Elsevier Computers & Security (COSE): Special Issue on Managing 
Multi-Party, Interdependent Privacy Risks 
(Submission deadline extended: 
15 September, 2021)

Privacy is a complex affair. One important facet of this complexity 
emerges via the many types of inherent connections among individuals, 
and, therefore, their personal data. These connections include 
friendship relations, geographic co-locations, familial ties, and many 
more. Given this interconnectedness, a person's own privacy is not only 
affected by her own decisions but also by those of others, giving rise 
to the phenomenon referred to as interdependent privacy. Under 
interdependent privacy, personal information is shared without the 
knowledge and/or direct consent of the data subject. In economic terms, 
an externality arises that influences the welfare of the data subject 
negatively without a compensation being offered. In addition to being a 
fertile ground for academic study, interdependent privacy does have 
significant real impact on our everyday lives as evidenced by, e.g., the 
Cambridge Analytica debacle. Therefore, it is paramount that we discover 
further areas where interdependent privacy can emerge, to qualitatively 
understand its expressions and to quantify its impact. But we also need 
to offer concrete solution approaches to manage interdependent privacy 
in existing applications, and to apply engineering principles (such as 
privacy-by-design) to avoid its occurrence in future networked systems. 
Design choices at the provider-level are critical in further heightening 
the impact of interdependent privacy as the Cambridge Analytica scandal 
vividly illustrated.

The purpose of this special issue in COSE is two-fold: (i) to build a 
unified and multidisciplinary research community around interdependent 
privacy that is currently scattered across research fields, such as 
privacy enhancing technologies, information systems, economics, 
marketing and data protection law; and (ii) to gather the latest 
advances in interdependent privacy research and to disseminate new ideas 
and results in this emerging field to a broad computing audience. We 
encourage the submission of papers from different scientific disciplines 
and multidisciplinary work covering new theoretical and 
experimental/empirical insights, policy research, and systems research 
on countermeasures with a dedicated focus on interdependent privacy. For 
submissions not primarily rooted in computing, authors should make an 
honest effort to relate their contribution to the technical/system 
design aspects of interdependent privacy. Topics of interest include, 
but are not limited to:

 o  Empirical research and real-world case studies in different contexts: 
social networks, online services, location privacy, genomic privacy, etc.

 o  Research on privacy attacks: e.g., inference attacks

 o  Theoretical research: economic models investigating information 
sharing incentives with game theory, and mechanism design; probabilistic 
modeling approaches

 o Legal/policy studies: e.g., GDPR (joint controllers, amateur 
controllers); California CPA; and their impact on system design

 o Experimental/behavioral research: user surveys; experiments on 
decision-making in settings with multiple users; extensions of existing 
behavioral models (e.g., privacy calculus); and their impact on system 

 o Research on economic, and legal countermeasures, and their impact on 
system design; technical solution approaches (e.g., privacy-by-design, 
access control, machine learning)

 o Social science research (including ethics; science and technology 
studies) addressing aspects of interdependent privacy; and their impact 
on system design

Submission Format

The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original 
research which is not published nor currently under review by other 
journals or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript 
can be found at


Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted 
through the Elsevier journal Computers & Security submission system at 
https://ees.elsevier.com/cose/. The authors must select 
VSI:Interdependent Privacy when they reach the journal type selection.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: September 15, 2021
First round of reviews: November 1, 2021
Second round of reviews: January 1, 2022
Final decision: February 15, 2022

List of Guest Editors

Gergely Biczók, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Kévin Huguenin, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Mathias Humbert, Cyber-Defence Campus, Switzerland

Jens Grossklags, Technical University of Munich, Germany