2001 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Registration Form

Name: _______________________________________
Affiliation: ________________________________
Postal Address: _____________________________

Phone: ______________________________________                
Fax: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________

Note: Address information will be distributed to attendees.

Please enter the appropriate registration category.  Payment must be 
included and must be either by check in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S.
bank and made payable to "IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy," or
by credit card.  Dates are strictly enforced by postmark.

Advance registration (up to 9 April 2001)
__ Member:             $310.00
   IEEE or Computer Society Member #________, required
__ Non-Member:         $385.00
__ Full-time students: $100.00

Late/on-site registration
__ Member:             $370.00
   IEEE or Computer Society Member #________, required
__ Non-Member:         $460.00
__ Full-time students: $100.00

Do you wish to present at a poster session 
or lead an evening discussion? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Do you require vegetarian meals? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Please indicate you method of payment by checking the appropriate box:

[ ] Check in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank (PLEASE ENCLOSE WITH THIS FORM)

Credit card authorization: (Charges will appear on your statement as made
by the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY.  Your credit card number will be transmitted
to the IEEE over the Internet, using an SSL-protected link.)

[ ] Visa   [ ] Mastercard  [ ] American Express  [ ] Diners Club

Credit Card Number:
Card Holder Name:
Expiration Date:
Signature (required for credit card payments)

Mail registration to:

Heather Hinton
Tivoli Systems
6300 Bridgepoint Parkway
Building IV, B4001
Austin, Texas, 78731, USA

Or fax this form (credit card registrations only) to:

FAX +1-512-436-9411