The Second International Workshop on Privacy, Security and Trust in
Mobile and Wireless Systems (MobiPST 2012)

München, Germany, July 30, 2012

Important Dates

Paper submission due: March 16, 2012

Acceptance notification: April 25, 2012

Camera-ready due: May 10, 2012 

Workshop: July 30, 2012

Recently, mobile wireless devices, such as wireless sensors, smart
tags, smart pads, tablets, PDAs and smart phones, have become
pervasive and attracted significant interests from academia, industry,
and standard organizations. With the support of latest cloud computing
technology, these mobile wireless devices will play a more and more
important role in computing and communication systems. When these
devices become pervasive, security, privacy and trust become critical
components for the acceptance of applications build based on these
devices. Moreover, several favourable characteristics of mobile and
wireless devices, including portability, mobility, and sensitivity,
further impose the challenge of security and privacy in those
systems. Despite recent advances, many research issues still remain in
the design of secure, privacy-preserving, or trust architectures,
protocols, algorithms, services, and applications on mobile and
wireless systems. For example, when mobile devices have more storage
space, high bandwidth, and super sensing capability, more sensitive
information will be stored in those devices. On the other hand,
operating systems running on those devices are not as powerful and
reliable as those on traditional computers. Both OS layer and
higher-level layer protocols are expected to enhance the security and
preserve the privacy of those devices. With more mobile devices being
used in social networks and traditional web-based systems, novel trust
models are essential for new applications. New cryptographic
algorithms, key distribution schemes and access control policies are
also encouraged by considering the special characteristics of mobile
and wireless devices. With more and more attacks reported to mobile
devices in last two years, threat detection and protection tools are
highly expected to improve the security. Other issues such as malware,
cyber threat, attack modelling, possible vulnerabilities on the
network infrastructure, security analysis, identity management, attack
tolerance, security recovery and anonymity techniques also need to be
revisited in these critical systems.

This workshop aims to bring together the technologists and researchers
who share interests in the area of security, privacy and trust in
mobile and wireless systems, as well as explore new venues of
collaboration. The main purpose is to promote discussions of research
and relevant activities in the models and designs of secure,
privacy-preserving, or trust architectures, protocols, algorithms,
services, and applications, as well as analysis on cyber threat in
mobile and wireless systems. It also aims at increasing the synergy
between academic and industry professionals working in this area. We
plan to seek papers that address theoretical, experimental research,
and work in-progress for security, privacy and trust related issues in
the context of mobile and wireless systems that include, but are not
limited to, the following

Instructions for Authors 

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original
unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to
the workshop. Submissions should include a title, abstract, keywords,
author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and e-mail address(es) of the
corresponding author. Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in
standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and must
be submitted via EDAS ( ) as PDF files (formatted
for 8.5x11-inch paper). The manuscripts should be no longer than 5
pages. One additional page is permitted if the authors are willing to
pay an over-length charge at the time of publication (manuscripts
should not exceed 6 pages). Submitted papers cannot have been
previously published in or be under consideration for publication in
another journal or conference. The workshop Program Committee reserves
the right to not review papers that either exceed the length
specification or have been submitted or published
elsewhere. Submissions must include a title, abstract, keywords,
author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and e-mail address(es). All
authors of a paper must be registered in the RIGHT order via EDAS at
the SUBMISSION TIME and cannot be changed after the submission due
time at EDAS. The paper title and author name list/order cannot be
changed during the final camera-ready submission. The final program
will be generated from EDAS automatically. A paper abstract must be
registered on EDAS by the deadline.

Review and Publication of Manuscripts

Submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee
and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and
quality of presentation and the comments will be provided to the
authors. Workshop papers will be in the same proceedings of the main
conference papers. An accepted paper must be presented at the ICCCN
2012 venue by one of the authors registered at the full registration
rate. If any accepted paper is not registered, the paper will be
removed from the workshop program and the proceedings. Each workshop
registration covers up to two workshop papers by an author. Accepted
and registered papers will be published in proceedings that will be
available through Xplore. Papers that are not presented at the ICCCN
2012 venue by one of the registered co-authors will not appear in

Outstanding papers will be invited to extend to full version for a
prestigious journal (SCI(E)-indexed), Information - An International
Interdisciplinary Journal and targeting publication in early 2013.