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Knuth o Richard Austin's review of "The New School of Information Security" by A. Shostack, and A. Stewart o Richard Austin's review of "The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable" by N. N. Taleb o Review of selected talks from the Security and Privacy (Berkeley/Oakland, CA, May 19-22, 2008) by Matt Fredrikson * News o May 2, 2008, CERIAS on podcast o May 2, 2008, NIST Requests comments on "Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions" o Book reviews, Conference Reports and Commentary and News items from past Cipher issues are available at the Cipher website * Conference and Workshop Announcements o Calendar of Security Events * List of Computer Security Academic Positions, by Cynthia Irvine o SRI Postdoc o University of Regina Postdoc * Staying in Touch o Information for subscribers and contributors o Recent address changes * Links for the IEEE Computer Society TC on Security and Privacy o Becoming a member of the TC o TC Officers o TC publications for sale ==================================================================== Letter from the Editor ==================================================================== Dear Readers: The Security and Privacy Symposium was held May 18-21, as usual at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley/Oakland, California. This was a great meeting in terms of the variety of papers and number of attendees. The Program Chairs, Patrick McDaniel and Avi Rubin, put together a program to please any technical palate, be it applications or theory, and the General Chair, Yong Guan, assisted by David Du and David Shambroom, drew in unprecedented corporate and government sponsorship that helped make it an affordable and high quality event for a near-record crowd. In fact, the SP attendees were packed in rather tightly in the refurbished Claremont Ballroom. If next year sees a further increase in attendance numbers, the organizers will have to go to extraordinary means to cope. That will either using a video link to accommodate some attendees in an extra meeting room, or else they will be limiting registration on a first-come-first-served basis. If this is deja vu to you, you've earned the moniker of "old-timer". Matt Fredrikson's fine report on the Monday and Tuesday talks at the Symposium gives the highlights of the presentations and audience questions. Next year will be the 30th anniversary of the conference, and the Technical Committee hopes to put together a special event to celebrate the remarkable history of the event. This month's Cipher has three book reviews, two of them straying a bit from our central topic of computer security. Knuth's peek at Volume 4 in a "fascicle" was too tempting to pass up, and Richard Austin has reviewed a book about extreme probabilities. He also reviewed a traditional information security book. All your datum are belong to us, Hilarie Orman cipher-editor @ ieee-security.org ==================================================================== Commentary and Opinion ==================================================================== Book reviews from past issues of Cipher are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/BookReviews.html, and conference reports are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/ConfReports.html ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Hilarie Orman and Richard Schroeppel May 23, 2008 ____________________________________________________________________ The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 0, Introduction to Combinatorial Algorithms and Boolean Functions by Donald E. Knuth Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education 2008. ISBN 978-0-321-53496-5. 216 pages, index and Answers to Exercises If you have ever written computer software or talked to a programmer, you've heard of Donald Knuth's book series, "The Art of Computer Programming". Everyone of a certain age, and many more, have the first three volumes. They are legendary. Even more legendary is the fourth volume, "Combinatorial Algorithms". Legendary because it has been an elusive goal for the author. It has been 35 years since Volume 3, "Sorting and Searching", was printed. We had all but given up on ever seeing Volume 4. That was why, when we were contacted by a Pearson representative about reviewing a portion of Volume 4 for Cipher, we did not even bother to ask ourselves, "what has this got to do with computer security?" We jumped at the chance. What we've been perusing for a few weeks a booklet that is the tip of the iceberg that will be Volume 4. Knuth calls this 216 page gem a "fascicle", a part of a book. It introduces Chapter 7 of the book series, the subject of the chapter being combinatorial searching. This is a big topic, a huge topic, it outgrew the bounds of what one could call "a book", so Knuth plans to have it published as three books, Volumes 4A, 4B, and 4C. If you loved volumes 1 through 3, you'll not be disappointed by this booklet. The font and typesetting are superb, the quotations at the start of each chapter are witty and apt, the exercises plentiful and difficult. The text draws you in with its cogent questions and accessible examples, but then hits you with the deep puzzles at the heart of the combinatorial matter. It's a minefield for the brain. The booklet known as as Fascicle 0 contains 216 pages, the merest appetizer to the banquet promised as Volume 4. It has the introduction to chapter 7 and section 7.1. Section 7.1 is about variables and functions with only two values. There are two subsections: Boolean basics and Boolean evaluation. If you haven't read Knuth previously, you might have some hurdles to master. This isn't a textbook, it is a tour through the workings of mathematical structures and the algorithms that answer questions about them. Although everything is interesting, accessible, and backed up by detailed references, this book does not pander to the casual reader. Be prepared to exercise your mind and find something new even in material you thought you mastered long ago. The introduction to Chapter 7 begins with a one sentence definition of combinatorics. The next sentence introduces "Langford pairs" and launches into an explication of the five fundamental combinatoric questions as illustrated by Langford pairs. The next topic is orthogonal Latin squares. Did you know that the great mathematician Euler worked on the problem near the end of his life, leaving behind him a conjecture that was not resolved until the modern computing era? Before you reach the end of this chapter introduction you will know all about it, and many other things, including the existence of the Stanford Graph Database. There are the usual delightful exercises before the the Boolean basics. This has the history of two-valued logic, DeMorgan's Laws, definitions of normal forms, Horn and Krom clauses, and several other things that might together constitute an undergraduate logic course before even reaching the halfway point in the section. It rolls on through median labels, theshold functions, and canalizing functions. Then there are 133 tastefully chosen exercises. The last section discusses the methods and the difficulty of evaluating Boolean functions in general. Knuth notes that thousands of papers have been written about them. It was his task to select a few topics that are of interest to computer programmers. The overview is good, and after working on any of the 88 exercises you might be tempted to peek at the answers at the back. Readers may wonder why there are so few "cookbook" algorithms (only one per section). That might be because of the odd state of knowledge about evaluating Boolean functions. After all the thousands of papers, there is no real "killer algorithm" for evaluation and there is no set of explicit functions that has provable nonlinear cost. In some special cases there are shortcuts over the straightforward exponential time evaluation method, but true optimum is an elusive goal for any explicit function family. Yes, there is a finder's reward of $2.56 for typos or other errors reported to the author, and 32 cents for suggested improvements, plus the possibility of Your Name in Print in the final work. This tiny taste of Volume 4 is a delight, and we wait in respectful anticipation for Fascicle 1. ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Richard Austin May 23, 2008 ____________________________________________________________________ "The New School of Information Security" by A. Shostack, and A. Stewart Upper Saddle River:Addison-Wesley, 2008. ISBN 978-0-321-50278-0. Upper Saddle River:Addison-Wesley amazon.com 19.79(USD) bookpool.com 19.50(USD). It seems that air travel is one of those "unbearable necessities" of modern life with its associated delays and idle times. The two books in this review are excellent candidates for "airplane books" to fill those empty hours and possible learn something along the way. Many people feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way we approach information security and harbor doubts as to whether our current security programs are really optimal in providing maximum benefit for the investments made. This book explores this sense of "wrongness" and suggests a path forward. At the conclusion of the introduction, the authors summarize the core tenets of the New School in three simple bullets: * Learn new approaches from professions such as psychology and economics * Share objective data and findings * Embrace the scientific method for solving security problems The remainder of the book is devoted to fleshing out the support for why these ideas will make a difference in how we view and practice information security. The first chapter is a brief overview of the security situation and covers the usual suspects of SPAM, malware, security breaches and identity theft. They articulate what will become a consistent theme - we need real, empirical data to underpin our decisions and investments when dealing with security problems. The second chapter administers a pretty sound drubbing to the security industry but tempers it with the observation that we've really got the security industry we want (the security industry sells what we want to buy). It finishes with the note that the antidote to the world of anecdotes, threat reports and best practices is really objective data to support our decisions. The third chapter is appropriately titled "On Evidence" and discusses problems with collecting objective data ranging from the almost universal secrecy surrounding security incidents to the perplexing problem of measuring how many incidents were prevented by security measures (as they point out on p. 44, "success is often silent, invisible or boring"). Chapter 4 explores the one area where objective data is available - the security breach. Since organizations are increasing required by legal mandates to report both the occurrence and severity of data breaches, the authors suggest that this is the best objective source of information we have on the state of computer security. The fifth chapter shifts gears a bit with the provocative title "Amateurs Study Cryptography; Professionals Study Economics". Its main thrust is that information security is in many cases becoming quite insular and narrowly focused on technology. Lessons drawn from fields such as economics (understanding the incentives that influence behavior, concepts such as externalities, etc), and psychology (e.g., how people estimate and respond to perceptions of risk) can offer helpful insights in addressing important components of the information security problem. The sixth chapter on "Spending" offers some notable insights such as "Spending is where decisions become concrete" (p. 105) which underlines the point that organizations invest in what they believe to be important. The issue lies in what really underlies that belief (real loss prevention or just "security theater"). Security awareness training comes in for its share of criticism as "security theater" with some excellent observations such as the fact that breaking security policy usually makes things work easier and better (though only temporarily) and that policies are often written in clean, abstract language that seems far removed from the behaviors they should guide. Chapter 7, "Life in the New School", summarizes the thrust of the book around the points presented in the introduction and is followed in the final chapter with a "Call to Action" as three points: "Gather Good Data", "Analyze Good Data" and "Seek New Perspectives". I do have some quibbles with the book - the authors chose to forego footnotes and references in the interest of not breaking up the presentation but this approach requires the reader to flip back and forth between the text and the 50 pages of end notes to see if there is more detail on particular points. The authors also try to resurrect the old hacker/cracker distinction. Your humble correspondent has enough grey hair to remember when hacking was the honorable profession of figuring out how a piece of software (or hardware as far as that goes) worked and then making it do things beyond where it was intended to bravely go but this distinction has been lost in popular culture, and it's time to let it go. However, such quibbles aside, this is a worthwhile book that points out that we do need to make changes in the way we do information security. While I'm not sure that it necessarily qualifies as a "new school", the ideas of using empirical data, evaluating approaches through observation and experiment and looking outside our own field for useful concepts are good directions in our search for the way forward. It's an accepted truism that security is mostly about risk management and given the number of papers at various security conferences suggesting that we need to more closely align our risk management practices with those in the financial community, it might come as a surprise that those risk management practices might not be quite as much of an exemplar as we thought. ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Richard Austin May 23, 2008 ____________________________________________________________________ The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by N. N. Taleb Random House, New York 2008. ISBN 978-1-4000-6351-2 amazon.com 16.17(USD) This is not a book about information security; it is a charming romp through the world of risk assessment (guided by a successful trader from the "Chicago Pits"). Taleb's writing style is pithy, whimsical and full of quotable barbs. The core concept is that of the "Black Swan", an event that is so rare as to be unpredictable, has high consequences when it occurs but, in retrospect, will be explainable ("retroactive explainability"). That final point deserves some emphasis: after a Black Swan occurs, it will be easy to look backward and see all the signs of its approach NOW THAT YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Taleb calls this the problem of "silent evidence" - there were actually many signs of what could have become other Black Swans but our search narrows to those that only predict the one that happened and thus render the other indications silent. The message is that this "retroactive explanation" may be of limited use in predicting any future occurrences of Black Swans. He provides a very useful distinction between the two types of events that are encountered in real life: those that are fairly predictable and those which tend to come as a big (sometimes unpleasant) surprise. He likens the predictable events to the mythical land of Mediocristan, a place where probability distributions are largely Gaussian (I refuse to say "normal"), the mean is a good predictor of most of the time reality and deviations follow a nice decay off into the tails of the distribution, and the much less predictable Extremistan where the mean is largely meaningless and the tails of the distribution are fat. He makes the very valid point that much of the real world lives on the frontier between the two and that humans are notoriously bad at recognizing when they've left the fringes of Mediocristan and wandered into the wilds of Extremistan. Being somewhat of an academic, I was amused (and stung) by his definitions of the "Ludic Fallacy" as "the attributes of uncertainty we face in real life have little connection to the sterilized ones we encounter in exams and games" (p, 127). Most information security professionals can definitely identify with the "Nerd effect" as "mental elimination of off-model risks or focusing on what you know" (p.151). Taleb suggests that rather than attempting to imitate the risk assessment processes of the financial markets, we might want to take a closer look at how military planners assess and manage risks (e.g., invest in preparedness rather than prediction). This book is a good read that will challenge quite a few of our assumptions about how one should approach the process of assessing and managing risk. While there may not be a lot of "solution advice", there are plenty of broad hints as to where the way forward might lie. -------------- Before retiring, Richard Austin was the storage network security architect at a Fortune 25 company and currently earns his bread and cheese as an itinerant university instructor and cybersecurity consultant. He welcomes your thoughts and comments at rda7838 at Kennesaw dot edu ____________________________________________________________________ Review of Selected Talks from Security and Privacy Symposium Berkeley/Oakland, CA, May 19-22, 2008 by Matt Fredrikson ____________________________________________________________________ [Editor's note: the reviewer was unable to review all the talks due to his schedule; our apologies to authors whose work was not covered in this report.] Opening Remarks -------------------- The conference began on Monday with a few remarks from the program chair. These remarks were given by Avi Rubin, as Patrick McDaniel was still in route to the conference. He started out speaking about the review process for the conference. Papers were assigned to members of the program committee by area, avoiding conflicts of interest. Each PC member received about twenty papers, and each paper was reviewed by three members of the committee. In general, to gain acceptance into the conference, a paper had to have at least one high-confidence review. Once all of the papers had been reviewed by the committee, lengthy deliberations ensued -- two weeks of email conversations and a lengthy meeting review to come to final decisions regarding the papers. The end result of this process can be summarized with the following statistics. Out of 249 submissions, twenty-eight papers were accepted (11.2%). This is comparable to last year's program, in which twenty regular submissions were accepted out of 246 submissions (8.1%). However, there were no short papers accepted for this year's conference. Avi concluded by observing that this acceptance rate is beneficial for the speakers and authors, as tenure committees and managers look favorably on such numbers. Awards ----------- This year, three awards were given to select contributors. The best student paper, including a cash prize, was given to Francis David, Ellick Chan, Jeffrey Carlyle, and Roy Campbell for their paper "Cloaker: Hardware Supported Rootkit Concealment". The best paper award was given to Daniel Halperin and his colleagues from the University of Massachussetts - Amherst for their paper "Pacemakers and Implantible Cardiac Defibrillators: Software Radio Attacks and Zero-Power Defenses". Finally, the IEEE Security and Privacy award was given to Saar Drimer, Steven J. Murdoch, and Ross Anderson for their paper "Thinking Inside the Box: System-Level Failures of Tamper Proofing". First Session: Peering Chair: Patrick McDaniel ---------------------------- The first presentation in this session was given by Haifeng Yu regarding their work with defense of social networks against sybil attacks. The title of the talk was "SybilLimit: A Near-Optimal Social Network Defense Against Sybil Attacks". Haifeng began by describing their motivating problem, which is that sybil attacks are particularly troublesome in a decentralized environment, pointing to results that indicate the impossibility of perfect defense without a central authority to tie identities to human beings. He goes on to present SybilLimit, a protocol that leverages a key insight about social networks to place a bound on the number of accepted sybil nodes. He shows that for a network with one million nodes, SybilLimit reduces the number of accepted sybil nodes by approximately 200 times. Furthermore, in fast-mixing networks, the bounds provided by SybilLimit fall within a logarithmic factor of the optimal solution. Finally, the Haifeng concludes his talk by presenting empirical evidence that real-world social networks are fast-mixing, making them ideal candidates for use with SybilLimit. The first question regarded the real-world datasets used by the authors for experimental validation. An audience member asked Haifeng how many nodes were removed while pre-processing the real-world datasets. Haifeng responded by saying that only nodes with extremely high incidence were removed from the datasets, so the total number removed depended on the dataset. It tended to vary between ten and fifty percent of the nodes. He then pointed out that removing edges from the graphs would not reduce the mixing time. The next question was whether it would be possible to take a snapshot of a network, and all of the nodes that were suspected to be sybil, in order to verify the correctness of the solution. Haifeng said that such an exercise assumes that an authority is capable of correctly identifying which nodes are sybil. Assuming that this could be accomplished accurately, it would be an interesting experiment. The second presentation was given by Parv Venkitasubramaniam, titled "Anonymous Networking with Minimum Latency in Ad-Hoc Networks. Parv opened up by observing a trend toward ubiquitous wireless networks composed of self-configuring devices, and discussed the need for security and anonymity in such an environment. He proceeded to discuss the inherent tradeoff between resilience to timing-based traffic analysis attacks and the quality of service as measured by latency. He then described the way in which anonymity is quantified in his work, and presented scheduling strategies that maximize this notion of anonymity, as well as a characterization of the performance penalties incurred. Parv concluded by hypothesizing that a more realistic model for the adversary might result in improved performance, and briefly talked about some future work in this area. One of the audience members asked whether the proposed approach might increase brittleness with respect to forged packet attacks. Parv responded, acknowledging that this is indeed a concern, and that some of his previous work has addressed such attacks. Second Session: Communications Security Chair: Matt Blaze ----------------------------------------------- The first talk of the communications session, titled "Spot me if you can: Uncovering spoken phrases in encrypted VoIP", was given by Charles Wright of Johns Hopkins. Charles began by stating that VoIP offers comparable quality and better security than typical land lines, although it may be possible to deduce some information from encrypted traffic by sampling certain characteristics. If the attacker's goal is to recover information about the word content of a VoIP stream, then there are considerable challenges that must be surmounted; most notable are the large potential vocabulary and natural variability of human speech. Charles proceeded with the claim that despite these challenges, such information can be deduced due to the fact that the efficient variable bitrate encoding used by VoIP encodes different phonemes at distinct bitrates. He then showed how a hidden markov model can be used to recover spoken word content at recall rates of approximately 50% for reasonable precision rates. He concluded by pointing out that VoIP packets can be padded with null content to thwart such an attack. Vern Paxson asked if one could order packets randomly to defend against such an attack. Charles agreed that such a defense would work, but would increase latency. Another conference attendee asked if the attack could be thwarted using non-technological measures, such as intentional voice modulation. Charles responded by saying that such a defense would probably work, and adding background noise to the VoIP payload would probably be effective as well. The last question from an attendee was about the effectiveness of the technique for pure word recall. Charles said that this problem was more challenging, and that his technique is not sufficient for it at the current time. The next talk was also about VoIP, titled "Preserving Caller Anonymity in VoIP Networks". It was given by Mudhakar Srivasta from the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Looking at anonymity networks using VoIP as an application, Mudhakar showed how timing-based analysis attacks can be perpetrated to infer the source of a route with high probability when only a small portion of the network is malicious. He then continued to show that it is impossible to preserve the shortest path property of such a network while preserving caller anonymity, thus revealing a fundamental tradeoff between privacy and quality of service. The last part of his talk proposed random-walk techniques for establishing routes that preserve caller anonymity, and can be customized to achieve varying quality of service guarantees. After the talk, Paul Syverson observed that when researching onion routing for the Tor anonymizing network, they looked at several alternatives to shortest path and random walk protocols, some of them similar to what Mudhakar presented in his talk. He expressed interest in discussing this further at a later time, as the similarities may be interesting. The final presentation of the communications session was given by Mario Strasser, and it dealt with key establishment protocols over wireless networks that are resistant to radio jamming techniques.Mario began by presenting the fundamental difficulty of establishing a shared secret key between two devices that do not share secrets over a wireless link. While current key establishment protocols depend on jamming-resistant communications, current anti-jamming techniques depend on the presence of established secret keys. Mario proposed the use of frequency hopping to counter jamming attacks in this problem setting, and named the technique "uncoordinated frequency hopping". The technique uses an ECC-based, station-to-station Diffie-Hellman key establishment protocol, and Mario presented numbers that demonstrate its feasibility in terms of both security and execution time. One of the conference attendees asked what would happen were the attacker to follow the frequency hopping protocol, mimicking one of the parties. Mario responded by stating that they did not consider this type of attack for the current work. Third Session: Data Session Chair: Fabian Monrose ---------------------------------- The first talk of the data session, titled "Casting out Demons: Sanitizing Training Data for Anomaly Sensors", was given by Gabriela Cretu. The talk addressed the problem of contaminated training data for anomaly-based intrusion detectors. More specifically, if real network or host event data is used to train an anomaly detector, and the data contains events corresponding to an attack, then the anomaly detector produced as a result of the training may fail to detect certain attacks. Gabriela proposed the addition of a sanitization phase to the anomaly detector training regimen, to remove these troublesome events from the training data. The proposed phase breaks the training data into several distinct slices that are then used to train a set of anomaly detectors. A voting scheme among the new detectors is then used to label certain parts of the training data as "attack data". She proceeded to show that the technique produces favorable results when existing sensors incorporate such a sanitization phase. Finally, Gabriela discussed the idea of distributed sanitization, where data from external networks and hosts is used to produce a better local model. The first question from a conference attendee was about periodic events, and whether or not they would be outvoted in such a scheme and therefor not part of the anomaly detector's model. Gabriela responded by affirming that such events would indeed be counted as false positives. The next question was about the origins of the attack dataset, to which Gabriela informed us that the data came from the Columbia University network. The final question was about the true positive rate of anomaly detectors using the sanitization scheme, which was reported to be 100%. The attendee pointed out that it may be misleading to report such a true positive rate, as it implies that the detector is capable of catching all attacks. Gabriela responded by saying that the reported figure represents attacks that she could manually identify, which is really only one particular class of attack, and that she could not speak for the general case. The next talk was given by Mythili Vutukuru, titled "Efficient and Robust TCP Stream Normalization". Mythili presented the problem of NIDS evasion using inconsistent TCP segment retransmissions. An attacker can transmit multiple packets with the same TCP segment number and differing payloads. Mythili describes current solutions, broadly characterized as stream normalizers, and discusses the limitations of each solution. Her solution, called RoboNorm, achieves memory efficiency and resilience to overlapped transmissions using hash values to store previously seen packets, but breaking segments into smaller chunks and holding back results until an entire re-transmission is observed. She points out that RoboNorm was designed for ease of implementation in hardware, with a memory footprint configurable to fit comfortably on standard FPGA hardware. The first audience question was about the necessity of such a device in front of a typical IDS. If the IDS already has to reconstruct streams, then why not just configure and IDS to do what RobotNorm does. Mythili responded by saying that the idea is to remove the necessity of maintaining a large amount of stream state from the IDS, thus simplifying its function and design. The next attendee asked what would happen if ACK packets are spoofed from within the network. Mythili said that in the attack model used for this work, one side of the stream must be honest. If both sides collude, then the problem changes entirely, and this is a topic for separate work. The final talk of the data session was given by Arvind Narayanan, and addressed the problem of de-anonymization of high-dimensional datasets. Arvind attacked the problem by presenting a formal model for privacy breaches in anonymized data, and then poses a motivating question: combining data with background knowledge, what can an adversary learn? He then presents a general class of de-anonymization algorithms. The algorithms are based on a scoring function that evaluates how well a record matches the given background knowledge, a matching criterion, and record selection. Arvind then showed that, using the internet movie database as background knowledge and the Netflix prize dataset as an anonymized dataset, his algorithm is capable identifying several Netflix users. The first question came from Somesh Jha, who asked why similar research doesn't make use of background knowledge to the extent that his own algorithm does. Arvind stated that one potential reason for this condition is that it makes the problem substantially more complex, but that at this point it is becoming a necessity. The next attendee asked whether any of his "identified" Netflix customers might have been a fluke. Arvind replied that the next highest match was 28 standard deviations apart in the worst case, so the probability of this being true is extremely low. One attendee observed that if we want to protect our privacy in such datasets, then we can inject our own randomness. Arvind pointed out that this severely reduces the utility of the services that are based on the data. Fourth Session: Attacks Session Chair: Niels Provos -------------------------------- This session began with a talk about the security of implantable pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators presented by Ben Ransford. He described several possible attacks on these devices, then pointed to a fundamental difficulty that allows for these attacks. The issue is that authentication on these devices is difficult, as there are a large number of potential accessors of the devices, and it is not acceptable to react to authentication failure by denying access. This is true because a doctor or paramedic may not possess the key to such a device, but it is imperative that they have access. Lastly, key distribution would be an immensely difficult task due to the fact that the owner of such a device can travel to arbitrary locations, and there is no way to know a priori who will need the key. Ben finishes by presenting a "defensive direction" - a mechanism that defends the device without using a battery. His proposed solution, termed "WISPer", notifies the owner of the implanted device of attempted access using physical sensation. Jon Giffin asked Ben how he discovered the protocol for the device. Ben responded that they did not parse the protocol, but simply replayed transactions that they had previously observed. Another attendee was curious as to the willingness of the medical community to collaborate with such an endeavor. Ben reported that their group received an overwhelmingly positive response from the medical community. The final question from an attendee was whether a more blunt attack could be perpetrated against the implantible devices. Ben remarked that there are always more blunt attacks available, but as the devices become more sophisticated, he sees it as important that the security community consider correspondingly sophisticated attacks and defenses. The next talk was given by David Brumley, titled "Automatic Patch-Based Exploit Generation is Possible: Techniques and Implications". David presented a method for generating exploit strings for a vulnerable application given nothing more than the original binary application code and a binary patch for the application. His technique is based on binary differencing between the application and the patch, as well as the use of a constraint solver to generate the exploit string. As a case study, David demonstrated his technique over the comctl32 vulnerability of Internet Explorer 6. He also pointed out related problems for his technique. First, loops in the binary application code can pose a problem when constructing path constraints, and may prevent the system from successfully creating an exploit string. Second, in some cases the path constraint may simply be too large for the constraint solver to handle. David concluded by discussing the implications of such a technique, namely that patch distribution schemes must be re-hashed. Somesh Jha asked David what would happen if he obfuscated a patch just enough to fool the binary differencer, but not enough to introduce significant runtime overhead. David stated that this might be more difficult than Somesh thinks, as the binary differencer he used is relatively sophisticated. Peter Chen asked if there were any differences between the exploits he generated, and those that are publicly released. David confirmed that this was the case. Another attendee pointed out that this could lead to a war of escalation, where patch distributors test a patch against all blackhat generation techniques, so that attackers must rely on manual analysis to generate an exploit. David then agreed that this may be the case, and observed that in the past the security community has not done a great job estimating the capabilities of the attacker. The third talk of the attack session was given by Michael Backes. Michael talked about a series of experiments he conducted, where he attempted to read the contents of a computer screen from its reflection off of various objects located near the computer. In the end, he was able to concluded that it is feasible to read the reflection of a computer screen off the surface of a human eyeball, given a large enough telescope. As defensive measures, he proposed that people not compute in areas in which it is likely that a large telescope might be concealed, that people should remove reflective objects from their computing area, and that people close their curtains. One of the attendees asked Michael whether it might be possible to read reflections that bounce off of two surfaces. Michael replied that before this work he would have said that it was impossible, whereas now he will only say that it is unlikely. Louis Kruger asked about the possibility of observing moving figures, to which Michael responded that motion blur poses a significant difficulty to this type of work. Crispin Cowan suggested vibrating the screen lightly, to bring the problem of motion blur back into the equation. Michael remarked that this was certainly a creative idea, and may work in some situations. One of the attendees asked Michael whether his bald head might pose a security risk, to which Michael responded that is almost certainly would. The final talk of the attacks session was given by Marco Cova, and was titled "ClearShot: Eavesdropping on Keyboard Input from Video". Marco described how it is possible to eavesdrop on someone's communication by analyzing a video recording of them typing on a keyboard, citing the movie Sneakers as inspiration. For this work, Marco assumed control of the camera position and parameters, and a fixed keyboard position. Marco's stated goal was as much automation as possible in the process of reconstructing text from video. The process can be broken down into two phases, the vision phase and the text analysis phase. In the vision phase, each frame is analyzed, and key presses are tracked and recorded. In the text analysis phase, the results of the vision phase are used to suggest possible sequences of words. A character model is used to express constraints on which letters can occupy which positions in a word. After the character models have been determined, they are expressed as an acyclic word model graph, each path in the graph corresponding to a weighted regular expression, and a dictionary is used to find the best words that match the regular expressions. Marco then presented results for his technique. Hao Chen asked Marco if he had considered techniques similar to those used in speech recognition, such as hidden markov models. Marco confirmed that his group had considered these techniques, but the imprecisions from the vision phase hindered them. Several attendees asked questions about the experiments presented by Marco, to which Marco pointed out that his current results are preliminary, and there was still future work to be done on the problem. Tuesday, May 19 Fifth Session: Miscellaneous Session Chair: Andrew Meyers ---------------------------------- The first talk of the miscellaneous session was given by Randy Smith from the University of Wisconsin on the problem of matching regular expression signatures on high-speed network links. Randy presented a technique, dubbed "Extended Finite State Automata", that makes use of a small amount of auxiliary memory to match regular languages at nearly the speed of deterministic finite state automatons, and requiring approximately as much memory as non-deterministic finite state automatons. He demonstrated the effectiveness of the technique on real network data. One of the attendees asked Randy what would happen if NIDS could no longer keep track of all possible offending patterns, but instead had to whitelist good patterns. Randy replied that deep packet inspection might be a possible solution to this problem, as more sophisticated characteristics of the packet are being considered. Another attendee asked Randy if his technique might be capable of recognizing languages that are more complex than regular. Randy replied that he had not yet looked into this. The last talk of the miscellaneous session was given by Louis Kruger, and was titled "Practical Privacy for Genomic Computation". Louis presented three protocols for computing edit distance in a privacy-preserving manner, so that each party can obtain the desired results without revealing sensitive data, and informed the audience that computing edit distance is simply a generalization of the Smith-Waterman computation relevant to genetics research. The innovation behind Louis' work is that rather than developing privacy-preserving evaluation protocols for specific problems, or completely general protocols, efficiency can be gained by developing protocols that work for entire classes of problems. One of the attendees asked Louis whether his protocols are susceptible to covert timing attacks. Louis replied that he did not see this as a problem. Another attendee asked Louis how his algorithms compare with non privacy-preserving algorithms in terms of performance, to which he responded that there was no comparison - his algorithms perform much more slowly. Sixth Session: Defenses Session Chair: Tadayoshi Kohno ----------------------------------- Bryan Pane started this session off with his talk entitled "Lares: An Architecture for Secure Active Monitoring Using Virtualization". Bryan pointed out that active monitoring is critical to modern systems security analysis, but malware might tamper with the hooks on which active monitoring systems rely. To address this problem, Bryan proposed moving the active monitoring infrastructure further out of reach of malware, to the virtualization layer. Bryan presented his system, Lares, which does precisely this. Lares resides in a separate hypervisor, and installs hook in the guest VM to perform active monitoring. Memory protection using page-granularity write permissions with additional byte-granularity checks are used to achieve memory protection, and therefore ensure that malware does not overwrite the hooks placed by Lares. He goes on to claim that Lares hooks perform withing ten microseconds of a typical kernel hook in a traditional active monitoring system. Crispin Cowan asked Bryan what he does to prevent an attacker from trojanizing the whole system? Bryan replied that one of his base assumptions is that Lares is installed from a clean boot. Francis David then asked why all of the monitoring infrastructure resides in the virtualization layer, to which Bryan responded that placing it in this layer makes things easier and cleaner, so it is a good design decision. The second talk of this session was given by R. Sekar and Weiqing Sun. Sekar started off by stating that the only correct way to deal with malware is to consider information flow-based integrity. This is based on the assumption that system integrity is preserved if critical subjects are never influenced by untrustworthy objects, essentially making the common programmer assumption that the execution environment is benign valid. He then discusses a method for automating the construction of policies based on this principle can be realized by mapping entries in an access log to a set of policy choices. Weiqing Sun then provided the details of their policy enforcement framework, and presented numbers regarding the effectiveness of their system. One of the attendees pointed out that there exists an asymmetry in the manner in which violations of read-down and write-up policies are handled. Sekar pointed out that in one case, high-integrity applications are performing the violation, so it's generally OK to let them continue. In the other case, untrusted low-integrity apps are the problem, and are dealt with in a more conservative manner. The last talk of the defenses session was given by Periklis Akritidis, titled "Preventing memory error exploits with WIT". Periklis presented a compiler-based system for preventing memory corruption attacks, where instructions are broken into equivalence classes based on which memory regions they access. These equivalence classes are determined using static information, and runtime checks are inserted into key locations to ensure that instructions from a particular equivalence class only touch the corresponding memory. Periklis claimed that the technique is backward compatible, detects a number of memory corruption attacks, and does not result in substantial performance overhead. One attendee noted that the analysis is only as powerful as the static points-to analysis on which it depends. Periklis acknowledged this remark, and pointed out that his evaluation provided promising results. Seventh Session: Attacks II Session Chair: Wenke Lee -------------------------------- The first talk of this session was given by Steven Murdoch, on the Chip-and-PIN technology that is finding widespread use in Europe and Canada. Steven first presented the protection mechanisms present in standard Chip-and-PIN technology, gave a broad overview of the successful attack that his group perpetrated on Chip-and-PIN technology, and presented video evidence of the financial industry's unwillingness to acknowledge the serious vulnerabilities present in these systems. Crispin Cowan pointed out that in North America, the burden of liability for financial fraud falls squarely on the bank, and asked how Canada will be affected with the adoption of Chip-and-PIN. An attendee from Canada who had recently received a Chip-and-PIN enabled card informed the audience that the cards come with a new customer agreement, which requires the customer to sign his rights away. The second talk of the Attacks II session was given by Francis David, titled "Cloaker: Hardware Supported Rootkit Concealment". Francis began with a description of the intrusion workflow, and observed that evolution in rootkit technology has been driven by an arms race in recent years. He then presents Cloaker, a rootkit system that utilizes hardware support to conceal itself, representing the logical next step in the rootkit arms race. He then presents a few case study payloads that utilize Cloaker. He finishes with a take-home point that the problem of system integrity cannot be solved without considering the hardware, as Cloaker is only one example of a system that exploits a gap between software systems and architecture. One of the attendees asked Francis if he thought attackers were capable of devising ways to hijack control flows faster than defenders can find ways of checking for subversion. Francis admitted that it is indeed an easier task to write checks than to come up with new subversion techniques. The final talk of the session, titled "Predictable Design of Network-Based Covert Communication Systems", was given by Ron Smith. Ron started off with the hypothesis that covert communications systems based upon exploitable low-bandwidth covert channels can be designed with mathematical predictability and precision. He presented three quantifiable properties of a network-based covert channel - probability of detection, system efficiency, and communication reliability expressed as a bit error rate. He then gave a formal characterization of covert channel detectability and an expression for covert channel efficiency. John Nolan asked Ron if there is any hope of calculating channel capacity. Ron responded that he had attempted to do this in his thesis, but it is actually a considerably difficult problem. Another attendee noted that the adversarial model selected for this work was perhaps unrealistically powerful, to which Ron replied that they had made paranoid assumptions due to conservative principles of network security. ==================================================================== News Briefs ==================================================================== May 2, 2008, from Gene Spafford CERIAS Available in Podcast We have completed another year of security seminars at CERIAS. These are all recorded and made available for FREE as streaming media and "podcasts." We now have four years of these available, on a variety of topics related to cyber security, privacy, policy, and cybercrime. Speakers come from industry, academia, and government. The seminars are available via many of the usual outlets, including iTunes and Miro. You can also view them at our WWW site, and find links to download sites. Visit http://peek.snipurl.com/secsem (a "peek" shortened URL). The seminar has been running since 1992, and we are seeking sponsors to help cover the cost of putting older videos online, and to help cover the expense of bringing speakers in. Interested potential sponsors should contact info@cerias.purdue.edu. Individuals interested in speaking in the seminar can also contact info@cerias.purdue.edu . Note that we have been told that individuals *may* be able to watch these seminars and claim some CE credit towards professional certification. We also know that some companies and universities use these in their own classes and teaching. We would love to hear about how *you* might find them useful, or any suggestions. Please send your feedback to info@cerias.purdue.edu . _____________________________________________________________________ May 2, 2008, NIST Press Release Request for Comments on Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions NIST announces the release of draft Special Publication 800-108, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions. This Recommendation specifies techniques for key derivation from a secret key using pseudorandom functions (PRF). Please submit email comments to draft-SP800-108-comment@nist.gov with "Comments on SP800-108" in the subject line. The comment period closes on June 28, 2008. You can access the draft at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-108/Draft_SP-800-108_April-2008.pdf _____________________________________________________________________ News briefs from past issues of Cipher are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/NewsBriefs.html ==================================================================== Conference and Workshop Announcements Upcoming Calls-For-Papers and Events ==================================================================== The complete Cipher Calls-for-Papers is located at http://www.ieee-security.org/CFP/Cipher-Call-for-Papers.html The Cipher event Calendar is at http://www.ieee-security.org/Calendar/cipher-hypercalendar.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- Call For Participation 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 23-25, 2008 The registration is now open. Early registration ends on June 1. Online late registration is open June 2-10. The specialty of this year is co-location with IEEE LICS 2008. There are a few joint CSF/LICS activities to look forward to, including a joint invited talk by David Basin, joint regular- and short-talk sessions and 8 workshops related to security foundations and logic. Further information (including a detailed program) is on the CSF 2008 web site: http://www.cylab.cmu.edu/CSF2008/ Hope to see you in Pittsburgh! Anupam Datta (General Chair) and Andrei Sabelfeld (Program Chair) ____________________________________________________________________ Cipher Event Calendar ____________________________________________________________________ Calendar of Security and Privacy Related Events maintained by Hilarie Orman NP = No proceedings AO = Proceedings are distributed to attendees only BP = Only "best papers" will be published No notation means that the proceedings will be published for distribution outside the conference. 5/25/08- 5/28/08: Service, Security and its Data management technologies in Ubi-comp (SSDU), Kunming, China; http://grid.hust.edu.cn/gpc2008/ 5/26/08: Security Issues in Concurrency (SecCo) Toronto, Canada; Submissions are due; , http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/SecCo08/ 5/30/08: New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS) Tangier, Morocco; Submissions are due; , http://www.ntms-conference.org/ --------- 6/ 1/08: Mobile Wireless Networks (SoftCOM) Split-Dubrovnik (CROATIA); Submissions are due; info: mario.deblasi@unile.it http://www.fesb.hr/SoftCOM/2008/CfP_DeBlasi_2008.pdf 6/ 2/08: Workshop on Virtual Machine Security (VMSEC) Fairfax, VA; Submissions are due; NP, http://csis.gmu.edu/VMSec/ 6/ 3/08- 6/ 6/08: Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS), Columbia University, New York City, NY; http://acns2008.cs.columbia.edu/ 6/ 3/08- 6/ 6/08: Workshop on Security and High Performance Computing Systems (SHPCS), Nicosia, Cyprus; proceedings to attendees only (AO); info: guha@eecs.ucf.edu, http://www.diiga.univpm.it/~spalazzi/nicosia/ 6/ 3/08- 6/ 4/08: Applications of Pairing-Based Cryptography: IBE and Beyond (NIST-IBE), Gaithersburg, MD; info: ibe@nist.gov, http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/IBE/index.html 6/ 4/08- 6/ 5/08: Symposium on Information Assurance (IASymp), Albany, NY; AO, http://www.albany.edu/iasymposium 6/ 6/08: Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) Orlando, Florida; ; Submissions are due; info: npsec08 @ netsec.colorado.edu; AO?; http://www.netsec.colostate.edu/npsec08/ 6/ 8/08: Information Security (IS) Monterrey, Mexico; Abstracts are due; info: parkjnghyuk1@hotmail.com, http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf 6/13/08: Workshop on Security and Privacy in Enterprise Computing (Inspec) Munich, Germany; Submissions are due; http://ra.crema.unimi.it/inspec2008/; NP 6/14/08: School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD), Bertinoro, Italy; Applications are due; http://www.sti.uniurb.it/events/fosad08/ 6/15/08: Symposium on Trusted Computing (TrustCom), Zhang Jia Jie, China; Submissions are due; info: csgjwang AT gmail.com, http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2008 6/16/08- 6/17/08: Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM), Trondheim, Norway; AO, BP, http://www.isac.uma.es/stm08 6/16/08: Workshop on Scalable Computing (STC) Fairfax, Virginia; Submissions are due, http://www.sisa.samsung.com/innovation/stc08 6/20/08: Workshop on Wireless Security and Privacy (WISP), Beijing, China info: zjiang@wcupa.edu, http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.html 6/20/08: Computer Security Architecture Workshop (CSAW), Fairfax, Virginia Submissions are due; http://www.rites.uic.edu/csaw, NP 6/21/08: Web 2.0 Trust (W2Trust), Trondheim, Norway; , NP, http://www.sis.uncc.edu/~mshehab/W2Trust/index.html 6/22/08- 6/27/08: USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX), Boston, MA; info: conference@usenix.org http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix08/ 6/22/08: Workshop on Proof-Carrying Code (PCC), CMU, Pittsburgh, PA; info: pcc08@easychair.org, http://workshops.inf.ed.ac.uk/pcc08 6/23/08- 6/25/08: Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), Pittsburgh, PA, http://www.cylab.cmu.edu/CSF2008/ 6/25/08- 6/27/08: Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), Hanover, New Hampshire; ; proceedings to attendees only (AO), http://weis2008.econinfosec.org 6/25/08: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST) Malaga, Spain; Submissions are due, http://www.iit.cnr.it/FAST2008/ 6/26/08: Workshop on Formal and Computational Cryptography (FCC), Pittsburgh, PA; info: fcc2008@di.ens.fr NP, http://www.di.ens.fr/~blanchet/fcc08/ --------- 7/ 7/08: (or 7/8/08) IWACO, Paphos, Cyprus; info: mueller@microsoft.com; BP, 7/ 7/08: Security in Opportunistic and SOCial Networks (SOSOC), Istanbul, Turkey; http://www.sosoc.org; NP 7/ 8/08- 7/18/08: Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA), Plymouth, UK; info: info@haisa.org, http://www.haisa.org 7/10/08- 7/11/08: Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), Paris, France, http://www.dimva.org/dimva2008/ 7/10/08- 7/11/08: Advances in Computer Security and Forensics (ACSF), Liverpool, UK; info: J.Haggerty@ljmu.ac.uk, AO, http://www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/acsf3/ 7/14/08- 7/16/08: Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP), Wollongong, Australia, http://www.uow.edu.au/conferences 7/19/08: Information Systems Security (ICISS) Hyderabad, India; ; Submissions are due, http://www.seclab.cs.sunysb.edu/iciss08/ 7/21/08- 7/25/08: Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments (SMPE), Dublin, Ireland; info: coronato.a@na.ica.cnr.it, http://www.na.icar.cnr.it/smpe08/ 7/23/08- 7/25/08: Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/SOUPS/ 7/23/08: Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NordSec) Copenhagen, Denmark Submissions are due, http://lbt.imm.dtu.dk/nsd08/nordsec08/ 7/28/08- 8/ 1/08: USENIX Security Symposium (USENIXSec), San Jose, CA; info: sec08chair@usenix.org, http://www.usenix.org/sec08/cfpa/ --------- 8/11/08- 8/13/08: Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS), Baltimore, MD, http://www.dfrws.org/2008/ 8/23/08: Security Issues in Concurrency (SecCo), Toronto, Canada, http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/SecCo08/ 8/25/08- 8/30/08: School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD), Bertinoro, Italy, http://www.sti.uniurb.it/events/fosad08/ --------- 9/ 4/08: Information Warfare and Security (ICIW) Cape Town, South Africa; abstracts are due, http://www.jinfowar.com 9/ 8/08- 9/10/08: Information Security Conference (SEC), Milan, Italy, http://sec2008.dti.unimi.it 9/ 8/08- 9/11/08: Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS), Surrey, UK, http://www.scc.rhul.ac.uk/CARDIS/index.html 9/15/08- 9/17/08: Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), Cambridge, MA; info: rkc@ll.mit.edu, http://www.ll.mit.edu/IST/RAID2008/ 9/15/08: Workshop on Security and Privacy in Enterprise Computing (Inspec), Munich, Germany; ; NP, http://ra.crema.unimi.it/inspec2008/ 9/15/08: Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSEC), Cambridge, MA, http://vizsec.org/workshop2008/ 9/22/08- 9/25/08: New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), Squaw Valley, CA; http://www.nspw.org 9/22/08: Security in Opportunistic and SOCial Networks (SOSOC), Istanbul, Turkey; Submissions are due; http://www.sosoc.org; NP 9/22/08- 9/25/08: Security and Privacy for Communication Networks (Securecomm), Istanbul, Turkey; NP, http://www.securecomm.org 9/22/08- 9/24/08: Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Utrecht, NL; info: tanja@hyperelliptic.org, NP, http://www.hyperelliptic.org/tanja/conf/ECC08/ 9/25/08- 9/27/08: Mobile Wireless Networks (SoftCOM), Split-Dubrovnik (CROATIA); info: mario.deblasi@unile.it, http://www.fesb.hr/SoftCOM/2008/CfP_DeBlasi_2008.pdf --------- 10/ 6/08-10/ 8/08: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Malaga, Spain, http://www.isac.uma.es/esorics08 10/ 9/08: Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (WDFIA), Malaga, Spain; info: wdfia08@aegean.gr, http://www.aegean.gr/wdfia08 10/ 9/08-10/10/08: Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST), Malaga, Spain, http://www.iit.cnr.it/FAST2008/ 10/ 9/08-10/10/08: Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NordSec), Copenhagen, Denmark, http://lbt.imm.dtu.dk/nsd08/nordsec08/ 10/12/08: Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (SecPri_WiMob), Avignon, France, http://www.aegean.gr/SecPri_WiMob_2008 10/14/08-10/17/08: Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference (APTC), Yangtze River Cruiser, China, http://grid.hust.edu.cn/aptc08/ 10/18/08-10/19/08: IFIP International Workshop on Network and System Security (NSS), Shanghai, China; info: wanlei@deakin.edu.au, http://nss.cqu.edu.au 10/19/08-10/22/08: International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Orlando, Florida; proceedings to attendees only (AO); info: icnp2008@cs.purdue.edu, http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/fahmy/icnp2008/ 10/19/08: Secure Network Protocols (NPSec), Orlando, Florida; ; info: npsec08 @ netsec.colorado.edu; AO?, http://www.netsec.colostate.edu/npsec08/ 10/20/08-10/22/08: ICICS, Birmingham, UK; http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/icics08/ 10/27/08: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Security (AISec), Alexandria, VA, http://www.aisec.info 10/27/08-10/31/08: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, (CCS), Alexandria, Virginia, info: http://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2008/contact.html http://www.sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2008/contact.html 10/27/08: Digital Rights Management Workshop (DRM), Alexandria, VA, http://www.ece.unm.edu/DRM2008/ 10/27/08: Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), Alexandria, Virginia, http://dais.cs.uiuc.edu/wpes08 10/27/08: Quality of Protection (QoP), Alexandria, VA, http://qop-workshop.org 10/28/08-10/30/08: Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), Tozeur, Tunisia; NP, http://www.redcad.org/crisis2008/ 10/31/08: NIST SHA3 Hash Function Competition (NIST-SHA3); info: bstein@nist.gov; Submissions are due, mailto:bstein@nist.gov, http://www.nist.gov/hash-competition 10/31/08: Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM), Fairfax, VA; info: ccs2008-dim_at_lab.ntt.co.jp; NP, http://www2.pflab.ecl.ntt.co.jp/dim2008 10/31/08: Workshop on Virtual Machine Security (VMSEC), Fairfax, VA; NP, http://csis.gmu.edu/VMSec/ 10/31/08: Workshop on Scalable Computing (STC), Fairfax, Virginia; http://www.sisa.samsung.com/innovation/stc08 10/31/08: Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability (StorageSS), George Mason University, http://storagess.org/2008/ 10/31/08: Computer Security Architecture Workshop (CSAW), Fairfax, Virginia; http://www.rites.uic.edu/csaw, NP --------- 11/ 5/08-11/ 7/08: Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Raleigh, NC; HREF=http://sensys.acm.org/2008/ 