3rd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
IEEE ICCWS 2022 (IEEE Conference ID # 56285)
7-8 December, 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan

(NB: this is a different conference than the ACI ICCWS of the same
name: see

IEEE ICCWS-2022 aims to provide a platform to researchers around the World
to share contemporary research and experiences related to emerging areas of
cyber security - The conference will include high-quality and focused
technical program on cyber security with keynotes and invited talks from
prominent industry and academia experts - It will also feature an attractive
Lab-to-Market event to showcase research and industrial exhibition aimed at
industry practitioners, vendors, students, researchers, and local start-up
companies -


Submissions are solicited in the following areas and other closely related
 - Networks and infrastructure security
 - Hardware and systems security
 - Operating systems and software security
 - Web, Big data and Cloud security
 - Distributed systems and data centre security
 - Security and privacy for embedded systems, IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
 - Security, privacy and resilience in critical infrastructures
 - Security issues in 5G Networks and Beyond
 - Security for future Internet architectures and designs
 - Testing, auditing and evaluation of security architectures and models
 - Measurements and monitoring of human behaviours in cyberspace
 - Interdisciplinary research connecting cyber security and privacy to
 - Usable security and privacy: human factors and societal aspects
 - Information security, data provenance, and information assurance
 - Security and privacy issues in Blockchain
 - Security, Privacy, and Trust in Digital Payments and Crypto-currencies
 - Cybercrime defense (anti-phishing, anti-blackmailing, anti-fraud, etc -)
 - Digital forensics, social media, networks, computer and mobile forensics
 - Prevention, detection and investigation of latest cyber-attacks
 - Artificial Intelligence aided security and privacy concerns
 - Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, and prevention
 - Cryptology, cryptanalysis and security analysis of cryptographic
   primitives and protocols
 - (Adversarial) Machine learning and cyber deception
 - (Anti-) Reverse engineering, side channel attacks and physical attacks
 - Protection of digital services and applications
 - Automated security analysis of protocols, source code and binaries
 - Policy making and legal aspects of cyber security (cyber laws and

Research papers can be submitted at:
https://easychair -org/conferences/?conf=iccws2022

Paper submission guidelines available at:
https://www -nccs -pk/Conference/ICCWS-2022-Guidelines

Submission Deadline: Aug 31, 2022
Notification of Acceptance:        15th October 2022
Camera ready version Due: 30th October, 2022 
Conference Dates: Dec 7, 2022 - Dec 8, 2022
Location:      Air University Islamabad, Pakistan