Dependable Computing and Communications Symposium
- DEST_SS_ICS = DEST Special Session on Interoperability of Communications and Security DEST_SS_ICS , Cairns, Australia
- DETER = Deter Laboratory Experimenters' Workshop
- DevSecOpsRO = DevSecOps Research and Opportunities DevSecOpsRO 2024, Vienna, Austria
- DEXA = International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
- DEXA-ECS = Electronic Commerce and Security, A Workshop held in conjunction with DEXA
- DEXA-SIDIA = DEXA Workshop on Security and Integrity of Data Intensive Applications
- DFRWS = Digital Forensics Research Conference USA
- DFRWS-EU = Digital Forensics Research Workshop EU
- DIM = Workshop on Digital Identity Management
- DIMACS Security Ver = DIMACS Workshop on Formal Verification of Security Protocols
- DIMACS-InfoSecEc = DIMACS Workshop on Information Security Economics
- DIMACS-SAP = DIMACS Workshop on Security Analysis of Protocols
- DIMACS-WISE = DIMACS Workshop on Information Security Economics
- DIMVA = Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment
- DIREN = Disaster Recovery Networks
- DISC = International Symposium on DIStributed Computing
- DMKD = Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Workshop
- DMSEC = Data Mining for Computer Security
- DOCSec = Distributed Objects and Components Security
- DOD = Dynamics of Disasters: Hybrid Threats DOD 2024, Vienna, Austria
- DOOD = Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
- DPM = Data Privacy Management
- DRM = Digital Rights Management
- DRM-ICC = Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications
- DRMTICS = Digital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues, Challenges and Systems
- DSC = Dependable and Secure Computing
- DSML = Dependable and Secure Machine Learning
- DSN-WACS = Assurance Cases for Security: the Metrics Challenge
- DSOM = Distributed Systems: Operations & Management
- DSPAN = Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (see D-SPAN)
- DSPCS = Digital Signal Processing for Communication Systems
- DSPSR = Data Management, Security and Privacy in Sensor Networks and RFID
- DSSC = Workshop on Dependable and Secure Services Computing
- E3-DATE = Topic E3: Model-Based Design, Verification and Security for Embedded Systems at the DATE conference
- EC = ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
- EC2ND = European Conference on Computer Network Defense
- ECC = Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- ECDLP = Workshop on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
- ECIW = European Conference on Information Warfare and Security
- ECML/PKDD = Workshop on Privacy and Security issues in Data Mining and Machine Learning
- ECOMM = Business Process Reegineering and Supporting Technologies for Electronic Commerce
- eCrime = Electronic Crime Research
- eCRS = APWG eCrime Researchers Summit
- ECRYPT-HASH = ECRYPT Workshop on Hash Functions
- ECTCM = Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures
- EdgeBlock = Edge Computing Security and Blockchain
- EDid = Emerging Digital Identities EDid 2024, Vienna, Austria
- EDOC = Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference
- EFECE = Edinburgh Financial Cryptography Financial Conference
- EICC = European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference EICC 2024, Xanthi, Greece
- EIS = Election Infrastructure Security
- EISA = Emerging Information Security and Applications
- EIT = Enabling Worldwide Communication and Progress Utilizing Information Technology
- Electronic Commerce for Content II = Forum on Technology-Based Intellectual Property Management
- ELS = E-Learning Security
- ENCXCS = Engineering Complex Computer Systems Minitrack of HICSS
- ENM = Enterprise Networking
- ENS = Emerging Network Security ENS 2024, Vienna, Austria
- ENTRSEC = International Workshop on Enterprise Security
- ESAS = Engineering Semantic Agent Systems
- ESCS = Embedded Systems and Communications Security
- ESORICS = European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
- ESSoS = Engineering Secure Software and Systems
- ETAPS = European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- ETFA = Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
- ETRICS = Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security
- Euro PKI = European PKI Workshop
- Euro-PDS = European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- EUROCRYPT = IACR Annual European Cryptography Conference
- EUROMED-NET = The Role of Internet and the World Wide Web in Developing the Euro-Mediterranean Information Society
- EuroPKI = European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications
- EuroSec = Systems Security
- EuroS&P = European Symposium on Security and Privacy EuroSnP 2025, Venice, Italy
- EuroSPEC = Security and Privacy in Edge Computing
- EuroUSEC = European Symposium on Usable Security EuroUSEC 2024, Karlstad, Sweden
- EuroUSEC = European Symposium on Usable Security
- EUSIPSCO-IFSec-Track = European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Information Forensics and Security Track
- EVT/WOTE = Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections
- F2GC = Forensics for Future Generation Communication Environments
- FARES = Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security
- FAST = Formal Aspects of Security and Trust
- FC = Financial Cryptography and Data Security
- FCC = Formal and Computational Cryptography
- FCCT = Future Scenarios for Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism
- FCS = Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security FCS 2024, Enschede, The Netherlands
- FCSFCC = Foundations of Computer Security and Formal and Computational Cryptography
- FDTC = Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography
- FHE = Fully Homomorphic Encryption FHE 2024, Toronto, Canada
- FISP = Federal Internet Security Plan Workshop
- FISSEA = Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association
- FloCon = FloCon
- FM = Symposium on formal methods
- FMC = Foundations of Mobile Computation
- FME = Formal Methods Europe
- FMLDO = Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects
- FMP = Formal Methods Pacific
- FMSC = Workshop on Formal Methods and Computer Security
- FMSE = Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to Code
- FMSP = Formal Methods in Software Practice; See WFMSP
- FNSS = Future Networks Systems and Security
- FOSAD = Foundations of Security Analysis and Design FOSAD 2024, Bertinoro, Italy
- FOSAD = School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design
- FOUNDATIONS = Verification and Validation Research in the Coming Decade
- FPS = Foundations & Practice of Security FPS 2024, Montreal, Canada
- FSE = Fast Software Encryption
- FST-TCS = Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
- FutureSec = Future Security Conference
- GameSec = Decision and Game Theory for Security,
- GBN = Gigabit Networking Workshop
- GENI-Sec = Workshop on GENI and Security
- GenoPri = Genome Privacy and Security
- Globecom = IEEE Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium
- GPCS = Grid and Pervasive Computing Security
- GraMSec = Graphical Models for Security
- GRAND = CRA Conference on Grand Research Challenges in Information Security and Assurance
- GreenComSPT = GreenCom - Security, Privacy, and Trust Computing Track
- GREPSEC = A Workshop for Underrepresented Groups in Computer Security Research
- GTIP = Governance of Technology, Information, and Policies
- HAISA = Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance
- Handbook-Research-on-Information-Assurance-and-Security = Handbook of Research on Information Assurance and Security
- Handbook-Secure-Multimedia = Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution Handbook-Secure-Multimedia
- HASE = IEEE Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering
- HealthSec = Cybersecurity in Healthcare HealthSec 2024, Salt Lake City, UT
- HICSS = Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences
- HICSS-HTC = HICSS Highly Trustworthy Computing Mini-Track
- HICSS-SSADIA = HICSS Mini-Track: Secure Software Architecture, Design, Implementation and Assurance
- HiPC = Conference on High Performance Computing
- HISTOCRYPT = Conference on Historical Cryptology
- HM-HC = History of Cryptography
- HOST = Hardware Oriented Security and Trust HOST 2025, San Jose, CA
- HotDep = Hot Topics in System Dependability
- HOTI = Hot Interconnects, A Symposium on High Performance Interconnects
- HotNets = HotNets - Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
- HotSec = Hot Topics in Security
- HoTSoS = Hot Topics in the Science of Security
- HotSpot = Hot Issues in Security Principles and Trust
- HotWeb = Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies
- HPCNCS = High Performance Computing, Networking, and Communication Systems
- HPTS = Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems
- HSN = High-speed Networks Symposium at Globecom
- HST = Technologies for Homeland Security
- HT-CHES = Hot Topic Session: Hardware Trojans and Trusted ICs
- HUC = International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing
- I-SAT = Information Security, Assurance, and Trust
- I3PFellows = Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P) Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers, junior faculty and research scientists
- IAMCOM = Information Assurance Middleware for Communications
- IAS = Information Assurance and Security
- IASTED = Communication Systems and Networks
- IASTED-specsession = Session on Architectures and Languages for Digital Rights Management and Access Control
- IAIW = IEEE International Workshop on Information Assurance
- IASymp = Symposium on Information Assurance
- IAW = Information Assurance Workshop
- IAWS = Workshop on Information Assurance
- IC3N = International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
- ICAST = Conference on Advanced Science and Technology
- ICATM = International IEEE Conference on ATM
- ICCC = Internation Conference on Computer Communications
- ICCC = International Common Criteria Conference
- ICCCF = CyberCrime and Computer Forensics
- ICCCN = International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
- ICCSA = International Conference On Computational Science And Its Applications
- ICCST = Carnahan Conference on Security Technology
- ICCWS (IEEE) = Cyber Warfare and Security
- ICDCS = International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
- ICDE = Int. Conf. on Data Engineering
- ICDF2C = Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime
- ICDM-PSA = Workshop on Privacy and Security Aspects of Data Mining (in conjunction with ICDM)
- ICDT = International Conference on Database Theory
- ICECCS = International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
- ICEIS = International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- ICET = International Conference on Emerging Technologies
- ICFEM = International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
- ICI = International Cryptography Institute
- ICICS = Information and Communications Security
- ICISC = Information Security and Cryptology
- ICISP = Internet Surveillance and Protection
- ICISS = Information Systems Security ICISS 2024, Jaipur, India
- ICISSP = Information Systems Security and Privacy
- ICITS = Information Theoretic Security
- ICIW = Information Warfare and Security
- ICNP = International Conference on Network Protocols
- ICOIN = International Conference on Information Networking
- ICON = IEEE Conference on Networks
- ICS = Information and Computer Security
- ICSECS = International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems
- ICSS = Industrial Control System Security
- ICSSDBM = Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
- IC-WDISS = Special Issue, Internet Computing, Widely Deployed Internet Security Solutions
- ICTAC = ICTAC Special Track on the Grand Challenge on Verified Software
- ICWN = International Conference on Wireless Networks
- ICWS = Conference on Web Services
- iDASH = Secure Genome Analysis Competition and Workshop
- IDEAS = International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
- IDtrust = Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet
- IDW = Information Domain Workshop
- IEEE-ANETS = IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue on Active and Programmable Networks
- IEEE-COMP-NETSEC = IEEE Computer - Special Issue on Networking Security
- IEEE-INETCOMP = Special Issue IEEE: Internet Security in the Age of Mobile Code
- IEEE-INFOCOMM Infocomm home page
- IEEE-InetComp-SI = IEEE Internet Computing theme issue on Homeland Security, Nov/dec IEEE-InetComp-SI
- IEEE-Internet-Comp-SI-p2padhocnets = Ieee Internet Computing Special Issue on Security for P2P and Ad Hoc Networks
- IEEE-LCN = IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
- IEEE-NetMag = IEEE Network Magazine: Middleware Technologies for Future Communication Networks
- IEEE-NetMag-NetSec = IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue on Network Security
- IEEE NM = IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue on PCS Network Management
- IEEE S&P = Symposium on Security & Privacy
- IEEE-PCM-MOBILE = Special Issue on IP-based Mobile Telecommunications Networks
- IEEESW-SI = IEEE Software Special Issue
- IEEECOMHYB = IEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on Hybrid Networks
- IEEE_COMM_INET_TECH = IEEE Communications Magazine, Internet Technology Series
- IEICE-InfoCommSysSec = Special Section on Information and Communication System Security, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
- IESS = International Symposium on Software Engineering Standards
- IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force IETF
- IFIP Mobile Commns
- IFIP WG11.3 = Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (see DBSec)
- IFIP-NSS = IFIP International Conference on Network and Service Security
- IFIP-NTMS = New Technologies, Mobility and Security
- IFIP-SEC = Information Security Conference
- IFIP-SnP = ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection
- IFIP-SS-PrivIDMgmt = IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management
- IFIP-SSPIM = IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management
- IFIP-SEC = Information Security and Privacy Conference IFIP-SEC 2025, Hotel City, Maribor, Slovenia
- IFIPSummer-Priv-ID-Mgmt = Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies
- IFIPTM = Trust Management
- IH = Information Hiding
