Fourth International Workshop on the Value of Security through  
Collaboration (SECOVAL 2008)
part of SECURECOMM'08 in cooperation with ACM and CREATE-NET

September 22nd, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library

Aims and scope of SECOVAL:
Security is usually centrally managed, for example in a form of  
policies duly executed by individual nodes. The SECOVAL workshop  
covers the alternative trend of using collaboration and trust to  
provide security. Instead of centrally managed security policies,  
nodes may use specific knowledge (both local and acquired from other  
nodes) to make security-related decisions. For example, in reputation- 
based schemes, the reputation of a given node (and hence its security  
access rights) can be determined based on the recommendations of peer  
nodes. As systems are being deployed on ever-greater scale without  
direct connection to their distant home base, the need for self  
management is rapidly increasing. Interaction after interaction, as  
the nodes collaborate, there is the emergence of a digital ecosystem.  
By guiding the local decisions of the nodes, for example, with whom  
the nodes collaborate, global properties of the ecosystem where the  
nodes operate may be guaranteed. Thus, the security property of the  
ecosystem may be driven by self-organizing mechanisms. Depending on  
which local collaboration is preferred, a more trustworthy ecosystem  
may emerge.

This year SECOVAL is focusing upon a special research subtopic mobile  
collaborative security

While papers will be considered that address any of the topics of  
security through collaboration from previous years (e.g., benefits  
from collaboration, methods of creating or measuring trust, self- 
organizing coalitions and risk analysis), the focus of the workshop  
will be around mobile application domains.

Topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:

     * Mobile collaborative security
     * Data sharing and anonymization case studies
     * Metrics of utility, anonymization strength and information loss
     * Identification of data sources and types useful to share for  
       collaborative computer security
     * Context-aware trust and reputation management
     * Insights from industry and case studies

Submission Details:

Authors are invited to submit papers formatted according to 
  (from a 2-page extended abstract to 10 pages limit). Paper  
submissions should be sent as PDF to Jean- . Submissions will be accepted until 23:59  
GMT, July 10th, 2008.

Important Dates:

July 10th, 2008: Paper submissions (until 23:59 GMT).
August 1st, 2008: Author notification.
August 10th, 2008: Camera-ready copy.
September 22nd, 2008: SECOVAL workshop as part of SECURECOMM in  
Istanbul, Turkey

For more information