

Intrusion Detection and Forensics (Track 17)

World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2011)
11-14 December, Mumbai, India
Track page:
Conference webpage:  http://www.mirlabs.org/wict11/

The four day World Congress is expected to provide an opportunity for
the researchers from academia and industry to meet and discuss the
latest solutions, scientific results and methods in the usage and
applications of ICT in the real world. The conference program will
include workshops, special sessions and tutorials, along with
prominent keynote speakers and regular paper presentations in parallel

Authors are invited to submit original papers containing cutting edge
research, novel research vision or work-in-progress in any area of
intrusion detection and forensics. All accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings by IEEE.

The track will cover a wide range of topics. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:

Host and Network based approaches
Anomaly and specification-based approaches
Lightweight, data mining and soft computing approaches
Hybrid Approaches to information discovery and intrusion detection
Formal Models, Framework and Architectures
Botnets and vulnerabilities
Malware, Worm, Virus and Spyware
Insider attack detection and investigation
High Performance and Real-Time Environments, including large-scale/
high data volume/ high-Speed networks.
Highly distributed and heterogeneous environments
Embedded system and small scale environments
Special environments, including wireless, mobile, sensor networks and
  smart grid
Virtual and Cloud Environments
Social network analysis
Deception systems and honeypots
Incident response and live analysis
Traceback and attribution
Event reconstruction methods and tools
Attacks against IDS, IDS protection and tolerance
Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics
Visualization Techniques
Performance evaluation, metrics and benchmarking
Commercial products and their directions
Test Beds and Datasets

Submission Guidelines:

Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of
theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique
experience reports.

All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format. Papers
should contain up to 5 keywords. Prospective papers should be
submitted to the track using the provided automated submission
system. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least three
independent reviewers.  Submission details & author templates refer
the site:

Submit your paper at the submission site:

Important Dates:
Paper Submission:    August 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance:    October 15, 2011
Camera-ready of accepted papers:    October 31, 2011
Registration of authors of accepted papers:  not later than October 31, 2011
Conference:    December 11-14 , 2011

Track Chair:
Dr. Anjali Sardana, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Dr. Irfan Ahmed, Queensland University of Technology, Australia