4th Summer School in Computer Security and Privacy
      Cagliari, Italy, September 5-9 2016

              APPLICATION OPEN
            Deadline April 15, 2016

Technology and Security: the current scenario

The tasks of creating, transmitting, processing and storing any kind
of information are more and more demanded to computers. People
communicate with each other through email, instant messages, social
networks platforms. Business relations between people and
organizations, between citizens and public offices are carried out
through computers. The introduction of personal computers and the
diffusion of Internet allowed a rapid and disruptive change in the way
the society is organized and lives. Each individual is immersed in a
continuous information flow that turns the solid foundations of life
of individuals and societies into a liquid state. The benefits of
instant communication are antagonized by the evil effects of
immaterial communication, as for the human being is quite difficult to
weight the value of information. This is quite clear to criminal
organizations that found easy and safe to steal virtual money. The
scenario is evolving quite rapidly as soon as information are
processed and stored somewhere in the cloud and the users access the
information via mobile devices. It turns out that security is a quite
challenging task both from a technical and social viewpoint. Security
enables trust, and trust is the foundation of society. As much as we
rely on computers for information exchange, security issues should be
the first concerns to be addressed.


This school aims at providing a quite accurate overview of the current
scenario, and draw future directions for research activities and good
practices. It is organized into six main themes:

    . Targeted Attacks Analysis, Threat modeling and Investigation
    . Automated detection and characterization of Vulnerable code and Malware
    . Malware Economics
    . Web Security
    . Adversarial and Offensive Machine Learning
    . Social Engineering

Giorgio Giacinto, Davide Ariu, Igino Corona, Dept. of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy.