CALL FOR PAPERS (Submissions due Feb 1, 2013)
2013 ACM Asia Public-Key Cryptography Workshop (AsiaPKC 2013)
        May 7, 2013, Hangzhou, China

To be held in conjunction with 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer
Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013)  May 8-10, 2013.  Hangzhou, China.
Public-key cryptography plays an essential role in processing various kinds
of data while assuring different flavors of cryptographic properties. The
theme of this workshop is focused on novel public-key cryptosystems and
techniques that can be used to solve a wide range of real-life application
problems. This workshop solicits original contributions on both applied and
theoretic aspects of public-key cryptography.

The proceedings will be published by ACM Press as conference proceedings in
USB thumb drives and in ACM digital library (i.e., the same as how the
proceedings of ACM AsiaCCS 2013 will be published). Final proceedings
versions for regular papers will be 10 pages and for short papers will be 6
pages, both in ACM standard double-column format.

Topics of interest to the workshop include, but at not limited to:

--Applied public-key cryptography for solving emerging application problems
--Provably-secure public-key primitives and protocols
--Key management for, and by, public-key cryptosystems
--Privacy-preserving cryptographic computations
--Two-party and multi-party computations
--Homomorphic public-key cryptosystems
--Attributed-based and functional public-key cryptography
--Digital signatures with special properties
--System security properties of public-key cryptography
--Post-quantum public-key cryptography
--Fast implementation of public-key cryptosystems

Important dates:

Submission due:             Feb 1, 2013
Notification:               Feb 27, 2013
Proceedings version due:    March 10, 2013

See the workshop website ( for
more information.