                          CALL FOR PAPERS

2nd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security
               November 5 - 7, 2008 - Tangier - Morocco



NTMS'2008 aims at fostering advances in the areas of New Technologies,
Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Ad hoc and Ambient Networks, QoS,
Network Security and E-commerce, to mention a few, and provides a
dynamic forum for researchers, students and professionals to present
their state-of the-art research and development in these interesting
areas. The event will be combined with tutorial sessions and
workshops. Tutorials will precede the main program, aiming at the
dissemination of mature knowledge and technology advances in the
field. Two or more Workshops will immediately follow the main
conference, offering the opportunity for a more focused exchange of
ideas and presentation of on-going research relevant to selected

NTMS'2008 will be held in Tangier, Morocco on the 5th-7th November
2008. This Conference is technically sponsored by IFIP TC6 WG and IEEE

Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers describing original
and previously unpublished contributions in the following three major

1) Design and analysis of Mobile/Wireless Networks and Systems
2) Security
3) New Technologies applications and services

Papers should be in English, strictly not exceeding 5 double-column
pages (3,000 words), in Adobe PDF format (which is the only accepted
format for NTMS 2008). Authors should use the relevant IEEE template,
ensuring an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF-format.

To access the full list of topics, submission guidelines, as well as
venue and travel information please visit: www.ntms-conference.org

Important Dates
Paper submission due: May 30, 2008
Paper notification of acceptance: July 20, 2008
Final camera ready: July 31, 2008

Steering Committee
Azzedine Boukerche - University of Ottawa
Stamatios Kartalopoulos - University of Oklahoma
Mohamad Badra - CNRS/LIMOS Laboratory & ESRGroups
Pascal Urien -Telecom ParisTech

Organizing Committee co-Chairs
Ahmed Serhrouchni- Telecom ParisTech, France
Mohammed Bouhorma - UAE, Morocco

General Co-Chairs
Mustapha Bennouna - UAE Morocco
Houda Labiod - Telecom ParisTech, France
Raouf Boutaba - University of Waterloo, Canada

Program Co-Chairs
Fabio Massacci - University of Trento, Italy
Akshaia Aggarwal - University of Windsor, Canada

Workshops chair
Basel Solaiman, ENST-Bretagne, France

Tutorials chair
James Huges - Sun Microsystems, USA

Publicity Chair
Hassnaa Moustafa - France Telecom R&D - Orange Labs, France