Call for Papers
Vote-ID 2013
Fourth international conference on E-voting and Identity
17 - 19 July 2013, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Important Dates
Submission deadline: March 11, 2013
Notification: April 26, 2013
Camera-ready version: May 13, 2013
Special session: demos of voting systems, Wednesday 17th morning.
Conference: 17 midday - 19 midday July 2013.

Motivation and Scope

Electronic voting is a very active research area covering a broad range of
issues, from computer security and cryptographic issues to human
psychology and legal issues. The aim of Vote-ID is to bring together
researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governmental
institutions, all working on e-voting systems. The scope covers all
aspects of electronic voting systems, including, but not limited to:

* design and evaluation of e-voting systems
* security requirements and formal analysis
* voter authentication and identity management
* cryptographic voting schemes
* verifiable election technologies
* methods for reconciling voter identification with vote privacy
* usability and accessibility
* deployment and lifecycle concerns
* implementation issues and trade-offs
* legal, political and other interdisciplinary issues

The proceedings of VoteID 2013 will be published as part of the Springer 
LNCS series.  The proceedings of VoteID 2007, VoteID 2009 and VoteID 2011 appeared
as volumes 4896, 5767 and 7187 in Springer LNCS.  The proceedings will also be made available under open access on the University of Surrey non-commercial archival repository, and authors will be required to provide their copies of accepted papers for this purpose.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original work.  Case
studies of deployed systems are welcomed, so long as there is sufficient
originality and rigour in their design or analysis to constitute
scientific research. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work
that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in
parallel to any other conference or workshop with proceedings. Submissions
should be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgement
or obvious references. Each submission should have a contact author who
should provide full contact information (email, phone, fax, mailing
address). At least one author of each accepted paper will be required to
present the work at the conference.  Papers must be formatted in LaTex,
using the Springer LNCS LaTex style, and submitted as PDF files. Please
check at for style and formatting
guidelines. The length of the submitted paper should not exceed 15 pages,
excluding the bibliography and appendices, using the Springer LNCS style.

Voting System Demonstrations

We also invite demonstrations of electronic voting systems, to be
presented in an open session on Wednesday morning.  Participation is open
to all, but we request a two-page summary by 1st July describing the
system¹s requirements and properties, such as:
* whether the system is intended for remote or attendance voting
* which types of elections it accommodates
* whether it addresses the needs of voters with disabilities
* what sort of verifiability it provides
* the extent to which it guarantees vote privacy
* whether it has been deployed in a real election
* where to go for more information

General chair:
Steve Schneider (University of Surrey, UK)

Program chairs:
James Heather  (University of Surrey, UK)
Vanessa Teague  (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Program Committee:

Josh Benaloh (Microsoft Research, USA)
Jeremy Clark (Carleton University, Canada)
Paul Gibson (Telecom SudParis, France)
Joe Hall (Center for Democracy and Technology, Washington, USA)
James Heather (University of Surrey, UK)
Hugo Jonker (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Reto Koenig (Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
Helger Lipmaa (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Olivier Pereira (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham, UK)
Peter Ryan (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Berry Schoenmakers (University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Vanessa Teague (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Melanie Volkamer (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Poorvi Vora (George Washington University, USA)
David Wagner (Berkeley, USA)
Douglas Wikström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Zhe Xia (University of Surrey, UK)