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Editor cipher-editor @ ieee-security.org cipher-assoc-editor @ ieee-security.org Bob Bruen Yong Guan Book Review Editor, Calendar Editor cipher-bookrev @ ieee-security.org cipher-cfp @ ieee-security.org ========================================================================== The newsletter is also at http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html Contents: * Letter from the Editor * Commentary and Opinion o Bob Bruen's review of "Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel" by Greg Hoglund and James Butler o Bob Bruen's review of "Host Integrity Monitoring Using Osiris and Samhain" by Brian Wotring and Bruce Potter o Bob Bruen's review of "Network Security Tools. Writing, Hacking and Modifying Security Tools" by Nitesh Dhanjani and Justin Clarke o Announcement of deadline extension for ACM SIGSAC awards, contributed by Pierangela Samarati o Review of SOUPS, Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, July 6-8, 2005) by Fahd Arshad and Rob Reeder o Book reviews, Conference Reports and Commentary and News items from past Cipher issues are available at the Cipher website * Conference and Workshop Announcements o Calendar items o New CFP's * List of Computer Security Academic Positions, by Cynthia Irvine * Staying in Touch o Information for subscribers and contributors o Recent address changes - Kevin Fu * Interesting Links and New reports available via FTP and WWW * Links for the IEEE Computer Society TC on Security and Privacy o Becoming a member of the TC o TC Officers o TC publications for sale ==================================================================== Letter from the Editor ==================================================================== Dear Readers: September inaugurates the start of the research conference season, but we have an excellent, in-depth review of a summer conference, SOUPS, contributed by Fahd Arshad and Rob Reeder. Bob Bruen selected three books from recent security literature and contributed reviews, as usual. Yong Guan organized our CFP and calendar entry lists for reader perusal. Cipher can tell you what to read and where to go. The photos and reports of devastation from Hurrican Katrina put physical security and population protection are on everyone's mind. Does computer security have a role in this? Underlying the news, largely unremarked, we hear of webistes, databases, and email conveying information about the living, the missing, and incredibly detailed aerial images of the coastline. One can only believe that more agile and reliable communication would have enabled more focused relief efforts. And yes, communications and data security are major contributors to reliability. I hope governments everywhere will take note of the importance of communication in managing crises and that we will see research fund budgets reflect this reality. Technology is probably many years away from being able to avert natural catastrophes, but we can save lives and put lives back together with reliable and secure communications and computer technology. And last, it is important to note that Cipher depends entirely on user contributions, and our contributors for this issue are due many thanks for their efforts. Hilarie Orman cipher-editor @ ieee-security.org ==================================================================== Commentary and Opinion ==================================================================== Book reviews from past issues of Cipher are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/BookReviews.html, and conference reports are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/ConfReports.html ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Bob Bruen 09/19/05 ____________________________________________________________________ Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel by Greg Hoglund and James Butler Addison-Wesley 2006. ISBN 0-321-29431-9 Price: $44.99 Rootkits are generally a set of programs that either replace or alter system binaries so that the intruder can control events on a computer. The alteration may happen in real time. Early Unix rootkits generally replaced the system program that listed files and process ("ls" and "ps") and manipulated log files in order to conceal the presence of the intruder. Later versions expanded the replacement list, eventually adding Kernel modules. Rootkits for the Windows OS have had similar goals, but different techniques. Hoglund founded rootkits.com about ten years ago after discovering rootkits. Since then rootkits have become extremely sophisticated, and so have the authors. The proprietary nature of Windows code does not appear to have stopped the spread of details on how things work. The expertise required to put together a Windows rootkit using the techniques explained in this book is substantial. The detailed description of the conceptual aspects coupled with clearly written code make it all quite accessible, not a trivial task. Any worthwhile rootkit needs to be able to hide from the people who used to own the box, but methods for controlling and hiding have gone past the operating system level. The chapter on hardware techniques is nice. It starts out with a scenario in which an intruder breaks into room with a computer. The first failure is obviously in physical security, but the best part is the modification of the Ethernet card and the BIOS. The Windows operating system can be checked for viruses, updated, upgraded and reinstalled with no effect. Whatever we do to make our systems better merely opens up another avenue for an attacker. The problem source is in two parts, one is simply the nature of the digital world. It is all pretend, based on the difference between two states, mostly an one and a zero. Everything is based on the logical distinctions by grouping and defining the interpretations. There is no ultimate source or fix available. It is all about how things are designed. These designs can be figured out by someone who wants to do so, especially when you consider that each user must have some form of the design to run an application or their machine. Design understanding can only be made more difficult, but not impossible. Much of the design and implementation of code is just not very good. This fact eases the burden on those who wish the subvert code. Several really good books have come out this past year or so which explain how things work and to break them. More can still be done. For example this excellent book is Windows-centric, a Linux-centric equivalent would be welcome. The knowledge is out there. This review cannot do justice to the excellent work in the file system, process handling, networking, kernel insights and other operating system functions that are opened up for everyone in "Rootkits." It would help the reader to have an operating system and computer architecture background because the book delves deeply into the machine's operation. This book is a "must have" for anyone interested in security. The depth of of the authors' expertise is enviable and their willingness to share to share it is appreciated. Software and hardware will not improve until it is demonstrated that there are no secrets. This book goes a long way to establishing that. There is no substitute for expertise. ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Bob Bruen 09/16/05 ____________________________________________________________________ Host Integrity Monitoring Using Osiris and Samhain by Brian Wotring and Bruce Potter Syngress 2005. ISBN 1-597490-18-0 $44.95. Index, three appendices. We all know and love Tripwire, even if we still use the non-commercial version. It was one of, if not the, first complete tool for managing file integrity. The name comes from the alarm set off because a file was changed in some way. There are other tools that are popular and are still free. This book covers two of those tools, Osiris and Samhain. Host intrusion detection systems are not quite as widespread in use as the network intrusion detection systems, generally because the number of hosts can be large. Each one requires time and attention, making a network approach more efficient, but not necessarily more effective. It seems that a blended approach would be useful and that appears to be common. The important machines on the network get good host monitoring and the less important are left to fend for themselves. The minimal blending is simply running an NIDS and some HIDS. A still better approach might be to really integrate both approaches so that there is a distributed set of HIDS with a central management system. Perhaps this could part of the non-commercial version. Moreover, it would nice to have a sophisticated method to manage change on a host. After all, system file changes should be thoughtfully managed anyway. The intruder changes can be caught up the relentless change management system. Without any criticism of file integrity monitoring, it is not enough by itself because other things happen on a system and intruder code can be hidden in places other than the disks. Osiris came into being as a few Perl scripts which eventually evolved into a extensive and sophisticated package. The architecture is geared toward central management with encrypted communications. The hosts will naturally require a client to be installed, which is a drawback of any HIDS, but otherwise nothing is stored on the host. The central manager does the heavy lifting. This is not unlike an application which needs to be installed on every computer on the LAN, something that is done all the time, but it is still overhead. Samhain is similar to Osiris in its architecture of client, server and manager, but the clients initiate communication with the server. The Osiris manager initiates the communication with the clients required to keep a port open. The local situation will probably dictate which is the preferred method. Samhain offers the ability to run different scans on different schedules instead of running everything at one time. Both Osiris and Samhain run on Linux, BSD and Windows, but not with the exact same feature set or ease of configuration. This can be a bit of a problem, but still helpful in a heterogeneous environment. Although the book is about Osiris and Samhain, there is a wealth of information about host integrity monitoring systems (HIMS). The advances in rootkits, intrusion techniques and defenses require us to update what we know. Anything learned ten years ago may still be valuable, just incomplete for today's environment. I always like books that are well written and provide good information, so I recommend Wotring's work to help bring you up to date. ____________________________________________________________________ Book Review By Bob Bruen 09/16/05 ____________________________________________________________________ Network Security Tools. Writing, Hacking and Modifying Security Tools by Nitesh Dhanjani and Justin Clarke O'Reilly 2005. ISBN 0-596-00794-9 $34.95, 324 pages; Index Although this book is not offered as a cookbook, it comes pretty close. From a teaching and learning perspective it is right on the mark. In part one, all of the tools have an example that extends the tool in some way. The code examples are small, easy to understand and straightforward to implement. The tools are are well-known [ed. they are well-known to those to whom they are well-known!]: Nessus, ettercap, hydra, nmap and nitko. Metasploit is also covered. In my opinion Metasploit is much more than a tool, although that is not really important. Kudos for including it. Most of these tools are documented in many places, but the techniques for customizing them, especially when one has its own language, can be daunting. The book brings it all down to the level of clarity. Once you can replicate and understand the examples, you are on your way. Like most tools in world outside of computers, their ease of use and usefulness determines how widespread they become. The tools presented in the first part of this are some of the popular ones. A complete set of tools and examples would be a large reference manual, but this is definitely the place to start. A goodly number of pages is devoted to web applications attack for the obvious reason that web servers tend to be in the DMZ or directly connected to the net. Other applications are more likely to be behind firewalls or otherwise better protected. It feels like web related problems, such as with cross-site scripting, PHP, shopping carts, etc are the source of as many, if not more problems, than Internet Explorer. A bit of a discovery for me was PMD, a static source analysis tool for Java, available at Sourceforge. It is included with the web applications chapter. More than likely if you write Java code, you are already familiar with it. Comparing the print given to the other tools, PMD gets more attention and it appears with reason. In my opinion, in spite of several excellent books on proper coding for security, there is still not enough. It is hard to imagine how many problems would vanish with better coding. PMD is a rule based package which can be extended, which is demonstrated nicely, and includes a code walkthrough. The second part of the book shows us to write our own tools, after we have have seen how to add our own special extensions to the standard tools. The first example is how to write a Linux Kernel Module. In true Unix tradition, it is "hello_world.c". Of course, this is fun, but much more interesting is the explanation and example to intercept system calls. Another review in this issue ( "Rootkits" by Hoglund and Butler) notes that Windows' system call interception is a common technique. The Linux kernel starting with 2.5 stopped exporting the sys_call_table structure, but the authors demonstrate a brute force method to gain access to system calls. They also show how to use LMK-based rootkits to hide processes (always a good idea) and part of rootkit. As in the first part, web applications come under scrutiny. In this chapter the example is a simple scanner written in Perl. This is followed by an exploit scanner targeting SQL. The last two chapters teach you how to put together a network sniffer of your own and a packet injection tool. This all reminds me of the science kits for putting together a working tool or experiment. Everything you need is included and each project is just the right size to learn how to do it. This is great book for script-kiddies who might want to understand how those exploits come about. It is also a good book for anyone who wants to get a handle on the tools used for security, perhaps to extend or write that customized application. This book makes the cut for one you should buy. ____________________________________________________________________ ACM SIGSAC Awards Nomination Plans 09/18/05 Contributed by Pierangela Samarati ____________________________________________________________________ ACM SIGSAC AWARDS: Nomination Deadline Extended to September 30, 2005 ACM SIGSAC AWARDS ACM SIGSAC is planning to offer two annual awards: SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award and SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award. The first awards will be given at the 2005 CCS. At most one award will be given each year in each category. The award criteria are as follows: - SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award: This award is given for outstanding and innovative technical contributions to the field of computer and communication security that have had lasting impact in furthering or understanding the theory or development of secure systems. - SIGSAC Outstanding Contribution Award: This award is given for significant contribution to the field of computer and communication security through fostering research and development activities, educating students, or providing professional services such as the running of professional societies and conferences. The SIGSAC Awards Committee is now open to receiving nominations for the awards. The awards will be presented at ACM Computer and Communication Security Conference, Alexandria, VA, November 7-11, 2005. NOMINATION PROCESS: Each nomination should be co-sponsored by at least 3 people. Email co-sponsorship is accepted. Nominations should include a proposed citation (up to 25 words), a succinct (100-250 words) description of the innovation/contribution, and a detailed statement (1-2 page) to justify the nomination as well as other supporting materials. Nominations should be submitted via e-mail (with subject "SIGSAC Innovation/Contribution Award nomination") to the chair of the SIGSAC Awards Committee: Pierangela Samarati (samarati@dti.unimi.it). EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: Deadline for receiving nominations is September 30, 2005. (extended from August 5, 2005) EXCLUSION: Members of the ACM SIGSAC Awards Committee are not eligible for nomination. The details related to the nomination process and administration of the awards are posted at http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigsac/awards.html ----------------------------- Pierangela Samarati Chair, SIGSAC Awards Committee SIGSAC Awards Committee: Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University John McLean, Naval Research Laboratory Jon Millen, The MITRE Corporation Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan ____________________________________________________________________ Review of SOUPS, Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, July 6-8, 2005 by Fahd Arshad and Rob Reeder Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. July 2005 ____________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents + Introduction - SOUPS 2005 + Tutorials + Introduction to Computer Security and Privacy + User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation + Opening Session + Welcome and Opening Remarks, Best Paper Award + Invited Talk + Refereed Paper Sessions + Session I: Usable Security + Session II: Usable Privacy + Session III: Visualizing Security + Poster Session + Panels + Usability of Security Administration vs. Usability of End-user Security + When User Studies Attack: Evaluating Security by Intentionally Attacking Users + Discussion Sessions + When User Studies Attack: Evaluating Security by Intentionally Attacking Users + Usability and Acceptance of Biometrics + Valuation and Context + Usable Interfaces for Anonymous Communication. 12][31] + Commentary on SOUPS 2005 + Threats Addressed at SOUPS + Evaluation: A Big Issue + Bringing HCI and Security Together + Who's Looking Out for the Administrators? # Introduction - SOUPS 2005 The first Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2005) took place July 6-8, 2005 on the Carnegie Mellon University campus in Pittsburgh, PA. The symposium was organized by CMU's CyLab and the CMU Usable Privacy and Security (CUPS) Lab, and was chaired by CMU's Lorrie Faith Cranor. SOUPS 2005 brought together academic and industry researchers from the HCISEC (human-computer interaction and security) field with a variety of backgrounds, including computer security, privacy, human-computer interaction, cognitive science, and public policy. The symposium was a response to a need, voiced at the 2004 DIMACS Workshop on Usable Privacy and Security Software held at Rutgers University, for a refereed forum for researchers in HCISEC to present their work. This document summarizes all of the SOUPS 2005 tutorial, opening, paper, panel, and discussion sessions. The end of the document contains a brief commentary on some of the themes and issues that were addressed or raised by SOUPS 2005. The editors would like to thank student members of the CUPS Lab who contributed summaries of SOUPS sessions to this report: Steve Sheng, Elaine Newton, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, and Serge Egelman. Thanks also to Cynthia Kuo for her detailed notes on the various SOUPS sessions. Fahd Arshad <[fahd@cmu.edu] Rob Reeder <[reeder@cs.cmu.edu] Carnegie Mellon University # Tutorials ## Introduction to Computer Security and Privacy Instructor: Simson Garfinkel, MIT Summary contributed by Fahd Arshad [Simson Garfinkel][39], ex-journalist and current security expert and privacy advocate, gave a three-part tutorial on Computer Security and Privacy. This was meant to be a primer for attendees who were not experts in computer security and would benefit from an overview of the basic principles involved. Garfinkel started with defining security in terms of availability, confidentiality, data integrity, control, and audit. Different environments have different priorities, so in some, the confidentiality or integrity of the data may be the most important aspects, whereas in others, availability may trump other considerations such as confidentiality. Hence whenever we ask whether data is secure, it must be in some context. Security policies must be constructed to fit needs within this context. Choosing "Best Practice" policy templates only obfuscates the particular security concerns of each organization, according to Garfinkel. Furthermore, those who have the responsibility for creating the policies must also have the power to enforce them. Finally, it must be realized that risk can not be removed entirely, but good security policies, based on properties such as fail-safe defaults, separation of privilege, open design, etc. can be an effective safeguard. Next, Garfinkel tackled privacy, the definition of which, like security, is contextual. Privacy can mean freedom from intrusion, control of person information, or misappropriation of one's name or image. The threat to privacy may come from the government, businesses, or the media. Garfinkel chronicled the historical threat to personal privacy that came with the rising use of photography and an aggressive press corps in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Credit reporting was born through the need to extend credit to anonymous customers around the same time. It was not until 1970 that the Fair Credit Reporting Act was passed by the US Congress to try and rein in some gross abuses in the credit reporting industry. The European governments, under the aegis of OECD and EU, accelerated the public debate on privacy and the Fair Information Practice Principles were drafted. In contrast with EU, in the US legislation was enacted sector-by-sector, using laws such as HIPAA, COPPA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and most recently, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. According to Garfinkel, policy rather than technology is the best tool to tackle privacy issues because policy can be technology-neutral and can address the human element (via lawsuits, etc.). However, policy can be influenced by special-interest groups and doesn't apply across national boundaries, whereas technology can shortcut some of these hurdles. In the second hour, Garfinkel gave a quick overview of cryptography techniques. He explained that message digests or hashes were special functions that created a "fingerprint" for a block of data. Digest algorithms such as MD5 or SHA can be computed easily, and since any change in the data will result in a different digest output, such algorithms can be used to ensure integrity of data exchange. Digests also allow safe storage and communication of secret data such as passwords, and hence are commonly used in authentication mechanisms. Then he took a brief trip down the memory lane of encryption technologies, recalling the Nazi Enigma machine of WWII and the development of DES and AES. Next, he quickly discussed public key encryption technologies. Garfinkel then showcased a number of privacy-protecting technologies. To block the increasingly annoying pop-up ads on the Web, users can use a client-based proxy such as AdSubtract that re-writes each visited page's HTML to screen out advertising elements. The Firefox browser comes with a handy extension called AdBlock that allows users to black-list ads based on their URLs. Bugnosis was another showcased tool. It can be used to identify web bugs, invisible images that websites use to track user behavior. Shifting to email privacy, Garfinkel reported that S/MIME, an email encryption standard, is in fact built into most email clients available today, but due to the apathy of vendors it was never widely adopted in the field. Hush Mail provides a Web-based encrypted email service, using a Java client that the users run locally. In addition to encryption in transit, there is interest in messages that are non-perpetual and may expire after a certain period. Omniva offers such a service to parties that consent to message expiration. It holds the decryption key on its servers and deletes them after a specified period, thereby rendering any copies stored on the clients' machines as well as intermediate servers and backup media, unreadable. Anonymous remailers and Web-browsing are also available, though all such services require the client to trust the server operator. For more general protection against surveillance of network traffic, Garfinkel reviewed mix nets and onion-routing networks. The basic idea behind mix nets is that a message is handed off from one machine on the network to another, with some random chance at each step that it will be routed to the destination. Hence, each machine only knows the identity of the one before it, and no more. In onion-routing networks, the general idea is still that the trust relationship is spread out over multiple machines, so that a snoop would have to compromise multiple machines to compromise privacy, not just one, as is the case with anonymous proxies or remailers. Finally, various anonymous, distributed document publishing systems have been proposed and built, offering varying amounts of privacy to the publishers and viewers. ## User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation Instructor: Jason I. Hong, CMU Summary contributed by Serge Egelman Jason Hong, a professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at CMU, ran a tutorial on the basics of user interface design and evaluation. He started by giving an overview of why HCI is important. For programmers, the interface for a program often represents the majority of the design, development, and testing. Failure to create a good interface can lead to many problems including loss of revenue, reputation, time, and even lives. Potential costs aside, creating a good interface can be very difficult as the designers often do not represent those who will be using the program and therefore have little idea of the usability problems that most users will encounter. Because of this, interface design considerations need to be made all the way through the development process, iterating from prototyping to user testing at every step. After giving an overview, Hong gave some examples of good and bad designs as well as methodologies for evaluating designs. One example mentioned was the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) ticket machines. The machines accept cash, ATM cards, and credit cards, yet have a different set of instructions for each payment method. This confuses users who have never used the machine before which results in frustration for the user as well as frustration for the people waiting in line behind the user. It was clear that the interface for this system was designed without the users in mind. Thus, when creating new systems, developers should conduct a task analysis to determine who the users are and what tasks they need to perform. Next, they can observe existing systems for inspiration and then create scenarios to test new ideas with potential users before actually building the new system. This gets rid of problems earlier in the design process where they are cheaper to fix. Designing new systems with potential users in mind is a difficult task of its own. Problems arise because users often do not really know what they want and therefore designers cannot simply ask them. Users might not be familiar with all that technology has to offer. They might not understand all of the design constraints (e.g. budget, time, etc.). They also may not be familiar with good design practices or they simply just don't know what they want. One way around these problems is through contextual inquiry, which is the practice of observing the potential users in their natural environment. This way designers can gain a better understanding of how their systems will fit into the user's world, how the user might use the system, and how the system will meet the user's needs. Contextual inquiries are executed by documenting how the user accomplishes very specific tasks. Designers can then review the interview as needed to determine what features will be important to the user. Designers can also use this data to create different personae which can be used to visualize how a user might use the system. This is accomplished by creating specific tasks for each persona and then documenting in great detail what the persona would need to do to accomplish the tasks. Prototyping is a very important step in designing a user interface because it allows designers to quickly experiment with alternative designs and get feedback on each of them. The first type of prototyping that Hong mentioned was low-fidelity prototyping. Low-fidelity prototypes look very little like the finished product; they are constructed out of materials that are easy to reconfigure as well as throw away when finished. But most importantly they are cheap and easy to rapidly reconfigure. One such prototype might be made out of construction paper cut-outs or even sketches on a whiteboard. Storyboards are another example of low-fidelity prototypes. They are used to map out specific steps for completing a specific task which allows the designer to concentrate on interactions with the user. High-fidelity prototypes on the other hand look very much like a finished product. While they cost more and take more time to construct, their attention to detail allows the user to have a better perception of the finished product. In creating new interfaces, designers must make them intuitive for the user. This is often accomplished through the use of conceptual models and interface metaphors. A conceptual model is something that easily creates a mental representation of how an object works and how one might control it. An affordance is one such example; an affordance gives the user clues to its operation. The use of an image link on a web page that looks like a button is an affordance: the image looks like you can push it, which then gives the user the idea that they can push the button (click the link). Additionally, metaphors can be used to remind the user of existing conceptual models. Hong used operating systems as an example: files, folders, and the desktop are all metaphors that give users clues to their use by conjuring up conceptual models of their physical world counterparts. Interfaces often fail because they have no clues or they have misleading clues. These lead to user errors, slow performance, and frustration. Finally, once an interface is designed, it needs to be properly tested. The first thing that must happen is for the designer to decide what needs to be tested. This is accomplished by creating a report that describes the objective of the test, a description of the system, the environment, the participants, and the specific tasks that are to be completed. The tasks should be similar to tasks that the designers believe the finished product will be used to accomplish. Next, the designers need to determine what data to collect, and how it is to be collected. There are two basic types of data, process data and bottom-line data. Process data covers what the user is doing and thinking, while bottom-line data consists of a summary of what the user did. Process data is usually collected by recording the user as they attempt each task, either video or audio (or both). To record what the user is thinking, they must "think aloud" by continuously saying exactly what they are thinking while they complete the task. Once the data has been collected it needs to be reviewed in order to draw results. Knowledge of statistics is required to determine the significance of the quantitative results as they could vary greatly. Some things to look for in the results are how well the users liked the system, how easy it was for them to navigate through it, whether they preferred it to another interface, and how it might be improved. Paying attention to detail when taking the test results and improving the design will maximize the design effort, the time spent on future user tests, as well as the usability of the final product. # Opening Session Summaries contributed by Fahd Arshad ## Welcome and Opening Remarks, Best Paper Award [Lorrie Cranor][40], SOUPS Chair, kicked off the conference by reviewing a number of current security issues that are due to usability problems. These problems range from patching to phishing, from spyware and spam epidemics to weak passwords and loss of sensitive information to crackers and courier services. We don't make matters any easier, she said, by using confusing, non-intuitive metaphors such as "spam" and "cookies" when referring to security and privacy-related concepts. Cranor noted that there was a lack of interaction between the computer security professionals and system administrators on one side and human-computer interaction experts and privacy advocates on the other. Only together do these two hold the key to usable security and privacy solutions, and the goal of SOUPS is to bring them together. At the end of her opening remarks, Cranor and Refereed Papers Chair Mary Ellen Zurko presented the Best Paper Award to Giovanni Iachello, Ian Smith, Sunny Consolvo, Mike Chen, and Gregory D. Abowd for their paper "Developing Privacy Guidelines for Social Location Disclosure Applications and Services." Cranor was followed by Pradeep Khosla, the co-director of CMU [CyLab][41], the main sponsor of SOUPS. He also expressed the hope that collaborative efforts between security and usability experts, such as the SOUPS conference itself, would result in the elimination of the "un-usability soup" we find ourselves in today. He spoke briefly about CyLab and its global reach, and then introduced the keynote speaker, Bill Cheswick. ## Invited Talk Speaker: Bill Cheswick, Lumeta Title: My Dad's Computer, Microsoft, and the Future of Internet Security [Bill Cheswick][42] wrote [the book on firewalls][43]. Literally! So it was a bit surprising when he declared that he "skinny-dipped" on the Internet, that is, navigated the Internet without a firewall. Cheswick's machine runs OpenBSD with almost all ports turned off and the only public service being SSH, so he doesn't look too vulnerable. However, as a yardstick for end-user security, he wondered whether an ordinary user could skinny-dip on the Internet. His test case was his own father, a gentleman who runs a Web browser, an email client, an IM client, and a stock-tracking application on, gasp, Windows! Can the elder Mr. Cheswick "skinny-dip"? To most attendees, it came as no surprise that the Cheswick found his father's Windows machine chock-full of adware and spyware. Also unsurprising was the fact that even after a full cleanup, the machine was infected again within weeks (when the speaker visited his father next). Here's the punch-line: the father was adamant that none of the security "fixes" or "solutions" break his machine. After all, explicit and annoying pop-up ads notwithstanding, he was still getting his work done, wasn't he? Why fix something that ain't broke? Cheswick hence illustrated a lesson that most HCI experts know, but which hasn't filtered down to the trenches yet: the damage due to risky online behavior (such as downloading "free" screensavers) must be made visible to the user. However, warned Cheswick, users and especially home users are always going to be the weak link in the chain, and trusting them to keep their machines secure is an exercise in futility. As long as there is a lack of separation of privileges and sandboxes in OSes like Windows, virus writers and malicious hackers will ultimately prevail. Cheswick borrows his solution from the even-keeled karate maestro, Mr. Miyagi: "The best block is not to be there". Translated to geek-speak, courtesy of Microsoft, "a feature you don't use should not be a security problem for you." Cheswick proposed a simple count of the number of services listening on ports on a machine as a measure of OS security. He reported that his measure progressively worsened between Windows 95 and XP, but that SP2 has gone some way towards addressing these potential entry points. Given that security by design is impossible with the millions of lines of code Microsoft now sells as Windows, the task of cleaning it up is Herculean. However, Cheswick believes there is hope in Longhorn, the next OS coming out of Microsoft, **if** it is re-written from scratch with security in mind. Microsoft is finally getting it, a few years too late. Of course, others such as SGI and other OS vendors made the same mistakes, and didn't live to recover from them. Cheswick then proposed "Windows OK", a stripped down version of Windows that would suit a huge slice of the consumers, such as the senior Mr. Cheswick, who need basic Internet access and not much more. Portable code attack vectors, such as executable code in Office applications, would be disabled, security-related settings including ActiveX controls would be placed in a single, conveniently accessible security panel, and network services listening on ports would be minimal, if any. Cheswick said Microsoft may or may not achieve this, but they are certainly heading in the right direction with SP2. He believes that other OSes offer some hope, especially the Mac OS X; however, they are currently not an option for all users, given the lack of application support for them. His final message was optimistic: we seem to be converging on a more secure computing environment, with a safer OS under the hood, more clear controls, and hopefully virus prevention, instead of detection (which we can't keep up with). In the Q&A session, Cheswick clarified that he had not written Linux off, but it needed to do more to become a true replacement for Windows for the average home user. He accepted that Windows may already have some of the tools he wants, such as data execution protection and local security policies, but administering them is a pain, and in desperate need of improved user interfaces. The final point of discussion was whether safety and security of software could be enforced by legislation, the direction in which Europe may be moving. Cheswick was not averse to the idea of liability for software, but wondered what would happen to Open Source products and individual application developers if such a scheme were to be adopted. # Refereed Paper Sessions Summaries contributed by Rob Reeder ## Session I: Usable Security #### Chair: Mary Ellen Zurko (IBM Software Group) ### [ Authentication Using Graphical Passwords: Effects of Tolerance and Image Choice][44] #### Susan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters (Drexel University), Jean-Camille Birget (Rutgers University), Alex Broditskiy, and Nasir Memon (Polytechnic University) Susan Wiedenbeck started the first paper session with a talk on authentication using graphical passwords. She first reviewed her PassPoints system, previously introduced by the author, in which users authenticate by clicking on a sequence of reference points within a photographic image. Prior work showed that such a system is comparable in terms of security (i.e., resistance to being cracked by a brute-force attack) and human memorability to textual passwords. This talk focused on whether the "tolerance" - the pixel size of the box within which a user must click for a point to be recognized as the same as the reference point - and choice of image made a difference in users' ability to remember their sequence of reference points. Wiedenbeck found that while a larger tolerance did lead to a greater reference-points retention rate, as might be expected, image choice made no significant difference in users' ability to remember their reference points. ### [ Johnny 2: A User Test of Key Continuity Management with S/MIME and Outlook Express][45] #### Simson L. Garfinkel and Robert C. Miller (MIT) The omnipresent Simson Garfinkel presented the second paper in the session. Garfinkel spoke about his work on a user interface add-on, called CoPilot, to the Outlook Express email client for implementing email encryption through Key Continuity Management (KCM). KCM addresses the problems users have looking up and authenticating correspondents' public keys, and generating their own key pairs. KCM obviates the need for users to carry out these steps, and instead requires the email client to keep track of known correspondents. In CoPilot, Outlook presents a colored border that is green for signed messages from known correspondents, and red, yellow, or gray for other types of (potentially suspicious) messages. Garfinkel and coauthor Rob Miller carried out a laboratory user study in which users were involved in a scenario that required sharing secret information with trusted correspondents, and were "attacked" by virtual enemies trying to obtain the secret. The authors found that KCM with CoPilot did significantly reduce users' susceptibility to some forms of attack compared to the ordinary Outlook interface, but that users remained quite vulnerable to attack. Under the best conditions, only 33% of users consistently resisted attacks. ### [ Two Experiences Designing for Effective Security][46] #### Rogerio DePaula, Xianghua Ding, Paul Dourish, Kari Nies, Ben Pillet, David Redmiles, Jie Ren, Jennifer Rode, and Roberto Silva Filho (University of California, Irvine) Finally, David Redmiles spoke about some of his research group's design experiences. The highlight of this talk was Impromptu, a user interface for visualizing shared resources in a ubiquitous computing environment. Impromptu was presented as a design prototype with no substantive evaluation. ## Session II: "Usable Privacy" #### Chair: John Karat (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) ### [Usable Security and Privacy: A Case Study of Developing Privacy Management Tools][47] #### Carolyn Brodie, Clare-Marie Karat, John Karat (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), and Jinjuan Feng (University of Maryland Baltimore County) Carolyn Brodie of IBM Watson started the session with a talk on SPARCLE, a tool for authoring and managing privacy policies within an organization. The SPARCLE tool supports the construction of formal privacy policies through natural language, template-based, and structured-text interfaces. Brodie and coauthors have been evaluating SPARCLE with real users who are responsible for privacy within their organizations. ### [Stopping Spyware at the Gate: A User Study of Privacy, Notice and Spyware][48] #### Nathaniel S. Good, Rachna Dhamija, Jens Grossklags, David Thaw, Steven Aronowitz, Deirdre Mulligan, and Joseph Konstan (UC Berkeley) Nathan Good from UC Berkeley followed Brodie. Good's talk focused on a user study which demonstrated what anyone might guess - that users don't read EULAs (End-User Licensing Agreements) when installing software. This can be a serious problem when failure to read a EULA leads a user to install spyware inadvertently. Good et al. found that even when EULAs were short and written for clarity, users still didn't read them. Good concluded that putting more resources into developing shorter or better-written EULAs will likely be wasted. ### [ Making PRIME usable][49] #### John Soren Pettersson, Simone Fischer-Huebner, Ninni Danielsson, Jenny Nilsson (Karlstad University), Mike Bergmann, Sebastin Clauss, Thomas Kriegelstein (TU Dresden), and Henry Krasemann (Independent Centre for Privacy Protection) Next up was John Soren Pettersson, who spoke about ways for users to specify privacy preferences. He discussed three user interface paradigms for specifying privacy preferences: role-based, relationship-based, and TownMap-based. He went on to show some interface designs using the TownMap-based paradigm. ### [ Developing Privacy Guidelines for Social Location Disclosure Applications and Services][50] #### Giovanni Iachello (Georgia Institute of Technology), Ian Smith, Sunny Consolvo, Mike Chen (Intel Research ), and Gregory D. Abowd (Georgia Institute of Technology) Closing the session was Giovanni Iachello of Georgia Tech presenting the conference's best paper on a mobile-phone-based application for setting preferences for sharing location information. Iachello and coauthors used data from in situ observation of mobile phone users to develop Reno and Boise, mobile phone applications for sharing location information with others. A two-week evaluation period with kids during the Christmas season showed that few used the privacy-preserving features of these systems. The authors believe the systems' usefulness would be better demonstrated in a study over the summer. ## Session III: "Visualizing Security" #### Chair: Diana Smetters (Palo Alto Research Center) ### [ The Battle Against Phishing: Dynamic Security Skins][51] #### Rachna Dhamija and J.D. Tygar (University of California, Berkeley) Rachna Dhamija of UC Berkeley presented a solution for securely authenticating users to webservers and webservers to users, with the goal of preventing phishing attacks. The solution uses a customized background photograph in login windows to indicate to users that the window is not spoofed, and uses random patterns in web browser borders to indicate secure connections to websites. The authors have yet to perform an evaluation to determine whether their solution will help prevent phishing attacks. ### [Attacking Information Visualization System Usability Overloading and Deceiving the Human][52] #### Gregory Conti, Mustaque Ahamad, and John Stasko (Georgia Institute of Technology) Greg Conti of Georgia Tech illustrated a series of hypothetical attacks on information visualization programs. The upshot of his talk was that a smart attacker could send cover traffic to obscure an attack packet from the view of system administrators who monitor their network traffic with information visualization software. Conti and coauthors have developed a taxonomy of possible attacks on information visualization tools. While Conti presented no evidence that such attacks actually have taken place, he did show examples of attacks he and coauthors generated in the laboratory. ### [ Social Navigation as a Model for Usable Security][53] #### Paul DiGioia and Paul Dourish (University of California, Irvine) Paul DiGioia of UC Irvine suggested that users might be led to make better security decisions by showing them what others have done before. DiGioia believes that showing decisions made by others could help in a variety of security-related domains, but focused especially on a prototype interface for users to specify shared folders in the Kazaa peer-to-peer network. The interface has not yet been evaluated. # Poster Session Summary contributed by Ponnurangam Kumaraguru Participants from both academia and industry presented work at the SOUPS poster session. Posters presented in the session covered many interesting topics related to security and privacy. The topics for the posters covered the complete spectrum of usable security and privacy research; topics included Understanding User Attitudes Towards Personal Information on the Web, Improving the Usability of Web Browser Security and Patterns for Aligning Security and Usability. The posters presented could be grouped into 4 broad categories: 1. Systems research (example: "A Software Composition Flaw in Google Desktop Search", which presented the idea of combining two different policies and forming a global policy) 2. User or survey studies (example: "Private Lives: User Attitudes Towards Personal Information on the Web") 3. Applications research (examples: "POLARIS: Usable Virus Protection for Windows" and "Design and Evaluation Method for Secure 802.11 Network Configuration") 4. Usability research (examples: "Patterns for Aligning Security and Usability" and "A Dependable User Interface for Setting XP File Permissions"). A few of the posters had practical demonstrations of the solutions proposed ("Still Searching for Privacy" and "Peripheral Privacy Notifications for Wireless Networks", for example). A few other posters had a very well formatted story behind their presentation (such as "FAMILYNET: A Tangible Interface for Managing Intimate Social Networks"). Here the researchers presented various situations to the audience with the sample tags which were used in their research; they highlighted and provided the solutions keeping the audience in the discussion. This stimulated lively discussion among the attendees of the poster session. Overall the poster session created a good platform for various researchers to present their ideas and get feedback on their research. The audience enjoyed good food and good discussions. # Panels Summaries contributed by Fahd Arshad ## Usability of Security Administration vs. Usability of End-user Security #### Moderator: Konstantin Beznosov, University of British Columbia #### Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM Software Group #### Stephen Chan, SIMS Dept, UC Berkeley #### Gregory Conti, Georgia Institute of Technology The energetic moderator, Konstantin Beznosov, started this panel by laying down three major questions: 1. Is the notion of usable security the same for end users and security administrators, given the differences in their backgrounds, training, goals, constraints, and available tools? 2. How much of what we learn from each group about usable security is applicable to the other? 3. Since many people today are not full-time security administrators, what distinguishes users from administrators? Mary Ellen Zurko, who has been working on security issues for almost two decades, suggested that we add the notion of "power users" to our binary model, placing these users midway between end users and administrators. Responsibility for security can be planned in terms of the software lifecycle; since developers are the earliest link in the software lifecycle, they hold the most responsibility for designing with security in mind. Similarly, administrators have more responsibility than end users. Someone has to make tough decisions about security. Since responsibility is shared, however, overrides down the line must be possible. Security policies set the defaults administrators choose, and preferences are user-level overrides. Stephen Chan brought to the podium his extensive experience in the trenches of system administration. He noted the importance of a partnership between the designers and the security administrators to design good tools for usable security, and between different groups within administrators and users to create safe and practical security policies. He stressed the importance of discovering the work practices of security administrators when designing interfaces. He gave three main reasons why admins prefer to work with raw text (Emacs or vi). First, GUIs don't scale, especially when managing clusters or large storage sites. Second, work practices differ across security admins, based on their own background, and typical GUI abstractions don't match the admin's needs. Finally, in operational security, the routine is dynamic; the game is constantly changing, and interfaces often aren't flexible enough to keep up, forcing admins to revert to scripting. Gregory Conti related his experience speaking on interface design at a recent DEFCON (a hacker conference). The muted response to his talk reinforced his opinion that there was a clash of cultures between security experts and admins on one hand and HCI experts and designers on the other. This is exemplified by the tools used by the two groups: man pages vs. Clippy, or iptables vs. Zone Alarm. Even within the "expert" community, there is stratification: note the contempt with which Perl programmers hold VB programmers. Hopefully SOUPS can help reduce this culture gap. A vibrant discussion session followed. The first question was about the partition of security responsibility between users and administrators. Can admins take responsibility of all security issues? Why do end users need security interfaces at all? Chan's response was that security cannot get in the way of end users' primary goals. To achieve this, the responsibility must be delegated to and shared with users. A member of the audience provided an anecdote about a security admin who wisely left a job where he was responsible for security policies, but not enforcement. Another set of questions dealt with interfaces for administrators. Is there a need for usable security for administrators, given their text-central approach? Why haven't administrators built their own tools? Why haven't any of the many proposed data visualization systems caught on? Will security tools ever become "services" to lessen the load on end users? The panelists noted that there was definitely a need for better interfaces. Administrators don't use grep because they are masochistic; it is because none of the existing tools offer the scalability and flexibility they need. Many tools have been built by administrators to help with their tasks, such as Tripwire, Snort, various firewalls, etc. Raw text remains the most flexible and shareable medium for these tools. Current data visualization systems often require training and don't scale very well. There has been thin task analysis and very little evaluation of such systems. Also, by their very nature, data visualization systems provide abstractions which attackers can manipulate and exploit. Finally in the service-based model of security, a great deal of trust needs to be placed in the service provider. Garfinkel pointed out that Apple already provides a comparable service called .Mac. Another important issue was what it is that distinguishes usability in security from usability in other task domains. Three important differences were identified: first, the fact that an active human adversary is tries to exploit holes in security interfaces; second, the critical nature of security systems and the high cost of their failure; and finally, the need to assimilate large amounts of data in real-time. ## When User Studies Attack: Evaluating Security by Intentionally Attacking Users #### Moderator: Robert Miller, MIT #### Simson Garfinkel, MIT #### Filippo Menczer, Indiana University Bloomington #### Robert Kraut, Carnegie Mellon University Robert Miller started the discussion by pointing out the differences between how usability and security are evaluated: usability studies are usually carried out in the lab under controlled environments, whereas security experts tend to use analysis and attacks as their primary tools. How to we measure the security of the entire system, including the user? We need to attack the user, but we can't do so as blithely as we attack software. Designing user studies to measure security is also difficult because security is almost always a secondary task for the user. How do we motivate users to protect their security in an artificial scenario? Fillipio Menczer presented some work he had done with his colleagues and students at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) on studying the social context of phishing attacks. His team used data publicly available from social networking sites such as Orkut and the Web to establish potential social connections between their participants. Then they sent forged emails to the participants from other students they knew, directing them to a non-intranet Website that asked the students for their intranet login and password. The control group received emails from people they did not know. In spite of the obvious clues in both the spoofed email and the spoofed password interface, one in seven participants in the control group gave up their credentials, but even more strikingly, almost three of every four students who received emails purportedly from other students they knew gave up their credentials! Menczer described in detail the difficulties faced in designing the study, getting approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at IUB, and responding to participants afterwards. The study required a waiver of consent from the participants, and this sets a very high threshold for the study designers. The IRB engaged in a dialogue with Menczer's team to help them fulfill the conditions for obtaining the waiver by modifying the study design and adding elements, such as an anonymous blog for participants to offer feedback. He also shared some lessons learned from participant response after the study, as well as the publicity their work and methods attracted, positive and negative, from the participants, the IUB community as well as the online community at large. Garfinkel reached back into his training as a chemist and pulled out the example of titration as an analogy to measuring human response in stimuli. In this process, a known agent is carefully added to a solution with an unknown amount of another agent (such as a base to an acid solution). At a very narrow window, the color of the solution changes, and then changes again as more of the agent is added. Just as the amount of the titration agent is closely monitored to determine its affect, argued Garfinkel, so must we measure the results of attacks on our participants, and the effectiveness of our solutions. He pointed out various design decisions we must make in designing a controlled security study: how to remove bias due to attack selection and ordering, how to handle the issue of prior consent vs. motivation, and what are the ethical obligations of teaching the participant how to avoid harm in the real world. Robert Kraut is a member of the Carnegie Mellon University IRB and talked about the rules and ethics of IRBs, which seem to be such an enigma for most computer scientists. He gave an overview of the historical tragedies, namely the medical trials on Nazi concentration camp inmates and the Tuskegee syphilis study. These led to the Belmont Report in 1979 which established three main principles for human subject research: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. By law, any university obtaining Federal funding must abide by these using the IRB mechanism. IRBs consider informed consent to be one of the baselines for respect for persons. Beneficence requires that risks be minimized and benefits maximized. Justice requires equal risk sharing and overall fair treatment of the participants. In the context of Menczer et all's study, the social network harvesting did not need informed consent because the data was collected without interaction with the participants. However, consent would be required in the actual phishing contact. The IRB looked at a number of issues, including whether the participants had a reasonable expectation of privacy, what was the risk or harm to the participant vs. the risk to society at large due to this research, etc. To obtain a waiver of consent from the IRB, the study designers had to ensure that the harm to participants was minimal. They did this by not storing the credentials submitted, only verifying them against a secure server for validity and storing this information instead. The IRB asked them to beef up the post-study briefing by adding an anonymous blog as a feedback mechanism. Finally, the IRB weighed the benefits to society from the research, and having evaluated all these to its satisfaction, granted its approval. Kraut concluded that the IRB process is necessarily thorough and involves enough ambiguities and tradeoff decisions to necessitate a case-by-case analysis. He noted that the burden was often on the petitioner to present their case strongly before the IRB and to educate them about the pertinent principles. He offered his help to anyone who wished to engage in this process. # Discussion Sessions ## When User Studies Attack: Evaluating Security by Intentionally Attacking Users Summary contributed by Fahd Arshad #### Moderator: Robert Miller, MIT #### Simson Garfinkel, MIT #### Filippo Menczer, Indiana University Bloomington #### Robert Kraut, Carnegie Mellon University During the panel session on this topic, the speakers didn't have time to engage in a discussion so the discussion session was welcomed enthusiastically by many of the panel audience. In response to a set of questions on what constitutes collected data not covered by IRB rules, the panelists pointed out that images collected off the Internet are often governed by copyrights, and while these guidelines apply only to research at institutions which accept Federal money (and not corporations, for example), the guidelines for publication may in some cases be stricter than those of the IRB. Of course, the existence of rules should not blind researchers to the ethics of their methods. In response to a question about the additional need for debriefing in situations where consent was not obtained, Kraut pointed out that the follow-up allows participants to withdraw from the study after the fact, even if they could not withhold consent prior to it. Also, follow-up briefings fulfill the ethical goal of educating the participants. Other questions dealt with what is acceptable risk, given that the standard is what a participant may face in daily life. Kraut clarified that risk is a product of probability and magnitude of harm. So while the low frequency of attacks in the real world is often turned up in lab settings, a low potential for harm in HCI and security scenarios should keep risk levels reasonable. That said, "harm" is notoriously prickly to measure and almost always involves subjective measures. Comparative risk is often used as a yardstick. Wendy Mackay pointed out that whereas psychology PhDs receive training on human participant research in graduate school, Computer Science programs usually don't include such instruction. A member of the audience suggested that consulting colleagues from other fields who have such experience, such as sociologists, can prove immensely helpful. Lorrie Cranor recalled that when she shifted from industry to academia, she didn't have any idea of the rules governing IRB. This meant that the first time she and a student needed to run a privacy-related study, the initial plans had to be scaled back vastly to fit the perceived constraints of the IRB. IRB procedures are often biased towards the fields of medicine and psychology, and their standards may even drift upwards with time. Hence a number of attendees stressed the need for a set of guidelines for human participant research that are aimed towards the usability, privacy, and security fields and cover some of the tricky issues such as what is governed by IRB and what is not, under what conditions is informed consent needed, what is acceptable risk, etc. Cranor offered to collect any guidelines the attendees could find and make them available off the SOUPS website. ## Usability and Acceptance of Biometrics Summary contributed by Elaine Newton #### Moderator: Andrew S. Patrick, NRC Canada A group of six people, including moderator Andrew Patrick, convened to discuss "Usability and Acceptance of Biometrics." After each attendee introduced themselves, Patrick led a discussion on previous and possible future studies on user acceptance as well as government promotion of biometrics for various functions despite low performance and sometimes low acceptance. Previous user tests have studied ergonomics, accuracy, speed, reliability, learnability and feedback, and ability to integrate with associated systems. These studies show that many users have a lack of understanding about biometrics. Some are concerned about privacy, function creep, and/or risk to life and limb (such as touching one's eyes or fingers). Examples of large-scale government deployments with little or negative findings in research include the U.S. VISIT program and the UK enrollment trial, which found that quality of fingerprint images and enrollment to be major factors negatively affecting performance. Patrick proposed performing a large-scale survey and made a pitch for collaborators. He drafted a survey instrument with 34 questions (available at <[http://www.andrewpatrick.ca/BioSurvey/][54]>) to gauge knowledge and acceptance of biometric security systems and cross-cultural differences and presented it to his organization's IRB (at NRC). His IRB and the group convened at SOUPS both wanted to hear more about how data about users' attitudes would be used. Would it be used to influence policy makers, and what would be right or wrong directions for use of the data? Other areas that may be covered in a survey include if/how media influences on privacy attitudes, if/how different scenarios of