11/ 5/08-11/ 7/08: New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Tangier, Morocco, http://www.ntms-conference.org/ 11/10/08-11/11/08: Information Security (IS), Monterrey, Mexico; info: parkjnghyuk1@hotmail.com, http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf 11/18/08-11/20/08: Symposium on Trusted Computing (TrustCom), Zhang Jia Jie, China; info: csgjwang AT gmail.com http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2008 11/25/08-11/27/08: Workshop on Security (IWSEC), Kagawa, Japan, http://www.iwsec.org 11/30/08-12/ 4/08: IEEE Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (Globecom), New Orleans, LA; info: abderrahim.benslimane@univ-avignon.fr, http://www.IEEE-Globecom.org/2008 --------- 12/16/08-12/20/08: Information Systems Security (ICISS), Hyderabad, India, http://www.seclab.cs.sunysb.edu/iciss08/ --------- 3/26/09- 3/27/09: Information Warfare and Security, Cape Town, South Africa; BP, http://www.jinfowar.com ____________________________________________________________________ Journal, Conference and Workshop Calls-for-Papers (new since 83) ____________________________________________________________________ (Due to the Security and Privacy Symposium this column is not available this month; see the online web pages) ==================================================================== Listing of academic positions available by Cynthia Irvine ==================================================================== * Posted May 2008 SRI International Menlo Park, California Postdoctoral Fellow Open until filled * Posted April 2008 University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Postdoc Fellow Open until position is filled http://cisr.nps.edu/jobscipher.html -------------- This job listing is maintained as a service to the academic community. If you have an academic position in computer security and would like to have in it included on this page, send the following information: Institution, City, State, Position title, date position announcement closes, and URL of position description to: irvine@cs.nps.navy.mil ==================================================================== Information on the Technical Committee on Security and Privacy ==================================================================== ____________________________________________________________________ Information for Subscribers and Contributors ____________________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS: Two options, each with two options: 1. To receive the full ascii CIPHER issues as e-mail, send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org (which is NOT automated) with subject line "subscribe". OR send a note to cipher-request@mailman.xmission.com with the subject line "subscribe" (this IS automated - thereafter you can manage your subscription options, including unsubscribing, yourself) 2. To receive a short e-mail note announcing when a new issue of CIPHER is available for Web browsing send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org (which is NOT automated) with subject line "subscribe postcard". OR send a note to cipher-postcard-request@mailman.xmission.com with the subject line "subscribe" (this IS automated - thereafter you can manage your subscription options, including unsubscribing, yourself) To remove yourself from the subscription list, send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org with subject line "unsubscribe" or "unsubscribe postcard" or, if you have subscribed directly to the xmission.com mailing list, use your password (sent monthly) to unsubscribe per the instructions at http://mailman.xmission.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cipher or http://mailman.xmission.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cipher-postcard Those with access to hypertext browsers may prefer to read Cipher that way. It can be found at URL http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html CONTRIBUTIONS: to cipher @ ieee-security.org are invited. Cipher is a NEWSletter, not a bulletin board or forum. It has a fixed set of departments, defined by the Table of Contents. Please indicate in the subject line for which department your contribution is intended. Calendar and Calls-for-Papers entries should be sent to cipher-cfp @ ieee-security.org and they will be automatically included in both departments. To facilitate the semi-automated handling, please send either a text version of the CFP or a URL from which a text version can be easily obtained. For Calendar entries, please include a URL and/or e-mail address for the point-of-contact. For Calls for Papers, please submit a one paragraph summary. See this and past issues for examples. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. All reuses of Cipher material should respect stated copyright notices, and should cite the sources explicitly; as a courtesy, publications using Cipher material should obtain permission from the contributors. ____________________________________________________________________ Recent Address Changes ____________________________________________________________________ Address changes from past issues of Cipher are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/AddressChanges.html _____________________________________________________________________ How to become <> a member of the IEEE Computer Society's TC on Security and Privacy _____________________________________________________________________ You may easily join the TC on Security & Privacy by completing the on-line for at IEEE at http://www.computer.org/TCsignup/index.htm ______________________________________________________________________ TC Publications for Sale ______________________________________________________________________ IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium The 2007 proceedings are available in hardcopy for $30.00, the 28 year CD is $20.00, plus shipping and handling. The 2006 Symposium proceedings and 11-year CD are sold out. The 2005, 2004, and 2003 Symposium proceedings are available for $10 plus shipping and handling. Shipping is $4.00/volume within the US, overseas surface mail is $7/volume, and overseas airmail is $11/volume, based on an order of 3 volumes or less. The shipping charge for a CD is $1 per CD (no charge if included with a hard copy order). Send a check made out to the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy to the 2007 treasurer (below) with the order description, including shipping method, and send email to the 2007 Registration Chair (Yong Guan) (oakland07-registration @ ieee-security.org) with the shipping address, please. Terry Benzel Treasurer, IEEE Security and Privacy USC Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 822-1511 IEEE CS Press You may order some back issues from IEEE CS Press at http://www.computer.org/cspress/catalog/proc9.htm Computer Security Foundations Symposium Copies of the proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop (now Symposium) are available for $10 each. Copies of proceedings are available starting with year 10 (1997). Photocopy versions of year 1 are also $10. Contact Jonathan Herzog if interested in purchase. Jonathan Herzog Department of Computer Science Naval Postgraduate School 1 University Circle Monterey, CA 93943 jcherzog@nps.edu ______________________________________________________________________ TC Officer Roster ______________________________________________________________________ Chair: Security and Privacy Chair Emeritus: Prof. Cynthia Irvine Deborah Shands U.S. Naval Postgraduate School The Aerospace Corporation Computer Science Department El Segundo, CA Code CS/IC oakland07-chair@ieee-security.org Monterey CA 93943-5118 (831) 656-2461 (voice) irvine@nps.edu Vice Chair: Chair, Subcommittee on Academic Affairs: Hilarie Orman Prof. Cynthia Irvine Purple Streak, Inc. U.S. Naval Postgraduate School 500 S. Maple Dr. Computer Science Department, Code CS/IC Salem, UT 84653 Monterey CA 93943-5118 hilarie @purplestreak.com (831) 656-2461 (voice) irvine@nps.edu Treasurer: Chair, Subcomm. on Security Conferences: Terry Benzel Jonathan Millen USC Information Sciences Intnl The MITRE Corporation, Mail Stop S119 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001 202 Burlington Road Rte. 62 Los Angeles, CA 90292 Bedford, MA 01730-1420 (310) 822-1511 (voice) 781-271-51 (voice) tbenzel @isi.edu jmillen@mitre.org Security and Privacy Symposium Newsletter Editor 2008 General Chair: Hilarie Orman Yong Guan Purple Streak, Inc. Iowa State University 500 S. Maple Dr. oakland08-chair@ieee-security.org Salem, UT 84653 cipher-editor@ieee-security.org ________________________________________________________________________ BACK ISSUES: Cipher is archived at: http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html Cipher is published 6 times per year