       The Fifth ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security

                           ACM WiSec '12

                         April 16-18, 2012
                        Tucson, Arizona, USA
                      *** CALL FOR PAPERS ***

As wireless and mobile networking becomes ubiquitous, security and privacy
become increasingly critical. The focus of the ACM Conference on Wireless
Network Security (ACM WiSec) is on exploring vulnerabilities, threats, and
attacks in wireless communications and the techniques needed to address
them. Settings of interest include cellular, metropolitan, mesh, local-area,
personal-area, home, vehicular, sensor, ad hoc, satellite, cognitive radio,
RFID, and underwater networks as well as systems using non-RF wireless

The conference is soliciting contributions to topics including
but not limited to:

*       Key management in wireless/mobile environments
*       Secure services (neighbor discovery, localization, etc.)
*       Secure PHY and MAC protocols
*       Trust establishment
*       Intrusion, attack, and malicious behavior detection
*       Denial of service
*       User and location privacy
*       Anonymity, unobservability, prevention of traffic analysis
*       Identity theft and phishing in mobile networks
*       Charging & secure payment
*       Cooperation and mitigating non?cooperative behavior
*       Economics of wireless security
*       Vulnerability and attack modeling
*       Incentive-aware secure protocol design
*       Jamming/Anti-jamming communication
*       Cross-layer design for security
*       Monitoring and surveillance
*       Cryptographic primitives for wireless communication
*       Theoretical foundations and formal methods for wireless
         security and privacy
*       Security and privacy of mobile OS and mobile applications
*       Secure delay- and disruption-tolerant networking
*       Secure non-RF wireless communication (e.g., ultrasound, vision, laser)
*       Security/privacy in wireless smart grid and smart metering applications
*       Security/privacy in wireless network coding
*       Security/privacy in wireless/ephemeral social networking
*       Security/privacy in mobile/wireless cloud services

The proceedings of ACM WiSec are published by the ACM.

Submissions to WiSec 2012 can be up to 12 pages in the ACM conference style
and must be thoroughly anonymized for double-blind reviewing.
Detailed submission
instructions will appear on the conference website

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is a policy of the ACM
(http://www.acm.org/pubs/rights.html) to disallow double submissions,
where the same (or substantially similar) paper is concurrently submitted to
multiple conferences/journals. Any double submissions detected will be
immediately rejected from all conferences/journals involved.

Important Dates
*       Paper submission: November 22, 2011
*       Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2012
*       Camera-ready version: February 22, 2012
*       Conference: April 16-18, 2012

- General Chairs:
       Marwan Krunz (University of Arizona, USA)
       Loukas Lazos (University of Arizona, USA)

- Program Co-chairs:
       Roberto Di Pietro (Roma Tre University of Rome, Italy)
       Wade Trappe (Rutgers University, USA)

- Publicity Chair:
       Patrick Tague (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

- Poster/Demo Chair:
       Cristina Nita-Rotaru (Purdue University, USA)

- Steering Committee
       Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine, USA) (chair)
       Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL, Switzerland)
       Claude Castelluccia (INRIA, France)
       Douglas Maughan (DHS/HSARPA, USA)
       Adrian Perrig (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
       Nitin Vaidya (University of Illinois, USA)
       Dirk Westhoff (NEC Europe Network Lab, Germany)
       Levente Buttyan (BME, Hungary)
       Virgil Gligor (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
       Peng Ning (North Carolina State University, USA)
       Radha Poovendran (University of Washington, USA)
       Cliff Wang (Army Research Office, USA)