News Bits

NSA and NIST have decided that last fall's NISSC was the last one.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites proposals from eligible organizations for funding projects under the Critical Infrastructure Protection Grants Program (CIPGP).   The objective of the CIPGP is improvement of the robustness, resilience, and security of information in all the critical infrastructures.   This will be accomplished by funding research leading to commercial solutions to those information technology (IT) security problems central to critical infrastructure protection that are not being adequately addressed. More information is available from the Federal  Register Notice or from:

Program Director:
Donald G. Marks
(301) 975-5342 


Preliminary Announcement
17-29 September 2001, Bertinoro, Italy 
Application deadline: May 31, 2001
General Information

Security in computer systems and networks is emerging as one of the most challenging research areas for the future. The main aim of the school is to offer a good spectrum of current research in foundations of security, ranging from programming languages to analysis of protocols, that can be of help for graduate students, young researchers from academia or industry that intend to approach the field. As for the previous edition (FOSAD'00), the school covers two weeks (from Monday 17 to Saturday 29, September 2001) and alternates four lecturers per week on monographic courses of about 6/8 hours each. Saturdays are reserved for presentations given by those participants that intend to take advantage of the audience for discussing their current research in the area. The school is organised at the Centro Residenziale Universitario of the University of Bologna, situated in Bertinoro, a small village on a scenic hill with a wonderful panorama, in between Forli' and Cesena (about 50 miles south-east of Bologna, 15 miles to the Adriatic sea).

The school offers seven main courses, each composed of 3/4 seminars, each seminar of 2 hours. In alphabetic order, the lecturers of the seven main courses are the following:

Further short courses will be given by: The scientific school directors are Riccardo Focardi (Univ. of Venezia), Roberto Gorrieri (Univ. of Bologna) and John McLean (Naval Research Lab). The administrative directors are Andrea Bandini and Roberta Poggi ( The local organisers are Andrea Bandini, Alessandro Aldini ( and Mario Bravetti (bravetti@CS.UniBO.IT).

In order to be really effective, at most 45 participants will be admitted to the lectures. Prospective participants should send an application to the address below, together with a recommendation letter, by May 31, 2001. Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by June 30, 2001. Registration to the school is due by July 31, 2001. Applications should be sent, using the form available on the web page, to Riccardo Focardi (by e-mail) and to Andrea Bandini (by mail or fax):
                       Riccardo Focardi
                       Dipartimento di Informatica
                       Via Torino 155
                       I-30172 Mestre (Ve), Italy

                      Andrea Bandini
                      Centro Residenziale Universitario
                      Via Frangipane, 6 - 47032 Bertinoro (FC)
                      tel. +39-0543-446500 fax: +39-0543-446599

A limited amount of grants will be provided to cover part of the expenses. Applications are pending to EU for European young researchers and to UNESCO-ROSTE for prospective participants from East European and South Mediterranean countries. Please, include your request with the application.

Accommodation fee is 750 Euro and covers costs for the whole period in double room, half board (breakfast and lunch). Registration fee is 550 Euro and includes didactical material from the lecturers.

More detailed information on courses will be soon available at URL Requests of information on the school, grants and applications should be addressed to, while information on organisation (address, how to reach us, etc...) can be requested by e-mail to



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