TRUST 2012
5th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing
Vienna, Austria
June 13-15, 2012
Submissions due: 22 February 2012

TRUST 2012 is an international conference on the technical and
socio-economic aspects of trustworthy infrastructures. It provides an
excellent interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and
decision makers to explore new ideas and discuss experiences in
building, designing, using and understanding trustworthy computing systems.
The conference solicits original papers on any aspect (technical or
social and economic) of the design, application and usage of trusted and
trustworthy computing, which concerns a broad range of concepts. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

Technical Strand:
* Architecture and implementation technologies for trusted platforms and
trustworthy infrastructures
* Trust, Security and Privacy in embedded systems
* Trust, Security and Privacy in social networks
* Trusted mobile platforms and mobile phone security
* Implementations of trusted computing (hardware and software)
* Applications of trusted computing
* Trustworthy infrastructures and resilient services for cloud computing
* Attestation and integrity verification
* Cryptographic aspects of trusted and trustworthy computing
* Design, implementation and analysis of security hardware, i.e.,
hardware with cryptographic and security functions, physically
unclonable functions
* Intrusion resilience in trusted computing
* Virtualization for trusted platforms
* Secure storage
* Security policy and management of trusted computing
* Access control for trusted platforms
* Privacy aspects of trusted computing
* Verification of trusted computing architectures
* Usability and end-user interactions with trusted platforms
* Limitations of trusted computing

Socio-economic Strand:
* Usability and user perceptions of trustworthy systems and risks
* Effects of trustworthy systems upon user/corporate/governmental behavior
* Economic drivers for trustworthy systems in corporate environment
* Impact of trustworthy systems in enhancing trust in cloud infrastructures
* The adequacy of guarantees provided by trustworthy systems for systems
critically dependent upon trust, such as elections and government oversight
* The impact of trustworthy systems upon digital forensics, police
investigations and court proceedings
* Game theoretical approaches to modeling or designing trustworthy systems
* Approaches to model and simulate scenarios of how trustworthy systems
would be used in corporate environments and in personal space
* Experimental economics studies of trustworthiness
* Interplay between privacy (enhancing technologies), trustworthy systems
* Critiques of trustworthy systems

For more information see