deployment effect attitudes, and if/how peoples' beliefs change based on which biometric is being used (e.g., fingerprint vs. iris vs. face). The group also discussed a need for longitudinal studies to gauge changes in attitudes; codified threat models, purposes, and utility of biometrics systems; and an understanding of beliefs of the policy makers that propose use of biometric systems. ## Valuation and Context Summary contributed by Steve Sheng #### Moderators: Kimberly Perzel and Seth Proctor, Sun Microsystems This session brought together participants from various backgrounds, including security experts, HCI practitioners, and social science researchers from both academia and industry to discuss questions about how people place value on security and privacy in different contexts. The moderators began by asking what are some of the contexts that we generally engage ourselves in, but this question turned out to be a bit too general. So we engaged ourselves in giving a working definition of context. The next question was what are some of the general values in security? What are some of the tradeoffs? How are these tradeoffs affected by switching to different contexts? This discussion illustrated the difficulty in trying to design values into computer systems. Articulating contexts and values is very difficult. The discussion did not go into details about how to translate these tradeoffs into computer systems. ## Usable Interfaces for Anonymous Communication Summary contributed by Fahd Arshad #### Moderator: Roger Dingledine, The Free Haven Project The moderator gave an overview of Tor, an onion-routing-based anonymous routing network. The network has a large number of nodes and has invited interest from a diverse circle of clients, including the Department of Defense, journalists, and of course, private citizens. Tor currently has a pure command-line interface, and building a graphical interface presents a few design challenges. One of the problems that the maintainers have already identified is how to make the system state visible to the user. Users often don't realize whether their packets are being routed through Tor or not. They also attribute network connectivity problems to Tor when in fact the network link itself may be down. A good network hop visualization system would help in two ways: first, it would allow novice users to get a good mental model of the multi-hop system. Currently, many users don't understand that their information is being routed through a number of nodes, instead of a single one, as with proxy-based systems. Secondly, a visualization system would allow users to pick their exit points from the network, in order to adapt to bypass local censorship. The interface for managing Tor servers also needs some thought. Finally, currently Tor is a single-user application, but given interest from various organizations, it may morph into a multi-user application. How would the interface scale to adapt to this? The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which Dingledine works for, will soon establish a two-part GUI contest to design interfaces for Tor. In the first part prototype sketches for the Tor interface can be submitted, and implementations will be due in the second part. # Commentary on SOUPS 2005 ## Threats Addressed at SOUPS Commentary contributed by Rob Reeder One useful way to classify the work presented at the conference is by the threats to computer security and privacy that it addressed. By compiling a comprehensive list of such threats, gleaned from SOUPS and similar forums, the HCISEC community will be better able to understand the scope of the problems it needs to address. Table 1 shows a list of security- and privacy-related threats and the SOUPS 2005 papers that addressed each threat. Amongst the threats are two related to authentication, both users authenticating themselves to systems and systems (specifically, websites) authenticating themselves to users. Three threats stem from the inherent complexity of tasks, namely encrypting email, setting access rights, and managing privacy policies. The last two threats are user unawareness of software functionality (which can lead to malware and spyware installation) and obfuscation of network administrative tools (specifically, information visualizations). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Category Threat Papers Authentication Weak password [ Wiedenbeck et al.][44] (PassPoints) Phishing [ Dhamija and Tygar][51] (Dynamic Security Skins) Task Complexity Email enc. [ Garfinkel and Miller][45] (KCM/CoPilot) Poorly chosen access settings [ DePaula et al.][46] (Impromptu) [ Iachello et al.][50] (Reno/Boise) [ DiGioia and Dourish][53] (new Kazaa prototype) Policies [Brodie et al.][47] (SPARCLE) [ Pettersson et al.][49] (PRIME) User awareness Spyware [Good et al.][48] Attackin Obfuscation [Conti et al.][52] admin tools Table 1. Threats to system security and privacy and the SOUPS 2005 papers that addressed them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Evaluation: A Big Issue Commentary contributed by Rob Reeder It was clear from the conference that one of the greatest challenges facing the HCISEC community is how to evaluate the design ideas and systems it generates. Eight of the ten talks from the paper sessions presented new interfaces for improving system security and/or privacy, but it was not clear in all cases whether the proposed interfaces were an improvement over existing technologies. Only four of the eight proposed interfaces had been evaluated in a manner that was clear from the talks: PassPoints, CoPilot, SPARCLE, and Reno, and the how-to-evaluate question was commonly asked of speakers who did not present evaluations of their systems. Evaluations that were presented varied in metrics and methodology. Some of these metrics included retention rate of passwords, attack resistance rate, and subjective user satisfaction. Methods included lab user studies, interviews, and in-situ field studies. The variety in evaluation methods may be necessary and even desirable, but the variety (and in some cases, subjectivity) of summative metrics makes it difficult to compare systems to each other and to determine when progress has been made solving a given problem. An entire SOUPS panel and a discussion session were devoted to the topic of evaluating systems for both usability and security, with a focus on the ethics of intentionally attacking users. But, ethical concerns aside, a greater question was: what kinds of evaluation are needed to provide convincing evidence that a given system will actually help prevent attacks? Determining a meaningful set of metrics for evaluating the actual effectiveness of usable security systems remains an important open problem. ## Bringing HCI and Security Together Commentary contributed by Fahd Arshad As noted earlier, this symposium was organized because at prior events a need was felt for a forum where researchers interested in the fields of usability, privacy, and security could come together. The security community seemed a bit under-represented at SOUPS 2005, though. Of course there were exceptions such as Mary Ellen Zurko. Yet mostly we heard from HCI experts talking about the usability of security. Other than Stephen Chen and Gregory Conti on the last day, we rarely heard from a security researcher posing usability and privacy questions. Conti's talk presented some of the drawbacks that arise when usability methods are applied to real-world security issues. Chen's input was invaluable to a number of HCI experts because he tried to explain what the needs of security administrators are and why many of the current proposed solutions don't cut it in the trenches. The next SOUPS would be well-served to invite more security researchers and take this dialog further. ## Who's Looking Out for the Administrators? Commentary contributed by Fahd Arshad Most of the work presented at SOUPS was about the usability of security and privacy solutions at the end-user level. Perhaps this is because the end user is the weakest link, the "bozo" in Cheswick's terminology. However, most members of the HCISEC community would agree that a lot of work remains to be done at the administrator level also, and perhaps at more stages in the spectrum between the end user and the administrator where most real-world users fall. What are the usability problems of a user group that isn't distinctly identifiable? How can we provide flexibility, scalability, real-time response, and lack of obscurity (just to name a few requirements noted at SOUPS) to those responsible for security of large networks, instead of individual machines? Who is looking out for the administrators? ## The Future of SOUPS Commentary contributed by Rob Reeder Indications in Lorrie Cranor's closing remarks were that SOUPS will be held again in 2006. SOUPS 2005 was a successful effort in bringing together an emerging and expanding HCISEC community. SOUPS 2006 can build on this success by concentrating its vision for usable secure and privacy-protecting systems. In talks about evaluating interfaces for security and privacy, I wondered aloud to a few people over lunch how we will evaluate SOUPS itself. Four metrics were mentioned: quality of submissions, citations of SOUPS publications, collaborations that grow out of SOUPS, and attendance. These seem like the right metrics by which to measure success, but we must ask how to improve performance along these metrics. The greatest improvement is likely to come from a more focused vision of the questions and problems that the conference is meant to address. As the HCISEC/SOUPS community is relatively new, its nascent vision is still murky. A clearer vision of the problems the SOUPS community is trying to solve and how to measure progress toward solving those problems will necessarily lead to higher-quality publications and more citations, and will likely encourage greater collaboration and attendance by providing a better intellectual product to conference participants. Future SOUPS conference participants must strive to clarify this vision. Last Updated: July 29th 2005. [39]: http://www.simson.net/ [40]: http://lorrie.cranor.org/ [41]: http://www.cylab.cmu.edu/ [42]: http://research.lumeta.com/ches/ [43]: http://research.lumeta.com/ches/2e/large-cover2e.jpg [44]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p1-wiedenbeck.pdf [45]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p13-garfinkel.pdf [46]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p25-depaula.pdf [47]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p35-brodie.pdf [48]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p43-good.pdf [49]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p53-pettersson.pdf [50]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p65-iachello.pdf [51]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p77-dhamija.pdf [52]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p89-conti.pdf [53]: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2005/2005proceedings/p101-digioia.pdf [54]: http://www.andrewpatrick.ca/BioSurvey/ [55]: http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10 [56]: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer ==================================================================== Listing of academic positions available by Cynthia Irvine ==================================================================== http://cisr.nps.navy.mil/jobscipher.html -------------- This job listing is maintained as a service to the academic community. If you have an academic position in computer security and would like to have in it included on this page, send the following information: Institution, City, State, Position title, date position announcement closes, and URL of position description to: irvine@cs.nps.navy.mil ==================================================================== Conference and Workshop Announcements Upcoming Calls-For-Papers and Events ==================================================================== The complete Cipher Calls-for-Papers is located at http://www.ieee-security.org/CFP/Cipher-Call-for-Papers.html The Cipher event Calendar is at http://www.ieee-security.org/Calendar/cipher-hypercalendar.html ____________________________________________________________________ Cipher Event Calendar ____________________________________________________________________ Calendar of Security and Privacy Related Events maintained by Hilarie Orman and Yong Guan Date (Month/Day/Year), Event, Locations, web page for more info. 9/19/05- 9/24/05: FOSAD; School in Foundations of Security Analysis and Design Bertinoro, Italy; www.sti.uniurb.it/events/fosad 9/19/05- 9/21/05: ECC, Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Essen, Germany 9/19/05- 9/21/05: CMS, 9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security Salzburg, Austria; http://cms2005.sbg.ac.at/call.html 9/19/05- 9/21/05: PBA, Workshop on Protection by Adaptation Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; www.iiwas.org/workshops/pba-2005/ 9/20/05- 9/22/05: FloCon, 2nd Annual FloCon 2005 Analysis Workshop New Orleans, Louisiana; www.cert.org/flocon 9/20/05- 9/22/05: MADNES, Secure Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Sensors workshop Singapore; http://www.sait.fsu.edu/madnes/cfp.shtml 9/20/05- 9/23/05: NSPW, New Security Paradigms Workshop Lake Arrowhead, California; www.nspw.org 9/20/05- 9/23/05: ISC, 8th Information Security Conference Singapore; http://isc05.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ 9/20/05: CoALa, Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages Enschede, The Netherlands; www.dstc.edu.au/Research/Projects/coala/2005/ 9/21/05- 9/23/05: IWAP, 4th International Workshop for Applied PKI Singapore; http://iwap05.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ 9/24/05- 9/28/05: MMM_ACNS, Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security St. Petersburg, Russia; space.iias.spb.su/mmm-acns05/ 9/29/05-10/ 1/05: Mycrypt, International Conference on Cryptology in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; info rphan@swinburne.edu.my 9/30/05: IJICS-Special-Nature-Computation, Special Issue of the International Journal on Information and Computer Security submissions are due; info jac@cs.york.ac.uk; 10/ 1/05: AsiaCCS, ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security Taipei, Taiwan; submissions are due; www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/asiaccs06/ 10/ 1/05: SI-Eurasip-WirelesSec, Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on Wireless Network Security www.hindawi.com/journals/wcn/si/wns.html submissions are due 10/ 3/05-10/ 4/05: WSStandz, Workshop on Security Standardization Geneva, Switzerland 10/13/05: WSSEET, Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education and Training, Turtle Bay, Oahu, HI; www.jmu.edu/iiia/wsseet/; Submissions are due; info redwinst@jmu.edu 10/13/05: ISPEC, Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education & Training, Turtle Bay, Oahu, Hawaii; http://www.jmu.edu/iiia/wsseet/; Submissions are due 10/14/05: 5th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Making PKI Easy to Use Gaithersburg, MD;http://middleware.internet2.edu/pki06/; Submissions are due 10/15/05: TRIDENTCOM, 2nd International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities Barcelona, Spain; http://www.tridentcom.org/; Submissions are due 10/15/05: ISPEC, 2nd Information Security Practice and Experience Conference Hangzhou, China; http://ispec2006.