- IH&MMSec = Information Hiding and Multimedia Security
- IICIS = IFIP WG 11.5 working conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems
- IIIS = Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Bridging Business Requirements and Research Results
- IJCSSE = Journal of Computer Systems: Science & Engineering. Special Issue on Developing Fault-Tolerant Systems with Ada
- IJICS-Special-Nature-Computation = Special Issue of the International Journal on Information and Computer Security (IJICS), "Nature-Inspired Computation in Cryptology and Computer Security"
- IMACCC = IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding
- IMACS-IEEE99 = Special Session on Applied Coding, Cryptology and Security
- IMC = IMC Information Visualization and Mobile Computing
- IMCS = International Multiconferences in Computer Science
- IMF = IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics
- IMPS = Innovations in Mobile Privacy & Security
- INC = International Network Conference
- Indocrypt = Cryptology in India
- INET = Internet Society Annual Conference
- INFER = Inference and Privacy in a Hyperconnected World
- InfoAssur = Information Assurance
- INFOCOM-BigDataSec = Security and Privacy in Big Data
- InfoSec = Information Security and Cyber Forensics
- InfraSec = Infrastructure Security Conference
- InSAgentBased = Information & Security: An International Journal, Special Issue on Agent-based Technologies
- INSCRYPT = Information Security and Cryptology
- InSPEC = Security and Privacy in Enterprise Computing
- Inspec = Workshop on Security and Privacy in Enterprise Computing
- INTRA-FORA = International Conference on INTRANET: Foundation, Research, and Applications
- INTRICATE-SEC = Security Intricacies in Cyber-Physical Systems and Services
- INTRUST = Trusted Systems
- IOSec = Information and Operational Technology security systems
- IoTPTS = IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security
- IoTSMS = Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security
- IoTSnP = Internet of Things Security and Privacy
- IoTSPT = Security, Privacy, Trust for Internet of Things
- IoTSPT-ML = Security, Privacy, Trust, and Machine Learning for Internet of Things
- IPIC = Integration of Enterprise Information and Processes
- IPICS = Intensive Program on Information and Communication Security, Privacy Technology
- IPIPTM = Trust Management (IFIP Internation Conference on)
- IPPSAP = Identifiability: Policy and Practical Solutions for Anonymization and Pseudonymization
- IPSWG = Internet Privacy and Security Workshop
- IRISH = Irish Workshop on Formal Methods
- IRMA = Information Resources Management Association International Conference
- IRW-FMP = International Refinement Workshop and Formal Methods Pacific
- IPSEC = IPSec Global Summit
- IS = Information Systems (journal)
- ISA = Information Security and Assurance
- ISADS = Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems
- ISC = Information Security Conference
- ISCC = IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
- ISCIS = International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
- ISCOM = International Symposium on Communications
- ISCTURKEY = Information Security and Cryptology
- ISDDC = Intelligent, Secure and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments
- ISDF = Information Security and Digital Forensics
- ISH = Workshop on Information Security and Hiding
- ISI = Intelligence and Security Informatics
- ISIPS = Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Privacy and Security
- ISOC-SF-Trust = Internet trust, challenges and the next 10 years
- ISP = Information Security and Privacy
- ISPEC = Information Security Practice and Experience
- ISPEC = Information Security Practice and Experience
- ISPEC = Information Security Practice and Experience Conference
- ISSA = Information Security South Africa
- ISSE = Information Security Solutions Europe
- ISSEA = International Systems Security Engineering Association Conference
- ISSNIPRFID = RFID Technology, Applications and Security
- ISSR = Security in e-Science and e-Research
- ISSRE = Software Reliability Engineering
- ISSSE = International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering
- ISTCS = Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems
- ISW = Information Survivability Workshop
- ISW = Information Security Workshop
- IT-Sicherheit = Communications and Multimedia Security: Joint Working conference of IFIP TC-6 and TC-11 and Austrian Computer Society
- ITCC = International Conference on Information Technology Coding and Computing
- ITLIT = CSTB Workshop on Information Technology Literacy
- iTrust = Conference on Trust Management
- ITW = Information Theory Workshop On Theory and Practice in Information-theoretic Security
- IVSW = Verification and Security Workshop
- IWACO = Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership
- IWAN = International Working Conference on Active Networks
- IWCC = Cyber Crime
- IWCS = Convergence Security in Pervasive Environments
- IWDW = Digital-forensics and Watermarking
- IWFM = (See IRISH)
- IWES = International Workshop on Enterprise Security
- IWIA = Information Assurance Workshop
- IWNS = Network Steganography
- IWPE = Privacy Engineering
- IWSAC = Security Assurance in the Cloud
- IWSEC = Workshop on Security IWSEC 2024, Kyoto, Japan
- IWSEC = Workshop on Security
- IWSecP = International Workshop on Security Protocols
- IWSPA = Security and Privacy Analytics
- IWSSC = Securing Services on the Cloud
- JBCS = Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
- JCMS = Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
- JCN-SI-Secure-Wireless = JCN Special Issue on Secure Wireless Networking JCN-SI-Secure-Wirless ,
- JDSE = Journal of Distributed Systems Engineering; Future Directions for Internet Technology
- JHSN-SpecialIssue-Policy = Journal of High Speed Networking, Special issue on Managing Security Polices: Modeling, Verification and Configuration
- JOCS = Journal of Computer Security
- JOCSIDS = JCS Special Issue on Research in Intrusion Detection
- JOFC = Journal of Cryptology JOFC
- JOPT = Journal of Privacy Technology JOPT
- JSAC-WDM = IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Protocols and Architectures for Next Generation Optical WDM Networks
- JSAC_SI-DnA-SecAsr = IEEE JSAC Special Issue, Design And Analysis Techniques For Security Assurance
- JSS = Journal of Systems and Software (North-Holland)
- JTS = Journal of Telecommunications Systems, special multimedia issue
- JWWW = World Wide Web Journal
- KDD = International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- LADIS = Large Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (part of SOSP)
- LAFT = Logical Aspects of Fault Tolerance
- LangSec = Language Theoretic Security
- LASER = Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results
- LAW = Layered Assurance Workshop
- LBFCM = Workshop on the link between formal and computational models
- LCN = Conference on Local Computer Networks
- LEET = Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats
- LFM = Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages
- LightSEC = Lightweight Cryptography for Security & Privacy
- LISA = Large Installation System Administration Conference
- LiSec = Logics in Security
