Proceedings, Security and Privacy Workshops, 2012
- A Theoretical Analysis: Physical Unclonable Functions and the Software
Protection Problem, Rishab Nithyanand and John Solis
- A Method for Preventing "Skipping" Attacks, Marc Joye
- Side-Channel Analysis of Grøstl and Skein, Christina Boura, Sylvain Lévêque, and David Vigilant
- The BlueJay Ultra-Lightweight Hybrid Cryptosystem,
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
- Slender PUF Protocol: A Lightweight, Robust, and Secure Authentication by Substring Matching,
Mehrdad Majzoobi, Masoud Rostami, Farinaz Koushanfar, Dan S. Wallach, and Srinivas Devadas
WSCS (Workshop on Semantic Computing and Security)
- Privacy in Online Review Sites,
Matthew Burkholder and Rachel Greenstadt
- Policy Aware Social Miner,
Sharon Paradesi, Oshani Seneviratne, and Lalana Kagal
- Semantic Comparison of Security Policies: From Access Control Policies to Flow Properties,
Mathieu Jaume
- A Framework for Modeling Decision Making and Deception with Semantic Information, Christopher Griffin and Kathleen Moore
- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Intrusion Detection Modeling,
Sumit More, Mary Matthews, Anupam Joshi, and Tim Finin
- Privacy Control in Smart Phones Using Semantically Rich Reasoning and Context Modeling,
Dibyajyoti Ghosh, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin, and Pramod Jagtap
- Implementing Mental Models, Jim Blythe and L. Jean Camp
- Towards a Semantics of Phish, Hilarie Orman
- Bridging the Semantic Gap to Mitigate Kernel-Level Keyloggers,
Jesus Navarro, Enrique Naudon, and Daniela Oliveira
- User Intention-Based Traffic Dependence Analysis for Anomaly Detection,
Hao Zhang, William Banick, Danfeng Yao, and Naren Ramakrishnan
- Toward a Game Theoretic Model of Information Release in Social Media with Experimental Results,
Christopher Griffin and Anna Squicciarini
- Using Consensus Clustering for Multi-view Anomaly Detection,
Alexander Y. Liu and Dung N. Lam
- Fog Computing: Mitigating Insider Data Theft Attacks in the Cloud,
Salvatore J. Stolfo, Malek Ben Salem, and Angelos D. Keromytis
- Lost in Translation: Improving Decoy Documents via Automated Translation,
Jonathan Voris, Nathaniel Boggs, and Salvatore J. Stolfo
- Insider Threats against Trust Mechanism with Watchdog and Defending Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks,
Youngho Cho, Gang Qu, and Yuanming Wu
- Proactive Insider Threat Detection through Graph Learning and Psychological Context,
Oliver Brdiczka, Juan Liu, Bob Price, Jianqiang Shen, Akshay Patil, Richard Chow,
Eugene Bart, and Nicolas Ducheneaut
- Forensic Methods for Detecting Insider Turning Behaviors,
Fred Cohen
- Decision Support Procedure in the Insider Threat Domain,
John P. Murphy, Vincent H. Berk, and Ian Gregorio-de Souza