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/; Submissions are due 10/15/05: SPC, 3rd International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing York, UK; http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/security/spc-2006/spc-2006-cfp.html; Submissions are due 10/15/05: IJSN, International Journal of Security and Networks, Special Issue on Security Issues in Sensor Networks http://www.cs.memphis.edu/~yxiao/IJSN_Snesor_Security.html submissions are due 10/16/05-10/19/05: ITW, Information Theory Workshop On Theory and Practice in Information-theoretic Security Awaji Island, Japan; imailab-www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~itw05/ 10/17/05: FC, 10th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security Anguilla, British West Indies; http://fc06.ifca.ai/; Submissions are due 10/17/05-10/19/05: ICCCN, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks San Diego, California; icccn.sce.umkc.edu 10/26/05: VizSEC, Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security Minneapolis, Minnesota; www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ma/VizSEC05/ 10/31/05-11/ 1/05: NIST-CHW, NIST Cryptographic Hash Workshop Gaithersburg, MD; www.nist.gov/hash-function 10/31/05-11/ 2/05: DRMTICS, Digital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues, Challenges and Systems Sydney, Australia; www.titr.uow.edu.au/DRMTICS2005 11/ 1/05: SEC, IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference Karlstad University, Sweden; www.sec2006.org; submissions are due; 11/ 1/05: I-NetSec, 4th Working Conference on Privacy and Anonymity in Networked and Distributed Systems Karlstad, Sweden; http://www.sec2006.org/index.php?INETWS=true; Submissions are due 11/ 1/05: NIST-CHW, Cryptographic Hash Workshop Gaithersburg, Maryland; http://www.nist.gov/hash-function 11/ 3/05-11/ 4/05: IWCIP, 1st IEEE International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection Darmstadt, Germany; http://www.iwcip.org/2005/ 11/ 4/05: Oakland, The 2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Berkeley/Oakland, California http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2006/oakland06-cfp.html; Submissions are due 11/ 7/05: SASN, Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Alexandria, VA; discovery.csc.ncsu.edu/SASN05 11/ 7/05: DRM, Workshop on Digital Rights Management Alexandria, VA; http://www.titr.uow.edu.au/DRM2005/ 11/ 7/05: WPES 2005 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society Alexandria, VA; http://wpes05.dti.unimi.it/ 11/ 7/05-11/10/05: SADFE, 1st International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering Taipei, Taiwan; http://conf.ncku.edu.tw/sadfe/index.htm 11/ 7/05-11/10/05: WSNS, International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security Washington DC; http://www.cs.wcupa.edu/~zjiang/wsns05.htm 11/ 7/05-11/11/05: CCS, 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Alexandria, VA; http:///www.acm.org/sigsac/ccs/ 11/ 8/05-11/11/05: ISSRE, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Chicago, Illinois; http://rachel.utdallas.edu/issre 11/11/05: WORM, Workshop on Rapid Malcode Fairfax, VA; www1.cs.columbia.edu/~angelos/worm05/ 11/11/05: FMSE, Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering Alexandria, VA; www.ti.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~kuesters/FMSE05/ 11/11/05: StorageSS, Storage Security and Survivability Workshop Fairfax, VA; www.ncassr.org/projects/storage-sec/storageSS-2005/ 11/11/05: DIM, Workshop on Digital Identity Management Fairfax, VA; http://www2.pflab.ecl.ntt.co.jp/dim/ 11/11/05: SWS, Workshop on Secure Web Services Fairfax, VA; http://ra.crema.unimi.it/sws05/ 11/13/05: TCS, Theoretical Computer Science, Special Issue of on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis http://www.avispa-project.org/arspa/tcs-index.html 11/14/05-11/16/05: CNIS, The IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, and Information Security Phoenix, AZ; http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2005/phoenix/cnis.htm 11/15/05: IFMIP, 5th International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing Special Sessions on Information Security and Hardware Implementations Budapest, Hungary; http://wacong.org; Submissions are due 11/18/05: iTrust, 4th International Conference on Trust Management Pisa, Tuscany, Italy; http://www.iit.cnr.it/iTrust2006/; Submissions are due 11/21/05-11/24/05: Tencon, IEEE International Region 10 Conference Melbourne, Australia; http://www.tencon2005.org/ 11/25/05: FSE, 13th annual Fast Software Encryption workshop Graz, Austria; http://fse2006.iaik.tugraz.at/; Submissions are due 11/28/05: IWIA, Information Assurance Workshop Royal Holloway, UK; iwia.org/2006/; Submissions are due; info SWOLTHUSEN@IEEE.ORG; 11/29/05: WEBIST, 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies Setubal, Portugal; http://www.webist.org/; Submissions are due 11/30/05-12/ 2/05: AXMEDIS, 1st International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution Florence, Italy; http://www.axmedis.org/axmedis2005/call4papers.html 12/ 6/05-12/ 9/05: ICICS, International Conference on Information and Communications Security Beijing, China; www.icics2005.org/ 12/13/05: SISW, Security in Storage Workshop San Francisco, California; ieeeia.org/sisw/2005/index.htm 12/14/05-12/16/05: CANS, Conference on Cryptology and Network Security Xiamen, Fujian Province, China; math.fjnu.edu.cn/cans 12/15/05-12/17/05: SKLOIS, Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Beijing, China; www.is.iscas.ac.cn/cisc/index.htm 12/22/05-12/24/05: ICDCIT, International Conference on Distributed Computing & Internet Technology Bhubaneswar, India; http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/~rkg/ICDCIT05/ 1/ 4/06- 1/ 7/06: HICSS-39 Security Minitrack, International Conference on System Sciences Kauai, Hawaii; http://www.cs.uidaho.edu/~krings/HICSS39.htm 1/10/06: DRM-ICC, Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications, Las Vegas, NV; www.ieee-ccnc.org/2006/conf_program/drm_workshop/index.htm 1/15/06: ACNS, 4th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Singapore http://acns2006.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/; Submissions are due 1/16/06- 1/19/06: AISW-NetSec, Australasian Information Security Workshop Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; http://www.titr.uow.edu.au/AISWNS2006/ 1/17/06: USENIX, USENIX Annual Technical Conference Boston, MA; http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix06/index.html; Submissions are due 2/ 2/06- 2/ 3/06: NDSS, Network and Distributed System Security Symposium San Diego, California; www.isoc.org/isoc/conferences/ndss/06/cfp.shtml 3/13/06- 3/15/06: ISSSE, International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering; Washington DC; www.jmu.edu/iiia/issse/ 3/21/06- 3/23/06: AsiaCCS, ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security Taipei, Taiwan; www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/asiaccs06/ 4/13/06- 4/14/06: IWIA, Information Assurance Workshop Royal Holloway, UK; iwia.org/2006/ 4/18/06: WSSEET, Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education and Training, Turtle Bay, Oahu, HI; www.jmu.edu/iiia/wsseet/ 4/23/06- 4/27/06: SAC-TRECK, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Track: Trust, Recommendations, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how Dijon, France; www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2006/ 5/26/06- 5/24/06: SEC, IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, Karlstad University, Sweden; www.sec2006.org ____________________________________________________________________ Journal, Conference and Workshop Calls-for-Papers (new since Cipher E67) ____________________________________________________________________ http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/security/NatureInspiredSecuritySpecialIssue.html International Journal on Information and Computer Security (IJICS), Special Issue on Nature-Inspired Computation in Cryptology and Computer Security, October 2006. (Submissions due 30 September 2005) Guest editors: John A. Clark (York University, UK) and Julio Cesar Hernandez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) Techniques taken from the field of nature-inspired computation (e.g. Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Simulated Annealing, and Artificial Immune Systems) are steadily gaining ground in the area of cryptology and computer security. In recent years, nature inspired algorithms have been proposed, for example, for the design and analysis of a number of new cryptographic primitives, ranging from pseudorandom number generators to block ciphers, in the cryptanalysis of state-of-the-art cryptosystems, in the design of security protocols and in the detection of network attack patterns, to name but a few. There is a growing interest from the cryptographic and computer security communities towards nature-inspired techniques. This has occurred partly as a result of these recent successes, but also because the nature of systems is changing in a way which means traditional computer security techniques will not meet the full range of tasks at hand. The increasing distribution, scale, autonomy and mobility of emerging systems is forcing us to seek inspiration from nature to help deal with the challenges ahead. There is a general feeling that the area is ripe for further research, with dedicated conference sessions only beginning to emerge (e.g. the Conference on Evolutionary Computation special sessions in 2003, 2004 and 2005). This special issue of the IJICS solicits the submission of research papers in this general area. Suitable topics include (but are not limited to) the use of nature-inspired techniques for: - Intrusion detection - System security management - Security authentication technologies - The design of cryptographic primitives - The cryptanalysis of stream, block and public key encryption algorithms (and other security-related algorithms, e.g. watermarking algorithms) - The design or analysis of security protocols ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hindawi.com/journals/wcn/si/wns.html EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Wireless Network Security, 3rd Quarter, 2006. (Submissions due 1 October 2005) Guest editors: Yang Xiao (University of Memphis), Yi-Bing Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), and Ding-Zhu Du (University of Minnesota) Recent advances in wireless network technologies have rapidly developed in recent years, as evidenced by wireless location area networks (WLANs), wireless personal area networks (WPANs), wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs), and wireless wide area networks (WWANs), that is, cellular networks. A major impediment to their deployment, however, is wireless network security. For example, the lack of data confidentiality in wired equivalent privacy (WEP) protocol has been proven, and newly adopted standards such as IEEE 802.11i robust secruity network (RSN) and IEEE 802.15.3a ultra-wideband (UWB) are not fully tested and, as such, may expose unforeseen security vulnerabilities. The effort to improve wireless network security is linked with many technical challenges including compatibility with legacy wireless networks, complexity in implementation, and cost/performance trade-offs. The need to address wireless network security and to provide timely, solid technical contributions establishes the motivation behind this special issue. This special issue will focus on novel and functional ways to improve wireless network security. Papers that do not focus on wireless network security will not be reviewed. Specific areas of interest in WLANs, WPANs, WMANs, and WWANs include, but are not limited to: - Attacks, security mechanisms, and security services - Authentication - Access control - Data confidentiality - Data integrity - Nonrepudiation - Encryption and decryption - Key management - Fraudulent usage - Wireless network security performance evaluation - Wireless link layer security - Tradeoff analysis between performance and security - Authentication and authorization for mobile service network - Wireless security standards (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, 3GPP, and 3GPP2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cs.memphis.edu/~yxiao/IJSN_Snesor_Security.html International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Special Issue on Security Issues in Sensor Networks, Middle 2006. (Submissions due 15 October 2005) Guest editors: Yang Xiao (University of Memphis), Xiaohua Jia (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Bo Sun (Lamar University), and Xiaojiang Du (North Dakota State University) Security in Sensor networks differ from those in other traditional networks with many aspects such as limited memory space, limited computation capability, etc. Therefore, sensor network security has some unique features which do not exist in other networks. The need to address security issues, and provide timely, solid technical contributions of security solutions in sensor networks establishes the motivation behind this special issue. This special issue is dedicated to sensor network security. A paper should have security in sensor networks as the focus. Specific areas of interest include, but not limit to: - Key Managements in sensor networks - Secure Routing in secure networks - Light weight Encryption and authentication in Sensor networks - Attacks and solutions in Sensor networks - Other areas which are related to both security and sensor networks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.avispa-project.org/arspa/tcs-index.html Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Special Issue of on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis, 4th quarter, 2006. (Submission due 13 November 2005) Guest editors: Pierpaolo Degano (Universita` di Pisa, Italy) and Luca Vigano` (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) In connection with The Second Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis (ARSPA'05), which took place as a satellite event of ICALP'05, we are guest-editing a Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science devoted to original papers on formal security protocol specification, analysis and verification. Contributions are welcomed on the following topics and related ones: - Automated analysis and verification of security protocols - Languages, logics, and calculi for the design and specification of security protocols - Verification methods: accuracy, efficiency - Decidability and complexity of cryptographic verification problems - Synthesis and composition of security protocols - Integration of formal security specification, refinement and validation techniques in development methods and tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/asiaccs06/indexhome.html AsiaCCS 2006 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, Taipei, Taiwan, March 21-23, 2006. (Submissions due 1 October 2005) Papers representing original results in both theory and practice concerning computer and communications security are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Access control and authorization - Applied cryptography - Authentication, biometrics, smartcards - Data integrity and audit - Database security - Digital Right Management - Distributed systems security - E-commerce and mobile e-commerce - Electronic privacy, anonymity - Formal verification and testing - Hardware design - High speed network - Information flow - Intrusion detection and survivability - Mobile code and mobile agent security - P2P & ad hoc networks - RFID applications - Security protocols - Viruses and other malicious code - Watermarking and data hiding - Wireless communications - Wireless sensor networks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.jmu.edu/iiia/wsseet/ ISPEC 2006 2nd Information Security Practice and Experience Conference, Hangzhou, China, April 11-14, 2006. (Submissions due 15 October 2005) As applications of information security technologies become pervasive, issues pertaining to their deployment and operation are becoming increasingly important. ISPEC is an annual conference that brings together researchers and practitioners to provide a confluence of new information security technologies, their applications and their integration with IT systems in various vertical sectors. Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research results related to information security technologies and applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Applications of cryptography - Critical infrastructure protection - Digital rights management - Economic incentives for deployment of information security systems - Information security in vertical applications - Legal and regulatory issues - Privacy and anonymity - Risk evaluation and security certification - Resilience and availability - Secure system architectures - Security policy - Security standards activities - Trust model and management - Usability aspects of information security systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://middleware.internet2.edu/pki06/ PKI R&D Workshop 2006 5th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Making PKI Easy to Use, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, April 4-6, 2006. (Submissions due 14 October 2005) This workshop considers the full range of public key technology used for security decisions and supporting functionalities, including authentication, authorization, identity (syndication, federation, and aggregation), and trust. This year, the workshop has a particular interest in novel approaches to simplifying the use and management of X.509 digital certificates, both within and across enterprises. This workshop has three goals: (1)Explore the current state of public key technology and emerging trust mechanisms in different domains including web services; grid technologies; encryption functionality; authentication systems, et al., in academia, government and the private sector; (2) Share & discuss lessons learned and scenarios from vendors and practitioners on current deployments; (3) Provide a forum for leading security researchers to explore the issues relevant to the PKI space in areas of security management, identity, trust, policy, authentication, authorization and encryption (e.g., supporting privacy requirements). Topics include (but are not limited to): - Federated versus Non-Federated trust models - Standards related to PKI and security decision systems, such as X.509, SPKI/SDSI, PGP, XKMS, XACML, XRML, XML signatures and SAML - Cryptographic and alternative methods for supporting security decisions, including the characterization and encoding of data - Intersection of assertion-based systems and PKI - Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) advances that improve usability of PKI for users and administrators - Privacy protection and implications - Use of PKI in emerging technologies (i.e., sensor networks) - Scalability of security systems - Security of the components of PKI systems - Security infrastructures for constrained environments - Improved human factor designs for security-related interfaces including authorization and policy management, naming, use of multiple private keys, and selective disclosure - New paradigms in PKI architectures - Reports of real-world experience with the use and deployment of PKI, including the use of digital certificates with major off-the-shelf application programs, how best to integrate such usage into legacy systems, and future research directions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.tridentcom.org/ TRIDENTCOM 2006 2nd International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, Barcelona, Spain, March 1-3, 2006. (Submissions due 15 October 2005) Telecommunication infrastructures play a vital role in modern society. The advancements in the range of network service offerings, their performance, quality of service, security, and ubiquity are relentless, despite global economy fluctuations. The demand for high bandwidth network infrastructures is continuously growing within both academic and industrial sectors. To meet these challenges, experimental activities on infrastructures, such as testing, verification, deployment, are pivotal for academic researchers, developers, service managers and providers, as well as for end users. The management of research infrastructures is increasingly dependent on a business model that optimizes their operational price/performance ratio. For example, access to experimental infrastructures for real-life applications by specific user communities would benefit all the stakeholders involved: the end users, because of the experimental evaluation of the provided services, the researchers and infrastructure experimenters, because of the knowledge gained from case-study analysis, and the infrastructure managers, because of the business exploitation of the network. Research on all aspects of testbed and research infrastructure operation and management will find in Tridentcom its primary forum for focused discussion. High quality papers reporting on original research and on experiment results addressing the above areas are solicited for submission. The main topics of the conference are: - Next Generation Internet Testbeds - Next Generation Wireless Network Testbeds - Next Generation Optical Network Testbeds - Ubiquitous Network Testbeds - Wireless Sensor Testbeds - Testbed Operation & Management for User Communities - Testbed Operation & Management for Research Communities - Testbed Cooperation & Integration - Innovative Measurements Methodologies & Tools - Traffic Measurements Testbeds - Software Tools to Support Distributed Testbeds / Virtual Laboratories - Management of Massive Databases of Experimental Data - Knowledge & Technology Transfer Procedures - Security (AAA) Testing on Open Testbeds - Social Impacts of Infrastructures - Infrastructure Real-Life Applications - Business Models for Infrastructure Budgeting & Planning - Infrastructure Renting & Pricing Policies - Vendors & Providers Partnerships ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://ispec2006.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ ISPEC 2006 2nd Information Security Practice and Experience Conference, Hangzhou, China, April 11-14, 2006. (Submissions due 15 October 2005) As applications of information security technologies become pervasive, issues pertaining to their deployment and operation are becoming increasingly important. ISPEC is an annual conference that brings together researchers and practitioners to provide a confluence of new information security technologies, their applications and their integration with IT systems in various vertical sectors. Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research results related to information security technologies and applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Applications of cryptography - Critical infrastructure protection - Digital rights management - Economic incentives for deployment of information security systems - Information security in vertical applications - Legal and regulatory issues - Privacy and anonymity - Risk evaluation and security certification - Resilience and availability - Secure system architectures - Security policy - Security standards activities - Trust model and management - Usability aspects of information security systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/security/spc-2006/spc-2006-cfp.html SPC 2006 3rd International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing, York, UK, April 18-21, 2006. (Submissions due 15 October 2005) The security of pervasive computing is a critically important area for commerce, the public sector, academia and the individual citizen. Although pervasive computing presents exciting enabling opportunities, the benefits will only be reaped if security aspects can be appropriately addressed. Threats exploiting vulnerabilities of new kinds of user interfaces, displays, operating systems, networks, and wireless communications give rise to new concerns about loss of confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and availability. How can these risks be reduced to an acceptable level? Original research contributions are sought in all areas relating to the security of pervasive computing. Topic include (but are not restricted to): - Models for access control, authentication and privacy management - Biometric methods in pervasive computing systems - Tradeoffs between security and other criteria (e.g. due to deployment on resource constrained devices) - Protocols for trust management in pervasive computing networks - Analysis of protocols for pervasive computing - Hardware security issues for pervasive computing - Audit and accountability in pervasive systems - Non-technical implications of pervasive computing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://fc06.ifca.ai/ FC 2006 10th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Anguilla, British West Indies, February 27 - March 2, 2006. (Submissions due 17 October 2005) At its 10th year edition, Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'06) is a well established and major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding security in the context of finance and commerce. Original papers, surveys and presentations on all aspects of financial and commerce security are invited. Submissions must have a visible bearing on financial and commerce security issues, but can be interdisciplinary in nature and need not be exclusively concerned with cryptography or security. Possible topics for submission to the various sessions include, but are not limited to: - Anonymity and Privacy - Auctions - Audit and Auditability - Authentication and Identification, including Biometrics - Certification and Authorization - Commercial Cryptographic Applications - Commercial Transactions and Contracts - Digital Cash and Payment Systems - Digital Incentive and Loyalty Systems - Digital Rights Management - Financial Regulation and Reporting - Fraud Detection - Game Theoretic Approaches to Security - Identity Theft, Physhing and Social Engineering - Infrastructure Design - Legal and Regulatory Issues - Microfinance and Micropayments - Monitoring, Management and Operations - Reputation Systems - RFID-Based and Contactless Payment Systems - Risk Assessment and Management - Secure Banking and Financial Web Services - Securing Emerging Computational Paradigms - Security and Risk Perceptions and Judgments - Security Economics - Smart Cards and Secure Tokens - Trust Management - Trustability and Trustworthiness - Underground-Market Economics - Usability and Acceptance of Security Systems - User and Operator Interfaces - Voting system security ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/security/spc-2006/spc-2006-cfp.html SEC 2006 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, Karlstad, Sweden, May 22-24, 2006. (Submissions due 1 November 2005) The IT environment now includes novel, dynamic approaches such as: mobility, wearability, ubiquity, ad hoc use, mind/body orientation, and business/market orientation. This modern environment challenges the whole information security research community to focus on interdisciplinary and holistic disciplines whilst retaining the benefit of previous research efforts. Papers offering research contributions focusing on dynamic environments in addition to other aspects of computer security and privacy are solicited for submission to the 21st IFIP International Information Security Conference. Papers may present theory, applications or practical experiences on security and privacy topics including, but not limited to: - Mobile or Ubiquitous technologies - Wireless or Ad-hoc systems - Changing organizational environments - Implications for virtual organizations - Crossing organizational/national boundaries - Process orientation - New business models - Offshoring/Nearshoring and outsourcing - New markets Marketing and awareness - Biometrics E-applications - DRM & content security - Applications of cryptography - Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control - Data Protection - Multilateral security - Identity management Privacy and Privacy - Enhancing Technologies (PETs) - Computer forensics Internet and web security - Information hiding - Sensor networks - Intrusion detection - Attacks and malware - Systems development - Architectures - Security management - Verification, Assurance, Metrics, and Measurements - Data and system integrity - Information warfare and Critical infrastructure protection - Risk analysis and risk management - Law and ethics - Education ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.sec2006.org/index.php?INETWS=true I-NetSec 2006 4th Working Conference on Privacy and Anonymity in Networked and Distributed Systems, Held in conjunction with the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, Karlstad, Sweden, May 22-24, 2006. (Submissions due 1 November 2005) Privacy and anonymity are increasingly important aspects in electronic services. The workshop will focus on these aspects in advanced distributed applications, such as m-commerce, agent-based systems, P2P, ... Suggested topics include, but are not restricted to: - Models for threats to privacy and/or anonymity - Models and measures for privacy and/or anonymity - Secure protocols that preserve privacy and/or anonymity - Anonymous and/or privacy-preserving credential systems - Privacy, anonymity and peer-to-peer systems - Privacy, anonymity and mobile agents - Privacy, anonymity in payment systems - Privacy, anonymity in pervasive computing applications - Anonymous communication systems - Legal issues of anonymity - Techniques for enhancing privacy in existing systems ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2006/oakland06-cfp.html Oakland 2005 The 2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, The Claremont Resort, Berkeley/Oakland, California, USA, May 21-24, 2006. (Submissions due 4 November 2005) Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for the presentation of developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. Previously unpublished papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of computer security or electronic privacy are solicited for submission to the 2005 symposium. Papers may represent advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, or empirical evaluation of secure systems, either for general use or for specific application domains. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Access Control and Audit - Anonymity and Pseudonymity - Authentication, including Phishing - Automated and Large-Scale Attacks - Biometrics - Commercial and Industrial Security - Data Integrity - Database Security - Denial of Service - Distributed Systems Security - Electronic Privacy - Information Flow - Intrusion Detection - Language-Based Security - Malicious Code - Mobile Code and Agent Security - Network Security - Peer-to-Peer Security - Secure Hardware and Smartcards - Security Protocols - Security Verification - Security of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://wacong.org IFMIP 2006 5th International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing, Special Sessions on Information Security and Hardware Implementations, Budapest, Hungary, July 25-28, 2006. (Submissions due 15 November 2005) This special session is within the Multimedia and Image Processing Track (5th International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing, IFMIP 2006). The IFMIP is going to take place in the World Automation Congress. The scope of this special session is on all views of communication security, and cryptography implementations. The call is addressed to scientists and engineers, who design, develop, and implement information security and cryptography subsystems. We encourage scientists and engineers from both academic and industrial environments to submit their works in order to enhance the knowledge, expertise, and experience of the whole community in information security, cryptography and hardware implementations. The subject areas include, but are not limited to, the following: - Security for mobile devices and 3G applications - Reconfigurable processors in cryptography - Smart cards security - Computer architectures for public-key and secret-key cryptosystems - Crypto-Processors for wireless networks - Cryptography for pervasive computing (e.g., RFID, Bluetooth, etc.) - True and pseudo random number generators - Identification and authentication - New encryption algorithms - Cryptography and cryptanalysis - Case studies, surveys - Architectural optimizations of security schemes and ciphers for wireless communications - Modular and Galois field arithmetic architectures for security applications ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.iit.cnr.it/iTrust2006/ iTrust 2006 4th International Conference on Trust Management, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, May 16-19, 2006. (Submissions due 18 November 2005) The iTrust international Conference looks at trust from multidisciplinary perspectives: economic, legal, psychology, philosophy, sociology, as well as information technology. Building upon the work of the IST iTrust working group (http://www.itrust.uoc.gr) and the success of the three previous iTrust International conferences, the aims of iTrust'2006 are to attract a critical mass of experts from industry, government, and academia with a keen interest in the area of trust management. Full technical papers contributing to the issue of trust management are solicited in relevant areas, including but not limited to: - The legal notion of trust in computer science and engineering - Requirements and methodologies to ensure that the user can reasonably trust the functioning of software systems - Trust management frameworks for secure collaborations in dynamic Virtual Organisations - Design of trust-based architectures and decision-making mechanisms for e-community and e-service interactions - Trust specification, analysis and reasoning - Dynamics of trust dispositions and relations - Realization of prototypes of software architectures and applications - Trust elements in contract negotiation, execution monitoring, re-negotiation and arbitration - Legal contribution to trust in technological infrastructures and interactions: the on-line identification of subjects, the evaluation of their reliability, data protection, security, privacy and, confidentiality, commercial transactions, the resolution of disputes, software agents, and management of access to source code - Trust in interaction and cooperation mediated through computer and network, and the balance of control and intervention - Research in on-line trust, the trust of the consumer towards the web sites of distribution companies - Analysis of the relationship between trust and such notions as Confidence, distrust, diffidence, expectation, risk, and reliance ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://fse2006.iaik.tugraz.at/ FSE 2006 13th annual Fast Software Encryption workshop, Graz, Austria, March 15-17, 2006. (Submissions due 25 November 2005) FSE 2006 is the 13th annual Fast Software Encryption workshop, for the fifth year sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research(IACR). Original research papers on symmetric cryptology are invited for submission to FSE 2006. The workshop concentrates on fast and secure primitives for symmetric cryptography, including the design and analysis of block ciphers, stream ciphers, encryption schemes, analysis and evaluation tools, hash functions, and message authentication codes (MACs). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://iwia.org/2006/ IWIA 2006 4th IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop, Royal Holloway, UK, April 13-14, 2006. (Submissions due 28 November 2005) The IEEE Task Force on Information Assurance is sponsoring a workshop on information assurance in cooperation with the ACM SIGSAC on research and experience in information assurance. The workshop seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research, applications and experience, and policy on all theoretical and practical aspects of IA. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following: - Operating System IA & S - Storage IA & S - Network IA & S - IA Standardization Approaches Information Sharing in Coalition Settings - Security Models - Survivability and Resilient Systems - Formal Methods and Software Engineering for IA - Proactive Approaches to IA - CCITSE Experience and Methodology - Intrusion Detection, Prediction, and Countermeasures - Insider Attack Countermeasures - Specification, Design, Development, and Deployment of IA Mechanisms - Policy Issues in Information Assurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.webist.org/ WEBIST 2006 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Setual, Portugal, April 10-13, 2006. (Submissions due 29 November 2005) The purpose of the 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2006) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the technological advances and business applications of web-based information systems. The conference has four main track, covering different aspects of Web Information Systems, including Internet Technology, Web Interfaces and Applications, Society, e-Communities, e-Business and, last but not least, e-Learning. WEBIST focuses on real world applications; therefore authors should highlight the benefits of Web Information Systems and Technologies for industry and services, in addition to academic applications. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following: AREA 1 - INTERNET TECHNOLOGY - XML and data management - Web Security and Privacy - Intrusion Detection and Response - Authentication and Access Control - Grid Computing - Web Services and Web Engineering - System Integration - Databases and Datawarehouses - Wireless Applications - Distributed and Parallel Applications - Protocols and Standards - Network systems, proxies and servers AREA 2 - WEB INTERFACES AND APPLICATIONS - Multimedia and User interfaces - Accessibility issues and Technology - User Modeling - Web Personalization - Usability and Ergonomics - Personalized Web Sites and Services - Portal strategies - Searching and Browsing - Ontology and the Semantic Web - Metadata and Metamodeling - Web mining - Digital Libraries AREA 3: SOCIETY, e-COMMUNITIES and e-BUSINESS - e-Business and e-Commerce - e-Payment - B2B, B2C and C2C - Knowledge Management - Social Networks and Organizational Culture - Social Information Systems - Communities of practice - Communities of interest - Social & Legal Issues - Tele-Work and Collaboration - e-Government AREA 4: e-LEARNING - e-Learning standards and tools - Web-based Education - Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies - Designing Learning Activities - Content-based and Context-based Learning - Learning Materials Development - Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Virtual Learning Communities - Case-studies and applications - Competition and Collaboration - Software tools for e-Learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://acns2006.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ ACNS 2006 4th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security , Singapore, June 6-9, 2006. (Submissions due 15 January 2006) Original papers on all technical aspects of cryptology and network security are solicited for submission to ACNS'06, the 4th annual conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security. There are two tracks for ACNS: an academic track and an industrial track. The latter has an emphasis on practical applications. The PC will consider moving submissions between tracks if the PC feels that a submission is more appropriate for that track (with author permission). Topics of relevance include but are not limited to: - Applied cryptography, cryptographic constructions - Cryptographic applications: payments, fair exchange, time-stamping, auction, voting, polling - Denial of service: attacks and countermeasures - Email security, spam prevention - Fundamental services on network and distributed systems: authentication, data integrity, confidentiality, authorization, non-repudiation, and availability - Implementation, deployment and management of network security policies - Integrating security in Internet protocols: routing, naming, TCP/IP, multicast, network management - Integrating security services with system and application security facilities and protocols: message handling, file transport/access, directories, time synchronization, database management, boot services, mobile computing - Intellectual property protection: protocols, implementations, metering, watermarking, digital rights management - Intrusion avoidance, detection, and response: systems, experiences and architectures - Network perimeter controls: firewalls, packet filters, application gateways - Public key infrastructure, key management, certification, and revocation - Securing critical infrastructure: routing protocols, and emergency communication - Security and privacy for emerging technologies: sensor networks, wireless/mobile (and ad hoc) networks, bluetooth, 802.11, and peer-to-peer systems - Security of limited devices: light-weight cryptography, efficient protocols and implementations - Security modeling and protocol design in the context of rational and malicious adversaries - Usable security and deployment incentives for security technology - Virtual private networks - Web security and supporting systems security, such as databases, operating systems, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix06/index.html USENIX 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA, May 30-June 3, 2006. (Submissions due 17 January 2006) The 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference General Session Program Committee seeks original and innovative papers that further the knowledge and understanding of modern computing systems, with an emphasis on practical implementations and experimental results. We encourage papers that break new ground or present insightful results based on experience with computer systems. The USENIX conference has a broad scope, and we encourage papers in a wide range of topics in systems, including: - Architectural interaction - Benchmarking - Deployment experience - Distributed and parallel systems - Embedded systems - Energy/power management - File and storage systems - Networking and network services - Operating systems - Reliability, availability, and scalability - Security, privacy, and trust - Self-managing systems - Usage studies and workload characterization - Virtualization - Web technology - Wireless and mobile systems ==================================================================== Information on the Technical Committee on Security and Privacy ==================================================================== ____________________________________________________________________ Information for Subscribers and Contributors ____________________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS: Two options, each with two options: 1. To receive the full ascii CIPHER issues as e-mail, send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org (which is NOT automated) with subject line "subscribe". OR send a note to cipher-request@mailman.xmission.com with the subject line "subscribe" (this IS automated - thereafter you can manage your subscription options, including unsubscribing, yourself) 2. To receive a short e-mail note announcing when a new issue of CIPHER is available for Web browsing send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org (which is NOT automated) with subject line "subscribe postcard". OR send a note to cipher-postcard-request@mailman.xmission.com with the subject line "subscribe" (this IS automated - thereafter you can manage your subscription options, including unsubscribing, yourself) To remove yourself from the subscription list, send e-mail to cipher-admin@ieee-security.org with subject line "unsubscribe" or, if you have subscribed directly to the xmission.com mailing list, use your password (sent monthly) to unsubscribe per the instructions at http://mailman.xmission.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cipher or http://mailman.xmission.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cipher-postcard Those with access to hypertext browsers may prefer to read Cipher that way. It can be found at URL http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html CONTRIBUTIONS: to cipher @ ieee-security.org are invited. Cipher is a NEWSletter, not a bulletin board or forum. It has a fixed set of departments, defined by the Table of Contents. Please indicate in the subject line for which department your contribution is intended. Calendar and Calls-for-Papers entries should be sent to cipher-cfp @ ieee-security.org and they will be automatically included in both departments. To facilitate the semi-automated handling, please send either a text version of the CFP or a URL from which a text version can be easily obtained. For Calendar entries, please include a URL and/or e-mail address for the point-of-contact. For Calls for Papers, please submit a one paragraph summary. See this and past issues for examples. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED AS PERSONAL COMMENTS; USUAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. All reuses of Cipher material should respect stated copyright notices, and should cite the sources explicitly; as a courtesy, publications using Cipher material should obtain permission from the contributors. ____________________________________________________________________ Recent Address Changes ____________________________________________________________________ Address changes from past issues of Cipher are archived at http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/AddressChanges.html Kevin Fu Assistant Professor Computer Science Building 140 Governors Drive University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003-9264 Phone: (413) 545-4006 Fax: (413) 545-1249 kevinfu @ cs.umass.edu http://www.cs.umass.edu/~kevinfu/ _____________________________________________________________________ How to become <> a member of the IEEE Computer Society's TC on Security and Privacy _____________________________________________________________________ You may easily join the TC on Security & Privacy by completing the on-line for at IEEE at http://www.computer.org/TCsignup/index.htm ______________________________________________________________________ TC Publications for Sale ______________________________________________________________________ IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium The 2005 Symposium proceedings are available for $25 plus shipping and handling. The 2004 proceedings are $20 plus shipping and handling; the 2003 proceedings are $15 plus shipping and handling. A CD of the 2000-2001 proceedings is $15 plus shipping and handling. Shipping is $4.00/volume within the US, overseas surface mail is $7/volume, and overseas airmail is $11/volume, based on an order of 3 volumes or less. The shipping charge for a CD is $1 per CD (no charge if included with a hard copy order). Send a check made out to the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy to the TC treasurer (see officers, below) with the order description, including shipping method, and send email to Deborah Shands (shands@aero.org) with the shipping address, please. IEEE CS Press Back issues of TC publications may be available; contact Jonathan Millen for information about the Computer Security Foundations Workshop. ______________________________________________________________________ TC Officer Roster ______________________________________________________________________ Chair: Past Chair: Heather Hinton Mike Reiter IBM Software Group - Tivoli Carnegie Mellon University 11400 Burnett Road ECE Department Austin, TX 78758 Hamerschlag Hall, Room D208 + 1 512 838 0455 (voice) Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA hhinton@us.ibm.com (412) 268-1318 (voice) reiter@cmu.edu Vice Chair: Chair, Subcommittee on Academic Affairs: Jonathan Millen Prof. Cynthia Irvine The MITRE Corporation U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Mail Stop S119 Computer Science Department 202 Burlington Road Rte. 62 Code CS/IC Bedford, MA 01730-1420 Monterey CA 93943-5118 781-271-51 (voice) (831) 656-2461 (voice) jmillen@mitre.org irvine@cs.nps.navy.mil Chair, Subcommittee on Standards: Chair, Subcomm. on Security Conferences: David Aucsmith Jonathan Millen Microsoft Corporation The MITRE Corporation One Microsoft Way Mail Stop S119 Redmond, WA 98052 202 Burlington Road Rte. 62 425-706-9225 (voice) Bedford, MA 01730-1420 425-936-7329 (fax) 781-271-51 (voice) awk@microsoft.com jmillen@mitre.org SRSP Conference Treasurer: Newsletter Editor & 2006 SRSP General Chair: Terry Benzel Hilarie Orman USC ISI Purple Streak, Inc. 4676 Admiralty Way 500 S. Maple Dr. Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Salem, UT 84653 tbenzel@isi.edu cipher-editor@ieee-security.org (310) 822-1511 (310) 823-6714 (fax) ________________________________________________________________________ BACK ISSUES: Cipher is archived at: http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html