ACM STC 2011
The 6th ACM Workshop on Scalable Trusted Computing
Chicago, IL, USA 
October 17, 2011
Submissions due June 27, 2011

Built on the continuous success of ACM STC 2006-2010, this workshop
focuses on fundamental technologies of trusted and high assurance
computing and its applications in large-scale systems with varying
degrees of trust. The workshop is intended to serve as a forum for
researchers as well as practitioners to disseminate and discuss recent
advances and emerging issues.

The workshop is co-located with ACM CCS and solicits two types of
original papers that are single-column using at least 11pt fonts. The
length of the full-paper submissions is at most 15 pages excluding
bibliography, appendix etc. The total number of pages should not be
more than 20, whereas the reviewers are not required to read the
appendix. The length of short/work-in-progress/position-paper
submissions is at most 8 pages excluding bibliography. A paper
submitted to this workshop must not be in parallel submission to any
other journal, magazine, conference or workshop with proceedings. It
is up to the authors to decide whether a submission should be
anonymous. Topics of interests include but not limited to:

 o  security policies and models of trusted computing
 o  architecture and implementation technologies for trusted platform
 o  limitations, alternatives and tradeoffs regarding trusted computing
 o  trusted computing in cloud and data center
 o  cloud-based attestation services
 o  trusted smartphone devices and systems
 o  trust in smart grid, energy, and Internet of Things
 o  trusted emerging and future Internet infrastructure
 o  trusted online social network
 o  trust in authentications, users and computing services
 o  hardware based trusted computing
 o  software based trusted computing
 o  pros and cons of hardware based approach
 o  remote attestation of trusted devices
 o  censorship-freeness in trusted computing
 o  cryptographic support in trusted computing
 o  case study in trusted computing
 o  principles for handling scales
 o  scalable trust supports and services in cloud
 o  trusted embedded computing and systems
 o  virtualization and trusted computing

For more information see