3rd IEEE Conference on
Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning
April 9-11, 2025
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

Call For Papers
Areas of interest

IEEE SaTML expands upon the theoretical and practical understandings
of vulnerabilities inherent to machine learning (ML), explores the
robustness of learning algorithms and systems, and aids in developing
a unified, coherent scientific community aiming to establish
trustworthy machine learning. Topics of interest include (but are not
limited to):

    Novel attacks on machine learning
    Novel defenses for machine learning
    Secure and safe machine learning in practice
    Verification of algorithms and systems
    Machine learning system security
    Privacy in machine learning
    Forensic analysis of machine learning
    Fairness and interpretability
    Trustworthy data curation

Important date

    Paper submission deadline: Friday, September 27, 2024 (extended)
    Early reject notification: Thursday, October 31, 2024
    Interactive discussion & revision phase: November 21 – December 5, 2024
    Decision notification: Thursday, December 12, 2024
    Conference dates: April 9–11, 2025

All deadlines are set to 11:59 PM AoE (Anywhere on Earth), which
corresponds to UTC-12 time zone.

Submission categories

We solicit research papers, systematization of knowledge papers, and
position papers:

Research Papers: These papers should present new work, evidence, or
ideas related to secure and trustworthy machine learning. Submission
must be up to 12 pages of body text, with unlimited additional space
for references and appendices. Research papers must be well-argued and
worthy of publication and​ ​citation,​ ​on​ ​one of the​ ​topics listed​

Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) Papers: These papers should either
consolidate and clarify ideas in a major research area within secure
and trustworthy machine learning or provide compelling evidence to
support or challenge long-held beliefs in such areas. Submissions must
be up to 12 pages of body text. SoK papers must include “SoK:” at the
beginning of their title.

Position Papers: These papers should cover broader issues and visions
related to secure and trustworthy machine learning, including open
challenges, technical perspectives, educational aspects, societal
impact, or notable research results. Submissions must be very
well-argued and consist of 5 to 12 pages of body text. Position papers
must include “Position:” at the beginning of their title.

Submission information

All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM AoE (UTC-12) on the day
of the deadline. The submission site is available here:

    Submission site: https://hotcrp.satml.org

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or accepted for publication, or that are simultaneously
in submission to a journal, conference, or workshop with published
proceedings. However, authors may choose to give talks about their
work, post a preprint of the paper online, and disclose security
vulnerabilities to vendors.

Double-blind review: SaTML follows a double-blind reviewing
process. Submitted papers must (a) omit any reference to the authors’
names or their institutions, and (b) cite the authors’ own related
work in the third person. It is important, however, to ensure that
efforts to maintain anonymity do not compromise the quality of the
submission or complicate the review process. Essential background
references, for example, should not be omitted or anonymized. Please
see this double-blind FAQ for the answers to many common concerns
about double-blind reviewing.

Previous reviews: For papers that were previously submitted to, and
rejected from, another conference, authors are required to append to
their submission PDF the (anonymized, but otherwise unedited) prior
reviews along with a description of how those reviews were addressed
in the current version of the paper. Authors are only required to
include reviews from the last time the paper was submitted. Authors
who try to circumvent this rule (e.g., by changing the title of the
paper without significantly changing the contents) may have their
papers rejected without further consideration, at the discretion of
the PC chairs.

Large-language models: We encourage authors to use any suitable tools,
including Large Language Models (LLMs), for preparing high-quality
papers and research. However, authors must adhere to two key criteria:
First, the methodology must be thoroughly described, and if LLMs are
integral to this methodology, their use should be explicitly
detailed. Second, authors are responsible for the entire content of
their paper, including all text and figures. While any tool may be
used for writing, it is crucial that all content is accurate and
original, ensuring transparency and maintaining the integrity of the
research process (Adapted from the NeurIPS 2024 Call for Papers).

Submission format: Submissions must be a PDF file in two-column IEEE
proceedings style. That is, authors must use
\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} when preparing their paper. The
number of allowed pages for a submission depends on the submission
category, see above.

Authors need to closely follow the rules provided in this document and
precisely adhere to the format guidelines. Failure to comply with
these rules is grounds for rejection.  Reviewing process

All submissions to the conference will be evaluated based on their
merits, particularly their relevance to the conference’s areas of
interest, novelty, quality of execution, and presentation.

To decrease the load of reviewing on PC members, SaTML implements a
two-round reviewing process. Each paper is initially assigned two
reviews. If the PC chairs conclude that there is no path for
acceptance at SaTML upon considering these initial reviews, the paper
is early-rejected. This means that the paper is not assigned
additional reviews and the authors are notified that their paper will
not be included in the conference.

Author discussion phase

SaTML will have a discussion period during which authors can exchange
messages with reviewers, respond to their questions, and address their
comments through direct changes to the paper. To facilitate this, we
will use an anonymous communication feature to enable interaction
between authors and reviewers. Authors should primarily focus on
correcting factual errors in the reviews and answering specific
questions posed by the reviewers. New research results may also be
discussed if they help clarify open questions. More instructions will
be sent to the authors at the beginning of the discussion phase.

Submission decisions

For each submission, one of the following decisions will be made:

    Accept: Papers in this category will be accepted for publication
    in the proceedings and presentation at the conference, possibly
    after making minor changes with the oversight of a shepherd (Minor
    Revision). Within one month of acceptance, all accepted papers
    must submit a camera-ready copy incorporating reviewer
    feedback. The papers will immediately be published, open access,
    in the Computer Society’s Digital Library, and they may be cited
    as “To appear in the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy
    Machine Learning, 2025”.

    Major Revision: A limited number of papers will be invited to
    submit a major revision; such papers will receive a detailed
    summary of expectations for revision, in addition to standard
    reviewer comments. Authors will have a limited time window to
    submit a revision after the notification is sent. The authors
    should clearly explain in a well-marked appendix how the revisions
    address the comments of the reviewers. The revised paper will then
    be re-evaluated, and either accepted or rejected. We will assign
    the same set of reviewers. Authors can choose to withdraw their
    paper and not submit a revision.

    Reject: Papers in this category are declined for inclusion in the

Best paper award

Outstanding paper(s) will be selected by the Program Committee, with
input from the Steering Committee, for the best paper award. The award
will be announced at the conference. Best paper awards are intended to
highlight papers which significantly challenge the state of the art in
research areas relevant to SaTML.  Attendance for accepted papers

At least one author of accepted papers must present their work at the
conference, and their papers will appear in the conference’s formal
IEEE proceedings. In the event of difficulty obtaining visas for
travel or other exceptional circumstances, exceptions may be made and
will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions, please email us at pcchairs@satml.org