Call for Papers for The First International Workshop on Security for Mobile
Wireless Communications (SeMIC)

January 6th, 2008, Bangalore, India

In conjunction with COMSWARE 2008

Mobile Wireless Communications enable the exchange of information in a 
real, or near real-time manner, without the constraint of a fixed point of
access. Reliable and secure communications combined with constant and 
universal network availability, are key elements for the successful 
commercialization of the applications that utilize the wireless technology.
However, new security challenges emerge due to the dynamic network 
topology, the open nature of the wireless medium, the resource constraints 
of the mobile devices and, possibly, the lack of a pre-deployed 
infrastructure. The workshop on Security for Mobile Wireless Communication 
(SeMIC), held in conjunction with COMSWARE 2008, seeks submissions from 
the academia and industry, that present novel approaches on addressing 
security issues for mobile wireless communications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

      * Authentication and access control
      * Secure MAC/PHY protocols for mobile networks
      * Cooperation, fairness and incentive -based security
      * Key management for wireless/mobile environments
      * Trust establishment
      * Intrusion detection in mobile networks
      * Accountability for malicious behavior and resource misuse
      * Revocation of malicious parties
      * Secure location services
      * Privacy, anonymity and prevention of traffic analysis
      * Security in cognitive radios
      * Security in vehicular networks
      * Anti-Jamming techniques, and DoS Countermeasures
      * Vulnerability modeling and threat analysis
      * Security & privacy in RFID systems
      * Secure routing

Paper submission instructions
Submission of papers based on work-in-progress is encouraged. Submitted 
papers must not be previously published elsewhere or currently under review
for any other publication. Please direct any questions regarding the paper 
submission process to the Program Co-Chairs.

All submissions are limited to 6 PAGES in fonts no smaller than 10pt, and 
must be in standard IEEE double-column format. Each submission should start
with the title, abstract, and names and contact information of authors. 
The introduction should give background and summarize the contributions of the
paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.

All paper submissions will be handled electronically via the COCUS system.
Authors should prepare a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of their paper.

Important dates
      * Paper submission deadline: September 21st, 2007
      * Notification of acceptance: November 3rd, 2007
      * Camera-ready papers due: December 3rd, 2007
      * Workshop date: January 6th, 2008

Technical Program Co-Chairs
      * Loukas Lazos, University of Arizona, USA
      * Mingyan Li, Boeing Phantom Works, USA

Honorary Chair
      * Radha Poovendran, University of Washington, USA

Publicity Chair
      * Krishna Sampigethaya, University of Washington, USA

Technical Program Committee
      * Rana Barua, Indian Statistical Institute, India
      * Levente Buttyan, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
      * Srdjan Capkun, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
      * Bogdan Carbunar, Motorola Labs, USA
      * Reza Curtmola, John Hopkins University, USA
      * Rainer Falk, Corporate Technology, Siemens AG, Germany
      * Leping Huang, Nokia Research Center & University of Tokyo, Japan
      * Dijiang Huang, Arizona State University, USA
      * Iordanis Koutsopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
      * Jun Li, University of Oregon, USA
      * Donggang Liu, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
      * Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University, USA
      * Roberto Di Pietro, Universit "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
      * Wenyuan Xu, University of South Carolina, USA
      * Yanyong Zhang, Rutgers University, USA

For further information, please contact or