Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008
April 14, 2008
San Francisco, CA, USA

Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association

Co-located with the 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design  
& Implementation (NSDI '08), which will take place April 16-18, 2008,  
and the First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent  
Threats (LEET '08), which will take place April 15, 2008

Submissions due: January 18, 2008
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2008
Final papers due: March 18, 2008


Program Chairs
Elizabeth Churchill, Yahoo! Research
Rachna Dhamija, Harvard University

Program Committee
Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven M. Bellovin, Columbia University
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
Coye Cheshire, University of California, Berkeley
Julie Downs, Carnegie Mellon University
Stuart Schechter, Microsoft Research
Sean Smith, Dartmouth University
J.D. Tygar, University of California, Berkeley
Paul Van Oorschot, Carleton University

Information security involves both technology and people. To design  
and deploy secure systems, we require an understanding of how users  
of those systems perceive, understand, and act on security risks and  

This one-day workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group  
of researchers, systems designers, and developers to discuss how the  
fields of human computer interaction, applied psychology, and  
computer security can be brought together to inform innovations in  
secure systems design. We seek to deepen the conversation about  
usable security to go beyond the user interface, toward developing  
useful and usable systems of humans and technology.

Topics include but are not limited to:

- Error detection and recovery
- Human perception and cognitive information processing
- Identity and impression management
- Individual and cultural differences
- Information seeking and evaluation
- Judgment and decision-making
- Learning, training, and experience
- Mental models
- Models of privacy, sharing, and trust
- Organizational, group, and individual behavior
- Risk perception, risk analysis, and risk communication
- Security behavior study methodology
- Social engineering
- Social influence and persuasion
- System proposals and design approaches
- Threat evaluation
- Usability
- User motivation and incentives for secure behavior

The study of human attention, learning, reasoning, and behavior  
addresses issues of central relevance to computer security. For example:

- Security weaknesses often arise from biases in human perception and  
cognitive information processing. For example, phishing attacks use  
confusing perceptual cues and fear to trick users into revealing  
sensitive information.

- Assessing, creating, and managing secure systems requires ongoing  
information seeking and information evaluation, as new threats emerge  
constantly. However, understanding complex and dynamic systems is  
time-consuming and error-prone, and users have little motivation to  
spend the time and effort that is required.

- The perception of risk can influence users' willingness to employ  
security mechanisms or engage in risky behavior. However, risk  
perception and decision-making are often based on limited domain  
knowledge and are subject to bias; we underestimate some risks and  
exaggerate others.

- People's level of confidence in their risk assessments can be  
perceptually and socially manipulated, independent of actual risks.  
Attackers (and system designers) often create the perception of  
security, even when none exists.

- Human reasoning follows certain patterns, which are subject to  
change with experience. Through training and education, we can help  
users to learn methods and procedures and develop mental models of  
how security systems work.

- People learn through interaction with others. Models of social  
influence suggest that information garnered from a trusted source can  
affect people's behavior or attitudes, but the level of trust  
conferred on others is dependent on situational factors.  
Organizational factors and group behavior can also have a large  
effect on individual behavior.

- Approaches to risk assessment, identity and impression management,  
and trust vary from one individual to another and also vary by culture.

Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008 invites insightful new  
contributions that apply aspects of human/computer interaction and  
applied psychology to solving problems in computer security. We  
invite submissions in two categories.

1. Short papers: We encourage short papers that describe innovative  
work in progress or position papers that map out directions for  
future research or design. Short papers should be no longer than five  
(5) pages.

2. Full papers: Full papers may describe systems, case studies,  
fieldwork descriptions, experimental studies, and design frameworks.  
Full papers must be no longer than ten (10) single-spaced 8.5" x 11"  
pages, including figures, tables, and references.

All submissions should offer new contributions that have not been  
published elsewhere. Author names and affiliations should appear on  
the title page. Submissions must be in PDF and must be submitted via  
the form on the Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008 Call for  
Papers Web site:

Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be  
considered. All submissions will be treated as confidential prior to  
publication in the Proceedings.

Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues,  
submission of previously published work, and plagiarism constitute  
dishonesty or fraud. USENIX, like other scientific and technical  
conferences and journals, prohibits these practices and may, on the  
recommendation of a program chair, take action against authors who  
have committed them. In some cases, program committees may share  
information about submitted papers with other conference chairs and  
journal editors to ensure the integrity of papers under  
consideration. If a violation of these principles is found, sanctions  
may include, but are not limited to, barring the authors from  
submitting to or participating in USENIX conferences for a set  
period, contacting the authors' institutions, and publicizing the  
details of the case.

Note, however, that we expect that many papers accepted for the  
workshop will eventually be extended as full papers suitable for  
presentation at future conferences.

Authors uncertain whether their submission meets USENIX's guidelines  
should contact the Program Chairs,, or the  
USENIX office, .

This workshop evolved from Usable Security (USEC'07). The USEC'07  
program and papers are available on the workshop Web site: