Call for Papers for Indocrypt 2014

Indocrypt 2014 is the 15th International Conference on Cryptology in
India.  The conference will take place during 14-17 December, 2014 in
New Delhi, India.  Indocrypt 2014 is partof the Indocrypt series
organized under the aegis of the Cryptology Research Society of India
(CRSI). This year the conference will be organized by the Scientific
Analysis Group (SAG),DRDO, New Delhi, India. Original papers are
solicited for all technical aspects of Cryptography for submission to
INDOCRYPT 2014. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: new
cryptographic primitive proposals, cryptanalysis, security models,
implementation aspects, privacy issues, cryptographic protocols,
quantum/post-quantum cryptography.

Instructions for Authors

The submission deadline is 18th July, 2014.

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors
has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any journal or
other conference or workshop that has proceedings. Information about
submissions may be shared with program chairs of other conferences for that
purpose. Accepted submissions must not appear in any other conference or
workshop with proceedings. The submission must be in English. It must be
anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious
references. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of
keywords, and its introduction should summarize the contributions of the
paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.

The length of the submission should be at most 12 pages excluding
bibliography and appendices. It should be in single-column format, use at
least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. There is no page limit
on the total length of the paper but accepted papers will be restricted to
no more than 18 pages in LNCS style. Authors are encouraged to use this
space to include proofs, source code, and other information allowing
verification of results; unverifiable papers risk rejection. However,
committee members will read beyond 12 pages at their discretion, so the
submission should be intelligible without the appendices.

The following is the online submission server link:
Submission Link:

More details can be found in: