14th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security

December 8-10, 2021, Paris, France
Conference website: http://www.fps-2021.com

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 14th International 
Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security.

The upcoming FPS conference will be held in Paris, France, 8-9-10 
December 2021.

The 1st Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS) Symposium was held in 
2008, following the Canada-France Meeting on Security held at the Simon 
Fraser University, Vancouver, on December 06-08, 2007.

Since then, the FPS Symposium has been held annually, alternating 
Canadian and French locations. After the previous meetings took place in 
Grenoble, Toronto, Paris, Montréal, La Rochelle, Montréal, 
Clermont-Ferrand, Quebec City, Nancy, Montréal, Toulouse, Montréal, this 
14th edition of the FPS symposium will be held in Paris France.

Protecting the communication and data infrastructure of an increasingly 
inter-connected world has become vital to the normal functioning of all 
aspects of our world. Security has emerged as an important scientific 
discipline whose many multifaceted complexities deserve the attention 
and synergy of the mathematical, computer science, and engineering 

The aim of FPS is to discuss and exchange theoretical and practical 
ideas that address privacy and security issues in inter-connected 
systems. It aims to provide scientific presentations as well as to 
establish links, promote scientific collaborations, joint research 
programs, and student exchanges between institutions involved in this 
important and fast-moving research field.

We welcome submissions spanning the full range of theoretical and 
applied for work including user research, methods, tools, simulations, 
demos, and practical evaluations. Submissions should be 6-8 pages for 
full technical papers and 2-4 pages for position papers or demos 
including references.

We also invite papers from researchers and practitioners working in 
security, privacy, trustworthy data systems, and related areas to submit 
their original papers. Special care will be given this year to data 
sharing, data disclosure, individual tracking, and fake news regarding 
their impacts on security and privacy.


They include but are not limited to (alphabetically ordered):

Access control languages
Adversarial AI and Machine Learning in cybersecurity and privacy
Blockchain-based systems security and security services
Code reverse engineering and vulnerability exploitation
Contact / proximity / location tracking
Computer and network security
Cryptography and cryptanalysis
Cybersecurity and Online Gaming
Data brokers and security
Data disclosure
Data mining and watermarking
Data sharing
Distributed security protocols and policies
Ethical and social implications of privacy and security
Fairness, interpretable and explainable algorithms
Fake news (detection, prevention, and remediation)
Image and data forensics
Identity management and Self-sovereign identities
Identity theft
Information manipulation
Information-theoretic security
IoT security and privacy
Malware, botnet, and advanced persistent threats
Misinformation and deep fakes
Multi-party privacy
Privacy and sensitive data management
Privacy and security awareness
Privacy and security challenges in e-Services, e.g. 
eHealth,e-Government, e-Commerce
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Profiling (detection, techniques, tools)
Quantified security and privacy
Recommender systems in privacy and security
Security, privacy, and trust in Industrie 4.0, energy 4.0, SmartCity…
Security and privacy in social networks
Security in sensor networks and RFIDs
Security of cloud computing and grid computing
Security of distributed embedded middleware
Security of service-oriented architectures
Security and privacy management and policies
Side-channel and physical attacks
Threat analysis and trust management


Deadline for Full, Short or Position Papers: September 20, 2021 by 
23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Author Notification: November 1st, 2021
Camera-ready version deadline: November 15th, 2021
Conference: December 8-9-10, 2021


yEsma Aïmeur, Université de Montréal, Canada
Maryline Laurent, Télécom SudParis,  France
E-mail: pc-chairs@fps-2021.com


Reda Yaich (IRT SystemX, France)
Benoît Dupont (University of Montréal, Canada)
E-mail: general-chairs@fps-2021.com


Frédéric Cuppens (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Mourad Debbabi (Concordia University, Canada)
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Telecom SudParis, France)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton University, Canada)
Pascal Lafourcade (Universite d’Auvergne, France)
Jean-Yves Marion (Mines de Nancy, France)
Rei Safavi-Naini (Calgary University, Canada)
Nadia Tawbi (Universite Laval, Canada)