- M2MSec = Security and Privacy in Machine-to-Machine Communications
- MADWeb = Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web
- Malware = Malicious and Unwanted Software
- ManSec-CC = Management and Security technologies for Cloud Computing
- MarCaS = Maritime Communication and Security - LCN special track MarCaS 2024, Caen, Normandy, France
- MCDA = Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing & Databases & Applications
- MCN = ACM Int. Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking. See MOBICOM
- MCNCS = Mobile Commerce, Cloud Computing, Network and Communication Security
- MCP = Workshop on Models for Cryptographic Protocols
- MCS = Mobile Computing Security
- MDDS = Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems
- MDS = Conference on the Mathematics of Dependable Systems
- MedSPT = Security, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
- METAD = IEEE Metadata Conference
- MetricSec = Security Measurements and Metrics, (Formerly the Workshop on Quality of Protection - QoP)
- MetriSec = Security Measurements and Metrics
- MFPS = Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
- MidSec = Middleware Security
- MCP = Workshop on Models for Cryptographic Protocols
- MDDS = Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems
- MDS = Conference on the Mathematics of Dependable Systems
- METAD = IEEE Metadata Conference
- MetricSec = Security Measurements and Metrics, (Formerly the Workshop on Quality of Protection - QoP)
- MFPS = Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
- MidSec = Middleware Security
- MINES = Multimedia Information NEtworking and Security
- MIST = Managing Insider Security Threats
- MLCS = Machine Learning for CyberSecurity
- MMD = Multimedia Data Security
- MMDMS = Workshop on Multi-Media Database Management Systems
- MMF = Malware Memory Forensics
- MMM-ACNS = Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security
- MOBICOM = MobiCom = Mobile Computing and Networking = Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
- MobiPST = Privacy, Security and Trust in Mobile and Wireless Systems
- MobiSec = Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems
- MoCrySEn = Modern Cryptography and Security Engineering
- MonAM = Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation
- MOST = Mobile Security Technologies
- MPS = Multimedia Privacy and Security
- MSRI-NTCW = MSRI Number Theoretic Cryptography Workshop
- MSTEC = Model-driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity Workshop
- MSWiM = Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
- MTD = Moving Target Defense
- MWNS = Mobile and Wireless Networks Security
- MWSN = Security and Privacy of Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Mycrypt = Cryptology & Malicious Security hosted in Malaysia
- NBIS = Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems
- NCSC = National Computer Security Conference; no longer held 23rd NCSC, past conferences
- NDSS = Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
- NetCompApp = Symposium on Network Computing and Applications
- NetCri = Workshop on Research Challenges in Next Generation Networks for First Responders and Critical Infrastructures
- NetDB = Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (with SOSP)
- NetSec = CSI Network Security
- NETWORK = combination HPN (High Performance Networking), BC (Broadband Communications), and PCN (Performance of Communication Networks)
- NFSP = Network Forensics, Security and Privacy
- NGC = Networked Group Communication
- NGITS = World Conference of the WWW, Internet, and Intranet
- NICSSE = National Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education
- NISK = Norwegian Information Security Conference
- NISK = Norwegian Information Security Conference
- NIST-LWCW = NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop
- NIST-PKI = PKI R&D Workshop
- NIST-RANBIT = NIST Random Bit Generation Workshop
- NordSec = Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems
- NISSC = National Information Systems Security Conference (see NCSC)
- NPSec = Secure Network Protocols
- NSAA = Workshop on Network Security Analytics and Automation
- NSPW = New Security Paradigms Workshop
- NSS = Network and System Security
- NSS-SocialSec = Network and System Security SocialSecNSS 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- NTMS = New Technologies, Mobility and Security
- NTTCM = New Trends in Trust Computational Models
- Nullcon = Nullcon Nullcon 2025, Goa, India
- NYITUnderGradRes = NYIT Research Experience for Undergraduates
- OID = Open Identity Summit
- OWASP = Open Web Application Security Project,
- P2P = Peer-to-Peer Computing
- PAINE = Physical Assurance and Inspection on Electronics
- Pairing = Pairing-based Cryptography
- PASSWORDS = Passwords
- PBD = Privacy by Design
- PDPT = Privacy and Data Protection Technology
- PerCom = Pervasive Computing and Communications
- PerSeNS = Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive Computing
- PES = Privacy in the Electronic Society
- PETS = Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
- PETSE = Privacy Enhanced Technology and Security Engineering
- PIIPES = Personal Identifiable Information: Privacy, Ethics, and Security
- PILATES = Workshop on Physically-augmented Security for Wireless Networks
- PLAS = Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
- PLSec = Workshop on Physical Layer Security
- POLICY = Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
- PPCloud = Privacy and Provenance in the Cloud
- PPIR = Privacy-Preserving Information Retrieval
- PPREW = Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop
- PQCrypto = International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography
- PriComp = Conference on Privacy Computing
- PriSEC = Secure Compilation
- PRISMS = Privacy and Security in Mobile Systems
- PrivaCom = Privacy Preserving Computation in Pervasive Computing
- PRIVAGEN = Privacy-aware computational genomics
- PrivSec-in-5GAI = Special Issue JIPS: Integration of AI in 5G Network Cybersecurity: Privacy and Security Concerns
- PROOF = Security Proofs for Embedded Systems
- ProvSec = Provable Security
- PSD = Privacy In Statistical Databases
- PSDML = Privacy and Security issues in Data Mining and Machine Learning
- PSOSM = Privacy and Security in Online Social Media
- PST = Privacy, Security and Trust
- PTDCS = Privacy by Transparency in Data-Centric-Services
- PUMP = Privacy and Usability Methods Pow-wow
- Q2SWinet = QoS and Security for Wireless Mobile Networks
- Q2SWinet = QoS and Security for Wireless Mobile Networks
- QASA = Quantitative Aspects of Security Assurance
- QCN6GQ = Postquantum Cryptography and Quantum Communication for 6G Networks QCN6GQ 2024, Normandy, France
- RAID = Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses RAID 2024, Padova, Italy
- RaSIEM = Recent Advances in Security Information and Event Management
- RBAC = ACM Workshop on Role-based Access Control
- ReConFig = ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, Special track on Reconfigurable Computing for Security and Cryptography
- RECSI = Spanish Meeting on Cryptology and Information Security
- RFIDPriv = RFID Privacy Workshop
- RFIDSec = RFID and IoT Security
