NDSS Workshop on Security of
              Emerging Networking Technologies
                        (SENT 2015)
            San Diego, California -- Feb. 8, 2015


The NDSS Workshop on Security of Emerging Networking Technologies
is an annual workshop for researchers in security and networking. SENT
seeks both technical and position papers on the various aspects of
secure networking with a "transformational" aspect: if deployed, the
system would dramatically transform the way current networks operate.
Topics include future internet architectures, cellular networks,
smart user devices, software-defined networks, and cyber-physical
systems as well as the corresponding challenges in terms of security
and privacy, incremental deployment, and any legal and public-policy

The goal of the workshop is to bring together academic and industry
researchers to discuss emerging problems, challenges, and potential
solutions. Early work that aims to stimulate the discussions is
strongly encouraged.


Papers due: November 3, 2014, 11:59pm PST
Notification: December 18, 2014
Camera ready: January 6, 2015
Workshop: February 8, 2015


Jeff Burke, UCLA REMAP 
Mauro Conti, University of Padua 
Haixin Duan, Tsinghua University 
Paolo Gasti, New York Institute of Technology 
Cesar Ghali, University of California, Irvine 
Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University 
Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH 
Ghassan Karame, NEC Laboratories Europe 
Ayumu Kubota, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. 
Taekyoung Kwon, SNU 
Heejo Lee, Korea University 
Li Erran Li, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent 
Allison Mankin, Verisign Labs 
Aziz Mohaisen, Verisign Labs 
Antonio Nicolosi, Stevens Institute of Technology 
Pekka Nikander 
Kyoungsoo Park, KAIST 
Adrian Perrig, ETH Zurich (PC Chair) 
Zhengwei Qi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
Raphael Reischuk, ETH Zurich 
Seungwon Shin, Texas A&M University 
Wade Trappe, WINLAB, Rutgers University 
Gene Tsudik, University of California, Irvine (PC Chair) 
Ersin Uzun, PARC 
Brian Weis, Cisco 


Papers should be written in English. Long papers must be no more than
10 pages total (including references and appendices). Papers must be
formatted for US letter size (not A4) paper in a two-column layout,
with columns no more than 9.25 inch high and 3.5 inch wide. The text
must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger
line spacing. Authors are encouraged to use the IEEE conference
proceedings templates.

We also invite short papers of up to 6 pages covering work in
progress, novel or provocative ideas. They will be selected based on
their potential to spark interesting discussions during the workshop.

Submission site:

PC Chairs
Adrian Perrig, ETH Zürich
Gene Tsudik, University of California

Publicity Chair
Raphael Reischuk, ETH Zürich