SOFSEM 2012 - Cryptography, Security, and Verification Track
SOFtware SEMinar of the Conference on Current Trends in Theory and
Practice of Computer Science
Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic
January 21-27, 2012

SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) was founded as a central European computer science
conference almost 40 years ago and developed into an annual international winter
conference devoted to the theory and practice of computer science. Traditionally
the SOFSEM program consists of invited talks by prominent researchers,
contributed talks organized in four different tracks and a student research
forum. The Cryptography, Security and Verification" track is devoted to all
aspects of cryptography, trust, information security and software reliability.
Special emphasis is laid on novel research results devoted to the correctness
and security of software, which form the backbone of critical infrastructures
and services. Furthermore, we focus on security architectures, cryptographic
primitives and protocols suitable to protect sensitive digital data during
storage or processing.

Topics include:
- cryptographic protocols and primitives 
- trusted and trustworthy computing
- trusted hardware and virtualization
- cloud computing security
- trust management
- system security
- privacy and anonymity
- data centric security and content protection
- software security and secure software engineering
- software verification and model checking
- formal methods in software security and reliability
- program analysis, testing and runtime analysis

Abstracts Deadline:         Wednesday, June 15, 2011    57 days remaining
Full Papers Deadline:       Wednesday, June 22, 2011    64 days remaining
   Announcements:           Wednesday, September 21, 2011       
Camera-ready Manuscripts:   Wednesday, October 5, 2011  
Conference:                 January 21–27, 2012