- RIDE = High Performance Database Management for Large Scale Applications
- RiskPercSP = Risk Perception in IT Security and Privacy
- RLCPS = Real-Life Cryptographic Protocols and Standardization
- ROADS = Real Overlays and Distributed Systems (part of SOSP)
- RT2ND = Workshop on Risk and Trust in New Network Developments
- RTDB = International Workshop on Real-Time Databases: Issues and Applications
- RTEE = Risk and Trust in Extended Enterprises
- RTSI-TS-SPES = Security and Privacy in Emerging Scenarios, a session of Research and Technologies for Society and Industry
- RV = Runtime Verification
- S&P = Security and Privacy Symposium
- S&PW = Security and Privacy Workshops (co-located with the Security & Privacy Symposium);
- S&PMag-SI-DigFor = IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine Special issue on Digital Forensics
- SAC = Symposium on Applied Computing
- SAC-ISRA = Symposium on Applied Computing, Information Security Research and Applications Track
- SAC-TRECK = Symposium on Applied Computing, Track: Trust, Reputation, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how
- SAC-TRUSTCOLLAB = ACM SAC, Track on Trust, Recommendations, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how
- SACMAT = Access Control Models and Technologies
- SACMAT = Access Control Models and Technologies
- SACPS = Security Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems
- SADFE = Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering
- SAFECOMP = Computer Safety, Reliability and Security
- SafeConfig = Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense
- SafeThings = Internet of Safe Things SafeThings 2024, San Francisco, CA
- SAGAI = Security Architectures for GenAI Systems SAGAI 2024, San Francisco, CA
- SAM = Security and Management SAM 2024, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- SAppC = ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Special Track on Computer Security
- SAPS = Specification and Automated Processing of Security Requirements
- SAPSE = Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering
- SAR-SSI = Network and Information Systems Security
- SASN = Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
- SaT-CPS = Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems SaT-CPS 2024, Porto, Portugal
- SaTML = Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning SaTML 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark
- SBC = Security in Blockchain and Cloud Computing
- SBP = Security in Business Processes
- SCC = Security in Cloud Computing
- SCENE = Safeguarding CybersEcurity iN hEalthcare SCENE 2024, Montreal, Canada
- SchSSOIoT = School on Secured Smart Object & the Internet of Things
- SCI = Secure Cryptographic Implementation SCI 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- SCI = Secure Cryptographic Implementation
- SCI = Multi Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, special session on Complexity and Algorithmic Information Theory With Application to Systems, Networks, and Information Assurance
- SCIS = Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security
- SciSec = Science of Cyber Security SciSec 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
- SCITS = Security and Control of IT in Society, sponsored by IFIP WG 9.6/11.7
- SCN = Security and Cryptography for Networks SCN 2024, Amalfi, Italy
- SCN = Security and Cryptography for Networks
- SCRAPC = Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference
- SCSP-W = Smart City Security and Privacy Workshop
- SDCS = Workshop on Security in Distributed Computing Systems
- SDM = VLDB Workshop on Secure Data Management
- SDSP = UK/Australian International Symposium On DSP For Communication Systems
- SDTA = Digital Trust in Auvergne
- SEC = IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference
- SEC4SME = Enabling Cyber Security for Small Medium Enterprises ecosystems
- SecCo = Security Issues in Concurrency
- SecConf = Security Conference
- SecDev = Secure Development Conference
- SECHARD = Cybersecurity on Hardware
- SECI = Security of Communications on the Internet
- SeCIHD = Security and Cognitive Informatics for Homeland Defense
- SecIoT = Security of the Internet of Things
- SecIoT4Health = Resilient and Secure IoT for Health
- SecMT = Security in Mobile Technologies
- SecOnT = Security Ontologies and Taxonomies
- SECOTS = Security in Collaboration Technologies and Systems
- SECOVAL = Workshop on the Value of Security through Collaboration
- SecPriv-ESTEL = Security and Privacy Special Track, IEEE-AESS Conference in Europe about Space and Satellite Communications
- SecPrivBlockC = Security and Privacy on the Blockchain
- SecPri_WiMob = Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
- SecProt (SPW) = Security Protocols
- SECRYPT = Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2024, Dijon, France
- SecReT = Security and Rewriting Techniques
- SecSDNNFV = Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization
- SecSE = Secure Software Engineering
- SECTEST = Security Testing
- SecUbiq = Workshop on Security in Ubiquitous Computing Systems
- SecureComm = Security and Privacy in Communication Networks
- SECURICOM = World Congress on the Security of Information Systems and Telecommunication
- Security and Privacy = IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
- SecWmMMC = Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents
- SEED = Secure and Private Execution Environment Design
- SEMAS = Security Of Mobile Multiagent Systems
- SeMIC = Workshop on Security for Mobile Wireless Communications
- SenSys = Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- SENT = Security of Emerging Networking Technologies
- SESOC = SECurity and SOCial Networking
- SETA = Sequences and their Applications
- SETOP = Autonomous and Spontaneous Security
- SeTTIT = Security Tools and Techniques for Internet of Things
- SEWCN = Security in Emerging Wireless Communication and Networking Systems
- SFC = Society and the Future of Computing
- SFCS = Security and Forensics in Cyber Space
- SFTC-VI = Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing - VI (Brazil)
- SHA-3-2nd = Second SHA-3 Candidate Conference
- SHPCS = Security and High Performance Computing
- SI-ACM-ToOIT-IoT-Security = ACM Transactions on Internet Technology: Special Issue on "Internet of Things (IoT): Secure Service Delivery"
- SI-ACM-Trans-Embedded-Crypto = Special Issue of the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems on Embedded Platforms for Cryptography in the Coming Decade
- SI-AdHocNetSec = International Journal of Computer Research, Special Issue on Advances in Ad Hoc Network Security
- SI-CC-MNSCN = Special Issue of Computer Communications on Multimedia Networking and Security in Convergent Networks
- SI-CCJ-SnPUnifiedComm = Computer Communications Journal, Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Unified Communications: Challenges and Solutions
- SI-CCPE-Secure-Smart-World- = Secure Smart World Special Issue on Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2022
- SI-CEE-AI-InfoSec = Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier; Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence-based Information Security SI-CEE-AI-InfoSec
