
Security and Communication Networks

Special Issue on "Applications of machine learning techniques to
intrusion detection and digital forensics"

The security of computers and their networks is a major concern. As
the computing devices become more pervasive and connected (such as
from personal computer running a simple desktop application to
embedded systems controlling a critical infrastructure), they face
versatile and unknown threats ranging from sophisticated malwares, to
less prevalent but still serious attacks like Web site defacement,
denial of service attacks, financial fraud and network break-ins. They
are both critical and costly and required to be detected
in-time. Moreover, the detection of intrusions often leads to the
forensic investigation requiring the acquisition of massive volume of
data and their analysis. The manual effort to deal with the problems
is costly and time consuming and thus, brings the need of machine
learning techniques that are often used to efficiently and reliably
perform this labour intensive work.

In this special issue, we plan to present the cutting edge research
focusing on intrusion detection and digital forensics with the
application of machine learning techniques. The Journal is soliciting
submissions based on an open call for papers covering areas that are
included but not limited to the following,

Detection of known or unknown exploitable vulnerabilities,

Detection of known or unknown attacks,

Deception systems and honeypots,

Smart phone and Digital Forensics,

Network and host intrusion detection

Anomaly and specification-based approaches

Application security

Spam, botnets, viruses, malwares

Web security

Log analysis

Forensic analysis of large datasets

Online forensic analysis

Forensic analysis of social networks

3D forensic scene model generation and analysis

Network forensics

Data acquisition

We solicit previously unpublished, original research papers. The
conference papers with significant improvement will also be
considered, provided that authors have clearly identify the
improvements in the paper and also highlight the changes to their
previous paper.

The guidelines for prospective authors can be found at

Prospective authors should submit their papers online at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn and no email submissions will be
accepted. When submitting the papers, the authors should make sure to
choose "Manuscript type" as "Special Issue," in the Journal's
Manuscript Central website, and enter 'Running Head' and 'Special
Issue title' as 'SCN-SI-038' and 'Machine Learning', respectively.


Submission deadline: 15 August 2011
Acceptance notification: 30 December 2011
Final papers due: 15 February 2012
Publication: 2012 (Tentative)


Dr. Ajith Abraham
Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems,
Norwegian Centre of Excellence,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

A/Prof. Anjali Sardana
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, India

Prof. ManPyo Hong
Graduate School of Information and Communication
Ajou University,
Suwon, South Korea

Dr. Irfan Ahmed
Information Security Institute,
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia

Dr. Rafael Accorsi
Department of Telematics,
University of Freiburg, Germany.