CRiSIS 2011: 6th International Conference on Risks and Security of
Internet and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-28, 2011.
(Submissions due 10 May 2011).

The International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and
Systems 2011 will be the 6th in a series dedicated to security issues in
Internet-related applications, networks and systems recent advances on
Internet-related security threats and vulnerabilities, and on the
solutions that are needed to counter them.

The topics addressed by CRiSIS range from the analysis of risks, attacks
to networks and system survivability, passing through security models,
security mechanisms and privacy enhancing technologies. Prospective
authors are invited to submit research results as well as practical
experiment or deployment reports. Industrial papers about applications
and case studies, such as telemedicine, banking, e-government and
critical infrastructure, are also welcome. The list of topics includes
but is not limited to:

* Analysis and management of risks
* Attacks and defences
* Attack data acquisition and network monitoring
* Cryptography, Biometrics, Watermarking
* Dependability and fault tolerance of Internet applications
* Distributed systems security
* Embedded system security
* Intrusion detection and Prevention systems
* Hardware-based security and Physical security
* Trust management
* Organizational, ethical and legal issues
* Privacy protection and anonymization
* Security and dependability of operating systems
* Security and safety of critical infrastructures
* Security and privacy of peer-to-peer system
* Security and privacy of wireless networks
* Security models and security policies
* Security of new generation networks, security of VoIP and multimedia
* Security of e-commerce, electronic voting and database systems
* Traceability, metrology and forensics
* Use of smartcards and personal devices for Internet applications
* Web security

For more information, please see