- SI-CEE-Mobile-Sec = Elsevier: Computers and Electrical Engineering, Special Issue on Challenges and Solutions in Mobile Systems Security
- SI-CEE-SP-DISTRIB = Recent Advances in Security and Privacy in Distributed Communications
- SI-COMP-SECREST = Computer Magazine Special Issue, Security for the Rest of Us
- SI-CompEE-SnPDistComm = Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security and Privacy in Distributed Communications
- SI-CompNets-SideChannel-MobileIoT = Special Issue of Computer Networks on Side-Channel Attacks on Mobile and IoT Devices for Cyber-Physical Systems
- SI-Computer-MobileAppSec = IEEE Computer, June 2014 special issue on methodologies and solutions for mobile application security
- SI-Computers-and-Electrical-Engineering-AI-based-InfoSec = Computers and Electrical Engineering, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence-based Information Security
- SI-COSE-MultiPartyPriv = Elsevier Computers & Security (COSEElsevier Computers & Security (COSE): Special Issue on Managing Multi-Party, Interdependent Privacy Risks
- SI-CyberSecMob-NG-mobilenetsec = Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility: Special issue on Next generation mobility network security
- SI-DCNJ-Data-Priv-Distrib-CommSys = Special Issue, Digital Communications and Networks Journal, Data privacy in distributed communication systems 2022
- SI-DigThreats-HWSec = Digital Threats: Research and Practice; Special Issue on the Digital Threats of Hardware Security
- SI-ECN-Botnets = Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Botnet Activity: Analysis, Detection and Shutdown
- SI-EJSSR = Special Issue, 'Privacy and Technology', European Journal of Social Science Research
- SI-Electronics-SnP-IoT-n-Multidmedia = Special Issue of Electronics - IF 1.764 - Q2, on Security and Privacy for IoT and Multimedia Services
- SI-Eurasip-NetwkIntrus = EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Advances in Signal Processing in Network Intrusion Detection Systems
- SI-FGCS-Trust = Future Generation Computer System: Special Section on Trusting Software Behavior
- SI-FutureGen-Trusted-Cloud-Edges-Comptn = Special issue of Future Generation Computer Systems: Trusted Cloud-Edges (CE) Computations
- SI-IDSSSNets = Special Issue of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks on Intrusion Detection and Security Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks
- SI-IEEE-Cloud-Computing-Security = Special Issue on Cloud Security, IEEE Cloud Computing
- SI-IEEE-COMM-Traffic-CyberSec = IEEE Communications Magazine - Feature Topic on Traffic Measurements for Cyber Security SI-IEEE-COMM-Traffic-CyberSec
- SI-IEEE-COMP-SecSocNets = IEEE Internet Computing: Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Social Networks
- SI-IEEE-Forensics-Security = IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Special Issue on Using the Physical Layer for Securing the Next Generation of Communication Systems SI-IEEE-Forensics-Security
- SI-IEEE-Info-Forensics = IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security, Special Issue on Privacy and Trust Management in Cloud and Distributed Systems
- SI-IEEE-MultiMedia-CyberSecureApps = IEEE MultiMedia Special Issue on Cybersecurity for Cyber-Enabled Multimedia Applications
- SI-IEEE-NetTraffMon = IEEE Network, Special Issue on Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
- SI-IEEE-NM-ID = IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on Recent Developments in Network Intrusion Detection
- SI-IEEE-RelTrust = IEEE Transactions on Reliability Special Section on /Trustworthy Computing
- SI-IEEE-S&P = Special issue of the IEEE Security & Privacy magazine on Blockchain Security and Privacy
- SI-IEEE-SJ-SnP-Complex = Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Complex Systems, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL
- SI-IEEE-SnP-Mag-Lost-Treasures = Lost Treasures of Computer Security & Privacy (IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine
- SI-IEEE-SnPMag = IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine - Special Issue on Security for Energy Sector Control Systems
- SI-IEEE-TETC-CyberSecurity = IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing - Emerging topics in Cyber Security
- SI-IEEE-TIM-Biometrics = IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Special Issue on Biometric Instrumentation and Measurement SI-IEEE-TIM-Biometrics ,
- SI-IEEE-ToC-Secure-Computer-Arch = IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Section on Secure Computer Architectures SI-IEEE-ToC-Secure-Computer-Arch ,
- SI-IEEE-TransIFS-Voting = IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Special Issue
- SI-IEEE_Comm-Bio-inspired-CyberSec-Comm-Net-Networking = SI-Bio-inspired Cyber Security for Communications and Networking
- SI-IEICE-ICSS-InfoCommSysSec = Special Issue IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Section on Information and Communication System Security
- SI-IJCNIS = International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security,Special Issue on Composite and Integrated Security Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks
- SI-IJDSN-SnPSmartCities = International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Special Issue on Research Advances in Security and Privacy for Smart Cities
- SI-IJIS-SCADA = Special Issue of International Journal of Information Security: SCADA and Control System Security SI-IJIS-SCADA
- SI-IJIS-Security-Cloud-Computing = Special issue International Journal of Information Security journal: Security in Cloud Computing
- SI-IJSN-PSTMWS = Privacy, Security and Trust in Mobile and Wireless Systems, a Special Issue of International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN)
- SI-IJSSE-Trustworthy = Special Issue of IJSSE, Software Safety & Dependability - the Art of Engineering Trustworthy Software SI-IJSSE-Trustworthy
- SI-Inet-Comp-Crime = Track Articles on Computer Crime in IEEE Internet Computing SI-Inet-Comp-Crime
- SI-Info-HFSP-IoT = Special Issue of Informatics: Human Factors in Security and Privacy in IoT
- SI-IoT-SmartBlockCh = Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on Smart Blockchain for IoT Trust, Security and Privacy
- SI-JAR-OSVERIF = Journal of Automated Reasoning: Special Issue On Operating Systems Verification
- SI-JICS-SPADM = International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Special Issue on Security and Privacy Aspects of Data Mining
- SI-JISA-Threats = Special Issue on Threat Detection, Analysis and Defense, Journal of Information Security and Applications
- SI-JNCA-T = Special Issue of Journal of Network and Computer Applications on Trusted Computing and Communications
- SI-JParDisSys-SecPrivSocial = Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Security & Privacy in Social Big Data
- SI-ML-SecPrivTrust-IoT = Special Issue of Internet of Things on Machine Learning for Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT
- SI-Netw-Trust-SecPriv-6G = IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue: Trust, Security and Privacy of 6G
- SI-Networks-QuantumCommNets = IEEE Network, Special Issue on Quantum Communications and Networking
- SI-SCN-CloudComputing = Special Issue of Security and Communication Networks: Trust and Security in Cloud Computing
