MAY 24-27, 2021

42nd IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy

   Registration and Access

Student Registration Grants

Registration grants are available to cover the expenses of student attendees to the symposium and the workshops.

Who Should Apply

We encourage applications from students from a wide variety of institutions, diverse backgrounds, and first-time attendees. Undergraduate and graduate students will be considered for this award.

Award Criteria

Awards will be determined by a committee of volunteers participating in the organization of the Symposium and the Workshops and chaired by the Student Travel Chair. Preference will be given to students working on security and privacy who can benefit from attending the symposium.

Award Description

We will reimburse the registration costs for each awardee either for a presenting author ($150) or a student registration ($35).

How to Apply

Applications are due by April 24, 2021 May 14, 2021. Students will be notified by May 10, 2021 May 20, 2021. Applications should be submitted by filling out the form:


An application for a registration award will consist of a single PDF file with the student's resume, and a statement from the student. The student's statement should include a summary of research interests, and a statement of why the applicant will benefit from participating in the symposium.