Call for Short Talks
A continuing feature of the symposium is a session of 5-minute talks
where attendees can present preliminary research results or summaries
of emerging topics to the Oakland community. Abstracts for 5-minute
talks must fit on one US letter page, including the title and all
author names and affiliations. Submit abstracts prior to the
conference by emailing the chair: William Robertson
Short talk abstracts are due on Saturday, May 14 (11:59pm PT). In case
there is room after this initial selection, we may also consider short
talk abstracts sumbitted after this deadline, up until the end of the
first day of the conference (Monday, May 23). The short talks session
will be held Tuesday (May 24) 5:00-5:50pm, and time limits will be
strictly enforced.
Note that since the conference is sold out, only attendants that are
already registered can submit a short talk.
Submission Deadline: May 14 2011 (11:59pm PDT)
Notification: May 20 2011
Submission Address:
Submission Subject Line: Oakland Short Talk