- SI-SCN-MACHLRN-FORENSICS = Security and Communication Networks, Special Issue on "Applications of machine learning techniques to intrusion detection and digital forensics",
- SI-SecComm-Cybersec-IOT = Security and Communication Networks journal, Special Issue on Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things; SI-JParDisSys-SecPrivSocial
- SI-Signals-CriInfStruct = Critical Infrastructures SI-Signals-CriInfStruct
- SI-SnP-Home-Globalization = Special Issue of Security and Privacy Magazine on Security and Privacy Issues of Home Globalization
- SI-SnP-TCPS = Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems on Security and Privacy for Connected Cyber-Physical Systems
- SI-TDSC-ExplainAI-CyberThreat = IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Special Issue on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Threat
- SICHERHEIT = Sicherheit, organized by the technical committee "Security - protection and reliability" of the German Informatics Society
- SI-SecCommNet-5GSEC = Special Issue of Security and Communication Networks: Perspective of 5G Security and Trust
- SI-SnPCloudCybPhys = Computer Networks Journal, Special Issue: Security and Privacy in Cloud-Assisted Cyber-Physical Systems
- SI-SPA-IoT = IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems; Special Section on Security, Privacy and Anonymity of Internet of Things
- SI-TCC-Cloud-Security-Eng = IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Special Issue on "Cloud Security Engineering"
- SIADS = Security Issues in Adaptive Distributed Systems
- SICHERHEIT = Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit
- SICON = IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks
- SIGMOD/PODS - ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data / ACM SIGACT SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
- SIGCOMM = ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication
- SIGSAC-Awards = SIGSAC Annual Awards
- SIN = Security of Information and Networks
- SIntelProp = Symposium on Intellectual Property
- SIS = Secure Information Systems
- SISW = Security in Storage Workshop
- SI_JAR_PCC = Special Issue of Journal of Automated Reasoning, Proof-carrying Code
- SI_SCN-Ubi = Special Issue of Security and Communication Networks (SCN) on "Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing"
- SKLOIS = Conference on Information Security and Cryptology
- SKM = Secure Knowledge Management Workshop
- SLSS = System Level Security of Smartphones
- SmartGridSec = Smart Grid Security
- SMPE = Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments
- S&P = Symposium on Security and Privacy SnP 2025, San Francisco, CA
- SNPA = IEEEE Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications
- SnPHIT = Security and Privacy in Healthcare IT Special track in The 26th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System SnPHIT , Porto, Portugal
- SnPonBC = Security and Privacy on the Blockchain
- SNSPT-School = Summer School on Social Networks Security, Privacy, and Trust
- SOC = Biennial Symposium on Communications
- SocialSec = Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data
- SOFSEM-CryptoTrack = Cryptography, Security, and Verification Track, SOFtware SEMinar of the Conference on Current Trends in Theory and, Practice of Computer Science
- SoftCOM = Mobile Wireless Networks
- SoftCOM = International Conference On Software, Telecommunications And Computer Networks
- SOSOC = Security in Opportunistic and SOCial Networks
- SOSP = ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Access Control Models and Technologies
- SOUPS = Usable Privacy and Security SOUPS 2024, Philadelphia, PA
- SOUPS-WS = SOUPS (Usable Privacy and Security) Workshops
- SpaCCS = Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage
- SPACE = Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptography Engineering
- SpaIoT = Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Internet of Things
- SPAnalytics = Security and Privacy Analytics
- SPC = Security and Privacy in the Cloud
- SPCLOUD = Security, Privacy and Performance in Cloud Computing
- SPCPS = Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems
- SPDE = Security and Privacy in Digital Economy
- SPE = Security and Privacy Engineering
- SPECNS = Software Practices and Engineering, Special Issue on Experiences with Computer and Network Security
- SPECOMM = Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-Commerce
- SPeH = Security and Privacy in eHealthcare
- SPI = Security and Protection of Information
- SPiCy = Security and Privacy in Cybermatics
- SPIDA = Security Protocol Implementations: Development and Analysis
- SPIEDSS = SPIE Defense, Sensing, and Security
- SPIFEC = Security and Privacy in Fog and Edge Computing
- SPME = Security and Privacy Aspects of Mobile Environments
- SPNCE = Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments
- SPNGN = Security and Privacy in Next-Generation Networks
- SPSM = Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices
- SPT-IoT = Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things SPT-IoT 2025, Washington, DC
- SPTI = Security, Privacy, Trust and Incentives Track of ICCCN
- SPW = Security Protocols SPW 2024, Brno, Czechia
- SPW = IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops
- SRDS = IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
- SREIS = Requirements Engineering for Information Security
- SRUTI = Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet
- SSCC = Security in Computing and Communications
- SSDU = Service, Security and its Data management technologies in Ubi-comp
- SSIoT = Software Security for Internet of Things
- SSIRI = Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement
- SSNDS = Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems
- SSO = Secure Smart Objects
- SSR = Security Standardisation Research
- SSS = Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems
- ST-ICCyberSec = Special Track on Intelligent Computing and Cyber Security
- StaR_SEC = Information and Communications Security Standards and Regulations
- STAST = Socio-Technical Aspects of Security and Trust
- STC = Scalable Trusted Computing
- STEG = Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography
- STM = Security and Trust Managment
- StorageSS = Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability
- STRIVE = Safety, securiTy, and pRivacy In automotiVe systEms
- SUTC = Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing
- SWING = School for PhD and Researchers on Security for Wireless Networking
- SWS = Secure Web Services
- SysSecWk = Systems Security Workshop
- TAPOS = Theory and Applications of Object Systems, special issue Objects, Databases, and the WWW
- TAPSOFT = Theory and Practice of Software Development
- TCC = Theory of Cryptography
- TCDHS = Workshop on Trusted Computing in Distributed and Hybrid Systems
- TCLOUD = Trustworthy Clouds
- TELERISE = TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRIvacy and SEcurity
- TFI = ISOC's study group on Trust and the Future of the Internet
- TGC = Trustworthy Global Computing
- TheSecConf = The Security Conference
- TISC = The Internet Security Conference
- TIW = Trusted Infrastructure Workshop: Advanced Summer School on Architectures for Trustworthy Computing
- TPHOLs = Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics
- TPS = Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications TPS 2024, Washington, DC, USA
- TRECK = SAC Track: Trust, Reputation, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how
- TRPC = Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy
- TRUST = Trust & Trustworthy Computing
- TrustBus = Trust, Privacy And Security In Digital Business
- TrustCol = Trusted Collaboration
- TrustCom = Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications
- TRUSTDATA = Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data
- TrustED = Trustworthy Embedded Devices
- TSMA = International Conference on Telecommunication Systems - Modeling and Analysis
- TSP = Trust, Security, and Privacy for Emerging Applications
- TSPUC = Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing
- TSRSW = Trust, Security, and Reputation on the Semantic Web
- TV = Thread Verification
- UBICOMM = Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
- UbiComp = UbiComp, Privacy in Context
- UbiSec = Ubiquitous Security UbiSec 2024, Changsha, China
- UPSEC = Usability, Psychology, and Security
- USEC = Usable Security
- USENIX = USENIX Annual Technical Conference
- USENIX-ATC = USENIX Annual Technical Conference
- USENIXIDS = USENIX Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring
- USENIXSec = USENIX Security Symposium
- USM = Workshop on Usable IT Security Management
- VehicleSec = Vehicle Security and Privacy vehiclesec 2024, San Diego, CA
- VETO = Security and Electronic Voting
- VIETCRYPT = Cryptology in Vietnam
- VISSAS = Verification of Infinite State Systems with Application to Security
- VizSec = Visualization for Cyber Security
- VLDB = International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
- VMSEC = Workshop on Virtual Machine Security
- VoteID = E-voting and Identity
- W2SP = Web 2.0 Security and Privacy
- W2Trust = Web 2.0 Trust
- WACCC = Adversarial Cryptography, Communications and Control
- WAHC = Encrypted Computing and Applied Homomorphic Cryptography
- WAHC = Encrypted Computing and Applied Homomorphic Cryptography
- WASA = Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications
- WASH = Web Applications and Secure Hardware
- WATC = Workshop on Advances in Trusted Computing
- WCAN = Workshop on Cryptography for Ad hoc Networks
- WCSC = Cryptography and Security in Clouds
- WCSF = Cloud Security and Forensics
- WCW = Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
- WDAG = Int. Workshop on Distributed Algorithms
- WDFIA = Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis
- WearableSnP = Wearable Security and Privacy
- WebDB = International Workshop on the Web and Databases
- WebNet = World Conference of the Web Society
- WEC = Workshop on Electronic Contracting
- WECS = Workshop on Education in Computer Security (formerly WISE)
- WECSR = Ethics in Computer Security Research
- WEES = Engineering Electronic Healthcare Record Solutions
- WEIS = Economics of Information Security
- WECWIS = Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems
- WENS = Workshop on Enterprise Network Security
- WESII = The Workshop on the Economics of Securing the Information Infrastructure
- WESS = Workshop on Embedded Systems Security
- WETICE = IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies, Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
- WFMSP = Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols
- WFCC = Workshop on Formal and Computational Cryptography
- WHOLES = A Multiple View of Individual Privacy in a Networked World
- WIA = Workshop on Information Assurance
- WIAPP = Workshop on Internet Applications
- WiComSecPhy = Wireless Communication Security at the Physical Layer
- WICOW = Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web
- WICS = Workshop on Internet Communications Security
- WICT-IDS-F = Intrusion Detection and Forensics, World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies
- WICT_IDF = Intrusion Detection and Forensics (Track 17) of the World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies
- WIFS = Information Forensics and Security
- WIIoTS = Industrial Internet of Things Security
- WIISe = Web Intelligence for Information Security Workshop
- WISA = Information Security Applications
- WISA = Information Security Applications
- WISAC = Workshop on Innovations in Strong Access Control
- WISCS = Information Sharing And Collaborative Security
- WiSe = Workshop on Wireless Security
- WiSec = Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
- WiSec = Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
- WISP = Workshop on Wireless Security and Privacy
- WISP = Security Issues with Petri Nets and other Computational Models
- WISTP = Information Security Theory and Practice
- WITAT = Workshop on Information Technology - Assurance and Trustworthiness
- WITS = Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security
- WLACPV = Workshop on Logical Aspects of Cryptographic Protocol Verification
- WLC = Lightweight Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Devices
- WMN = Special Session of Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia - Wireless Multimedia Networks
- WNano = NIST Workshop on Nanosecurity
- WOBIS = Workshop on Satellite-based Information Services
- WOIH = Workshop on Information Hiding, see Information Hiding
- WOLFASI = Workshop on Logical Foundations of an Adaptive Security Infrastructure
- WOOT = Workshop on Offensive Technologies
- WorkshopMV = Workshop on Modelling and Verification
- WORM = Workshop on Recurring Malcode
- WORM = Workshop on Rapid Malcode
- WOSIS = Workshop on Security In Information Systems
- WPES = Privacy in the Electronic Society
- WPET = Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- WRAITS = Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems
- WSCN = Security in Communications Networks
- WSCS = Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security
- WSCSP = Semantic Computing for Security and Privacy
- WSDF = Workshop on Digital Forensics
- WSEuroSnP = Workshops of European Symposium on Security and Privacy
- WSLSDS = Workshop on Security in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
- WSNA = Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
- WSNS = Wireless and Sensor Networks Security
- WSRS = Workshop on Safety, Reliability, and Security of Industrial Computer Systems
- WSS = Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems
- WSSEET = Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education and Training
- WSSS = Workshop on Web Services Security
- WSStandz = Workshop on Security Standardization
- WSTI = Workshop on Security of Information Technologies
- WTMC = Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity WTMC 2024, Vienna, Austria
- WWSMC = World Wide Security and Mobility
- WWV = Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems
- WWW = World Wide Web Conference
- WWW-SP-Track = WWW Security and Privacy Track
x- AI-SEC- = Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity AI-SEC- 2025, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
- WWW-SPAE = World Wide Web Conference, Security, Privacy, Reliability and Ethics Track