14TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design
FOSAD 2014


1-6 September 2014, Bertinoro, Italy

In cooperation with NESSoS and CryptoForma

*** Application Deadline: June 20, 2014

FOSAD has been one of the foremost events established
with the goal of disseminating knowledge about
foundations of security analysis and design to
graduate students and young computer scientists from
academia or industry.


Jens Groth - University College London
Steve Kremer - INRIA Nancy
Siani Pearson - HP Labs Bristol
Alexander Pretschner - TU Munchen
Andrei Sabelfeld - Chalmers University
Vitaly Shmatikov - University of Texas

Topics include zero knowledge, efficient NIZKs and
their applications, formal methods for automated
verification of security protocols and APIs, privacy
and accountability in the cloud, distributed usage
control, language based security, data privacy and
communication privacy technologies.

The courses alternate theory and practice sessions.

Program and additional material will be soon
available at the FOSAD web page.


Daily sessions will be organized for participants
who intend to take advantage of the audience for
presenting their current research/tool in the area.


Martin Abadi         Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini    Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe        Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten         Bart Preneel
Sandro Etalle


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the
FOSAD web page by:
    June 20, 2014.
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
    June 27, 2014.
Registration to the school is due by:
    July 25, 2014.


The full fee is 900 Euros and covers stay from 31
August, in double room, half board (breakfast and
lunch), welcome dinner of 31 August and social
dinner included.
A limited amount of grants will be provided to
cover part of the fee for young researchers.


FOSAD 2014 is organized in cooperation with the
Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future
Internet Software Services and Systems:
NESSoS, http://www.nessos-project.eu
and with the EPSRC CryptoForma network on the
application of formal methods to cryptography: